Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2365 Sprouts : Working Papers on Information Systems 1535-6078 Sprouts Alliance
57745 Spéléo magazine 1629-1573 Spéléo magazine
126892 La revue Squire Patton Boggs
473989 Info-Nature 0750-4586 Srepen (Réunion)
22479 Ceylon Medical Journal 0009-0875 Sri Lanka Medical Association
484800 Journal on Mathematics Education 2087-8885 Sriwijaya University
779500 Collagen and Leather 2097-1419 Srpinger
98406 Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta 0584-9888 Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti - Vizantološki institut
106061 Archives of Biological Science 0354-4664 Srpsko Bioloko Drutvo
138688 Journal of Zoological Research 2637-5575 Sryahwa Publications
148058 EthnoAnthropoZoom 1857-968X Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
133987 St Edmund Hall Magazine St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford
140960 The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 1750-399X St Jerome Pub
489403 ANALOGIA 2529-0967 St Maxim the Greek Institute
113829 ВОПРОСЫ МУЗЕОЛОГИИ (The problems of museology) St Petersbourg University, Russia
149221 Philologia Classica 0202-2532 St Petersburg State University Publishing House
280938 Indian Theological Studies (ITS) St Peter’s Pontifical Institute (Bangalore, Inde) [1964-....]
393732 Stranger With Friction St Rooster Books
647669 St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 0036-3227 St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
944736 St. Antony’s International Review St. Antony's International Review
148318 Проглас / Proglas 2367-8585 St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Press
169598 Lenz-Jahrbuch Literatur, Kultur, Medien 1750-1800 St. Ingbert, Röhrig Universitäts-Verlag
8672 Saint Johns Law Review 0036-2905 St. John's Law Review
3831 Catholic Lawyer 0008-8137 St. John's University School of Law
8671 St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 1049-0299 St. John's University School of Law
5205 Historical Bulletin 0361-5456 St. Louis : Dept. of History, St. Louis University
8338 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 0898-8404 St. Louis University School of Law
5246 Hospital progress 0018-5817 St. Louis, Catholic Health Association of the United States
8690 Station Bulletin 0362-8167 St. Paul : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota
4786 The Farmer 0896-5579 St. Paul, Minn. : Webb Pub. Co
937979 The Oirats and Tibet. Historical heritage and modern perspectives St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers
937946 Tibetology in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers
105014 Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 2220-8054 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
162014 Proslogion. Sudies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture 2308-0698 St. Petersburg State University
110404 Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University 2411-1210 St. Petersburg University Press
134763 The Light of Christ Enlightens All 2658-7599 St. Philaret's Christian Orthodox Institute
8675 St. Thomas law review 1065-318X St. Thomas University School of Law
788067 St. Tikhon’s University Review 1991-640X St. Tikhon’s University Press
97987 Archaeologia mosellana 1027-8311 Staatliches Konservatoramt des Saarlandes ; Metz : Service régional de l'archéologie de Lorraine ; Luxembourg : Musée national d'histoire et d'art
3632 Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 0165-9510 Staatsuitgeverij
160175 Handelingen van de Geschied- en oudheidkundige kring van Oudenaarde, van zijn kastelnij en van den lande tusschen Maercke en Ronne 2033-4176 Stad Oudenaarde
328295 Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch Stadtbibliothek Trier
3801 Candy Industry 0745-1032 Stagnito Communications
39058 Food and Drug Packaging 1085-2077 Stagnito Communications
40024 National provisioner 0027-996X Stagnito Publishing Co
3400 Beverage Industry 0148-6187 Stagnito Publishing Company
8678 Stained Glass 0038-9161 Stained Glass
8679 Stained Glass -Kansas City 1067-8867 Stained Glass Association of America
8680 Stained Glass Quarterly 0895-7002 Stained Glass Quarterly
3574 Buildings 0007-3725 Stamats Communications, Inc
752103 Italianistica. Nuova serie 2610-9522 Stampa Università Ca' Foscari
134919 A Rivista di l'Accademia Stamperia Sammarcelli
77410 Linguistic Issues in Language Technology 1945-3604 Stanford Calif.: CSLI Publications
8681 Stanford Environmental Law Annual 0197-7873 Stanford Environmental Law Society, Stanford Law School
8682 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 0892-7138 Stanford Law School
8684 Stanford Journal of International Law 0731-5082 Stanford Law School
8685 Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance 1078-8794 Stanford Law School
8686 Stanford Law Review 0038-9765 Stanford Law School
2368 Stanford Technology Law Review 1098-4267 Stanford Law School
39800 KnowMap 1499-1209 Stanford Solutions Inc
713 Education Next 1539-9664 Stanford University
2366 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1095-5054 Stanford University
179483 Terror and the Making of Modern Europe: Transatlantic Perspectives on the History of Violence Stanford University
126646 Dibur : literary journal 2228-3552 Stanford University Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
8683 Stanford Humanities Review 1048-3721 Stanford University, Humanities Center
163030 Mongolica Pragensia 1803-5647 Stanislav Juhaňák – TRITON
9387 World Press Review 0195-8895 Stanley Foundation
39312 Infant 1745-1205 Stansted News Limited
3129 Arizona Attorney 1040-4090 State Bar of Arizona
3691 California International Practitioner 1075-0649 State Bar of California
3697 California Real Property Journal 1052-2921 State Bar of California
5009 Georgia Bar Journal 1085-1437 State Bar of Georgia
5014 Georgia State Bar journal 0016-8416 State Bar of Georgia
7077 Michigan Bar Journal 0164-3576 State Bar of Michigan
7085 Michigan State Bar Journal 0026-2447 State Bar of Michigan
7362 Nevada State Bar Journal 0028-4092 State Bar of Nevada
8601 South Dakota Bar Journal 0038-3244 State Bar of South Dakota
9317 Wisconsin Lawyer 1043-0490 State Bar of Wisconsin
8687 State government (Denver, Colo.) 0039-0097 State Government
160980 Mining Electromechanics and Automatics 0201-7814 State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University
5713 Iowa Library Quarterly 0021-0579 State Library of Iowa
6730 Lasie 0047-3774 State Library of New South Wales
3973 CLIC Quarterly 0736-0045 State University of New York
116158 Palimpsest. A Journal on Women, Gender and the Black International 2165-1612 State University of New York Press
151966 Studies in American Jewish Literature 0271-9274 State University of New York Press
1398 Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 1070-8286 State University of New York at Albany
7008 MC Journal 1069-6792 State University of New York at Buffalo
3568 Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 1098-3643 State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Law
3165 Art Criticism 0195-4148 State University of New York at Stony Brook
3899 Child Study Journal 0009-4005 State University of New York, College at Buffalo
3929 Christianity and Literature 0148-3331 State University of West Georgia
1104 Integers : Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 1553-1732 State University of West Georgia, Charles University, and DIMATIA
3474 Bok og Bibliotek 0006-5811 Statens Bibliotektilsyn
1829 Nordic Road and Transport Research 1101-5179 Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut
7417 New Statesman & Society 0954-2361 Statesman and Nation Publishing Company
23189 Cahiers de Biologie Marine 0007-9723 Station Biologique de Roscoff
104456 Revue suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture, Horticulture 0375-1430 Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins : AMTRA
47627 Sort: Statistics and Operations Research Transactions 1696-2281 Statistical Institute of Catalonia
22159 Health Reports 0840-6529 Statistics Canada
106649 Survey Methodology 0714-0045 Statistics Canada