Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
144532 Local Environment 1354-9839
456291 Local Environment
139575 Local History News 0969-3521 British Association for Local History
528029 Local and Regional Anesthesia Dovepress
154379 Local land and soil news
33754 Local public finance in Europe. Balancing the budget and controlling debt
663372 Locke Studies 2561-925X
148585 Locus - Revista De História 2594-8296
137686 Locus Amoenus 1135-9722
93662 Locus Territoires, gpA [Lausanne]
86364 Locus, Revista de História
749060 Locus: Revista De História 2594-8296 Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
137443 Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 1895-6106
601806 Lodz Studies in Language 1437-5281 Peter Lang
71343 Log
121374 Log 1547-4690 Anyone Corporation
166529 Log forum- Scientific journal of logistics 1734-459X Poznan School of Logistics
126076 LogForum
36815 Logement et famille : des droits en question
569820 Logic Logic Magazine
115326 Logic Jnl IGPL
53273 Logic and Analysis
106621 Logic and Logical Philosophy 1425-3305 Nicolaus Copernicus University Scientific Publishing House
43724 Logic and Philosophy of Science: An Electronic Journal (L&PS)
65756 Logic in Computer Science, Symposium on
182453 Logica Universalis
182457 Logica Universalis (Logica Universalis)
176179 Logical Methods in Computer Science
57435 Logical analysis and history of philosophy = Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse
35702 Logique de Création. Métamorphose des Organisations, l'Harmattan,
31382 Logiques de l'espaces, esprit des lieux. Géographies à Cerisy
71982 Logistica Management
144690 Logistics Research 1865-035X
162845 Logistik
125907 Logistik und Supply Chain Management 2191-2424 University of Bamberg
149035 Logistique & Management
101963 Logistiques Magazine Wolters Kluwer
771499 – Journal of Philosophy 2420-9775
100408 Logos (Moskva)
65167 Logos and Episteme
900416 Logos, A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
872814 Logos, Revista Filosofico-Teologica - Escuela de ciencias teologicas
885771 Logos. A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
165688 Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica 1575-6866
90763 Logos. Refereed Journal of Languages and Translation, revue annuelle du Center for Foreign Languages and Professional Translation de l'Université du Caire
149646 Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 0716-7520
128341 Logosphère 1698-8981 Universidad de Granada
54631 Loire
156125 Loire Magazine Magazine Interprofessionnel des Vignobles d'Anjou de Saumur et de la Touraine
843202 Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure Routledge
145311 Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure
174791 Loisir et Société/ Society and Leisure
52680 Loisir et société
92868 Loisirs Education - La revue de la JPA
54367 Loisirs et société Presses de l'Université du Québec
179666 Loisirs éducation 1633-0269
175962 Lola
126427 Lombardia Sociale
540974 Lomonosov Journal of Philology 0130-0075
88422 Londes en développement
37173 London Conference DIME, "Rules, Norms and standards on knowledge exchange" March 23-24 2006
37171 London Conference, Intellectual Property Rights for Business and Society, DIME, September 14-15 2006
859059 London Journal of Research In Computer Science and Technology 2514-8648 Journals Press
62612 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series
33979 London and Paris as International Financial Centres in the Twentieth Century
732493 Long Range Planning
144357 Long Range Planning 0024-6301
176371 Long Range Planning
182648 Long-Distance Systemic Signaling and Communication in Plants 1867-9048
143539 Lope de Barrientos: Seminario de cultura 1888-9530 Asociación Seminario de Cultura Lope de Barrientos (
43971 Lorraines (Bulletin de liaison du Groupe Lorraine de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français),
43860 Lorraines, bulletin de liaison du groupe Lorraine de l'ABF
30098 Los Alamos National Laboratory
158878 Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya
89365 Los Rocaires
31130 Los espacios rurales entre hoy y manana
158057 Los flamencos no comen
91219 Loss Prevention Bulletin
172183 Lotharingia
400134 Lotmanovkie čtenija Université RGGU (Moscou)
181758 Lou Felibrige
55791 Lou Païs
178396 Lou Sourgentin 1243-0773
703939 Lou champaignat 1240-2575
577407 Louvain
900420 Louvain Studies
294781 Low Carbon Economy 2158-7000
69612 Low Temp Phys
104395 Low Temp. Phys
124577 Low Temperature Electronics
92380 Low pay review
835803 Low/Tech journal 2825-6190 Edition Dandelion
841521 Loxias
766911 Loxias 29 Eros traducteur
145812 LtextquotesingleEncéphale
163294 Lubricants
750869 Lucentum 1989-9904 Universidad de Alicante
77779 Lucerna