Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
54266 Heurs et malheurs du professionnalisme
129254 Heveltica Chimica Acta
91213 Hexagone Environnement
13986 Heythrop Journal 0018-1196 Wiley
145966 HiMA : revue internationale d'histoire militaire ancienne 2491-6943 Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté (PUFC) ; (ancien éditeur : Klincksieck et Cie)
94459 HiN. Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien
986 HiN: Alexander von Humboldt im Netz / International Review for Humboldtian Studies 1617-5239 Universitätsverlag Potsdam
39210 HiP: HR in Practice acirrt
64579 HiPEAC Info HiPEAC
5180 Hibbert Journal 0950-1916
154342 Hidrotechnica
33160 Hierarchy in Natural and social Sciences
129420 Hieros. Bulletin annuel de l'Association belgo-luxembourgeoise d'Histoire des religions
13884 High Ability Studies 1359-8139 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
152577 High Altitude Medicine & Biology
878530 High Altitude Medicine & Biology 1557-8682 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc
13885 High Altitude Medicine and Biology 1527-0297 Mary Ann Liebert
13886 High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention 1120-9879 Springer Verlag
39206 High Country News 0191-5657 High Country News
118461 High Energy Chemistry
13887 High Energy Chemistry / Khimiya Vysokikh Energii 0018-1439 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
13888 High Energy Density Physics 1574-1818 Elsevier
180816 High Energy Density Physics
984 High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine 1424-2729 C E R N - European Laboratory for Particle Physics
42633 High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics -Beijing 0254-3052 Chinese Physical Society
5181 High Fidelity (Musical America edition) 0735-777X High Fidelity/Musical America
5182 High Fidelity (New York, N.Y.) 0018-1455 High Fidelity
5183 High Fidelity and Musical America 0018-1463
150747 High Frequency 2470-6981
5184 High Performance 0160-9769 High Performance
93470 High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2009. HPCS '09. International Conference on
78329 High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2010 International Conference on
637560 High Performance Magnets and their Applications, Ed. by N. M. Dempsey and P. de Rango, p. 212 (2004)
13889 High Performance Polymers 0954-0083 SAGE Publications
260274 High Performance Polymers
87994 High Performing Building Journal
786187 High Power Laser Sci.Eng
128957 High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2095-4719 Cambridge University Press
132834 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 1001-4322 China Academy of Engineering Physics and Nuclear Society
56015 High Pres. Res
13890 High Pressure Research 0895-7959 Taylor & Francis
180436 High Pressure Research
5186 High School Magazine 1070-9533 National Association of Secondary School Principals
5188 High Technology Business 0895-8432 High Technology Business
63492 High Technology Plasma Processes
509445 High Technology Small Firms
61609 High Temp. Mater. Process
142519 High Temperature
13891 High Temperature / Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur 0018-151X MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
636962 High Temperature Corrosion of Materials 2731-8400 Springer Nature
261231 High Temperature Material Processes
13892 High Temperature Material Processes: An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes 1093-3611 Begell House
970554 High Temperature Science 0018-1536 Academic Press, New York, NY
13893 High Temperatures-High Pressures 0018-1544 Old City Publishing
50746 High Times
163460 High Voltage IET
270940 High altitude medicine & biology/High Alt Med Biol 1527-0297 Larchmont, NY : Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., c2000
5187 High technology (Boston, Mass.) 0277-2981 High Technology Magazine
5189 High technology law journal 0885-2715 University of California Press
87202 High-Performance Computing Magazine HPC Médias
179072 High-Quality Genome Sequence Assembly of R.A73 Enterococcus faecium Isolated from Freshwater sh mucus Exhibiting high Probiotic Potential
30039 High-Temp. Dust Laden Jets Solonenko and Fedorchenko (Eds)
903339 High-Temperature Materials 3006-9971 SCIEPublish
123495 High-Throughput 2571-5135 MDPI
803050 High-speed Railway 2949-8678
121535 High-temperature materials and processes 0334-6455 de Gruyter
143817 HighTemperatures - High Pressures
13894 Higher Brain Function Research 1348-4818 Japan Society for Higher Brain Dysfunction
5190 Higher Education 0018-1560 Springer Verlag
39207 Higher Education Management and Policy 1682-3451 OECD Publishing
985 Higher Education Perspectives 1710-1530 University of Toronto Press
13895 Higher Education Policy 0952-8733 Palgrave Macmillan
169272 Higher Education Policy
5191 Higher Education Quarterly 0951-5224 Wiley
159589 Higher Education Quarterly 0951-5224
13896 Higher Education Research and Development 0729-4360 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13241 Higher Education in Europe 0379-7724 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
163855 Higher Education in Russia 2072-0459
137446 Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 2042-3896 University Vocational Awards Council
25511 Higher Education. The international journal of higher education and educational planning Kluwer Academic Publishers
149885 Higher Gradient Materials and Related Generalized Continua
156617 Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industries Scientific Works
130754 Higher Learning Research Communications
98769 Higher Order Symbolic Computation
124131 Higher School of Economics Economic Journal 1813-8691 National Research University Higher School of Economics
133723 Higher Structures 2209-0606 Macquarie University
169395 Higher education in Europe
169400 Higher education quarterly
13897 Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 1388-3690 Springer Verlag
30406 Highlight in Psik Newsletter
129455 Highlights
979831 Highlights de SOLEIL 2023
49412 Highlights of Astronomy Cambridge University Press
82802 Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII
256075 Highlights of Sustainability 2696-628X Highlights of Science
456137 Highlights of Vehicles 2696-8347
182372 Highlights on Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 9
5192 Highway & Heavy Construction 0362-0506 Highway & Heavy Construction
5193 Highway & Heavy Construction Products 1062-5194 Highway & Heavy Construction Products
66316 Highway and urban environment