Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
67624 IMF Economic Review
67627 International Journal of Trade, Economics, and Finance (IJTEF)
67628 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 0975-9646 IJCSIT
67629 Transboundary and emerging diseases 1865-1674 Wiley-Blackwell
67631 Middle Ground Journal of Literary and Cultural Encounters
67633 IEEE Proceedings
67634 WAVES
67636 IOPscience Login Create account Athens/Institutional login Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
67638 Ann. Chim. Fr
67643 Linguamatica
67645 article de revue
67647 Ceramica (The official Journal of the Brazilian Ceramic Society)
67648 Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
67651 Journal of Science and Technology(University of Danang)
67654 Journal Geol. Soc. Spec. Public
67658 BMC Medical Genomics 1755-8794 BioMed Central
66470 International Journal for the Study of New Religions
66471 Modeling, Measurement and Control
66472 Tōhōgaku 東方学
66473 Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys
66483 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch)
66484 Bulletin de l'Association Française des Anthropologues 0249-7476 Association française des anthropologues, 1979-1990
66485 Tempo Médical 0778-130X Medipress services S.A
66488 Revue Méditerranéenne de Génétique Humaine
66492 Interdépendances
66493 The Ryukyuanist
66496 Mater Science Engineering C
66500 Chemistry of Nucleic acid Components
66502 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL)
66503 Cahiers du Comité d'histoire des administrations chargées du travail
66504 Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter ISBN 978-3-89645-719-6
66509 Annales : Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations 1774-2234 Armand Colin
66512 International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies
66514 Developments in Language Theory
66516 Electrum : Journal of Ancient History
66519 Itinerario : International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction
66521 Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara 0984-7685 Paris : Les Indes savantes, 2007
66522 Journal Communication and Cognition
66523 Le monde des débats
66525 SOFW journal
66526 Double Jeu : Théâtre / Cinéma 1762-0597 Presses universitaires de Caen
66529 Dire
66530 Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 1679-8759 Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico
66532 SOFW-Journal
66533 Revue de l'Archéologie de l'Est
66534 J. Autommunity
66535 J. Vet Intern. Med
66538 Clin. Cytometry
66544 Medievalismo 1131-8155 Universidad de Murcia
66546 chem papers
66549 Grasas y Aceites
66552 networks and communication studies
66553 Bull. Soc Royale des Sci de liège
66556 Arabian Journal of Chemestry (bank Sciences Direct)
66557 Geriatria e Gerontologia
66559 Int J Electrochem Sci
66561 Edition du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques
66562 ITALICS e-Journal
66566 Hermenia, Revista di studii si cercetari hermeneutice
66567 Filo-sofija 1642-3267 Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
66571 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies
66572 Meat Sci
66573 European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1689-8311 Akademos Press
66574 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
66575 Current research in the Pleistocene 8755-898X Center for the Study of the First Americans
66576 Biologie-Géologie
66577 Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D)
66578 IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter
66584 Note de Veille Machinisme Agricole CETIM
66587 Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration
66589 African Journal of Marketing Management
66590 European Journal of Educational Studies
66591 International Journal of the Physical Sciences
66592 African Journal of Business Management
66594 Acta Electrotehnica Ioan G. TARNOVAN
66595 Analytical chemistry letters 2230-7532 Taylor & Francis
66596 Diachroniques
66600 Annales d'Oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale
66604 Nature Reviews Neurology 1759-4758 Nature Publishing Group
66605 Journal of Combustion 2090-1968 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
66606 Journal of Optical Communications
66608 Orients
66611 Oihenart
66612 Revue Poiesis
66613 Revista de estudos constitucionais, Hermenêutica e teoria do direito 2175-2168 Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
66614 Frontiers in Science and Engineering (international journal)
66617 Revista de derecho privado y comunitario
66620 Modeling and Verifying Parallel Processes
66622 Polymer Science
66624 Topoi Orient - Occident 1161-9473 Lyon : Association des amis de la Bibliothèque Salomon Reinach
66625 Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter
66630 Le bulletin français d'actuariat
66631 Terroirs
66632 Emotion, Space and Society 1755-4586 Elsevier
66637 Le Rail
66638 ARLO