Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
17968 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 0270-3181 Taylor & Francis
17969 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 0194-2638 Taylor & Francis
100787 Physical aspects of fracture
7793 Physical educator 0031-8981 Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity
149297 Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics
89027 Physical, Review
116300 Physicalia
160422 Physicalia Magazine 0770-0520 Belgian Physical Society
40216 Physician Assistant 8750-7544 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
21486 Physician Executive 0898-2759 Unknown
7795 Physician and Sports Medicine 0091-3847 McGraw-Hill
74241 PhysicoChemical Hydrodynamics
108615 Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing 1643-1049 Wrocław University of Science and Technology
17984 Physics 0148-6349 American Institute of Physics (AIP)
167490 Physics 2624-8174 MDPI
686904 Physics APS
674339 Physics APS
143184 Physics
107981 Physics 1943-2879 American Physical Society
135067 Physics American Physical Society
20337 Physics - Uspekhi
52069 Physics Chemistry of Minerals
170088 Physics Comment: A Southern African Physics Magazine SAIP
17992 Physics Education 0031-9120 IOP Publishing
75114 Physics Essays 0836-1398 Cenveo Publisher Services
64505 Physics Geophysics
1941 Physics Journal of the IPS 1410-8860 Indonesian Physical Society
17996 Physics Letters 0031-9163 Elsevier
702866 Physics Letters
17997 Physics Letters A 0375-9601 Elsevier
553048 Physics Letters A
17998 Physics Letters B 0370-2693 Elsevier
181845 Physics Letters B
176027 Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
139482 Physics News 0253-7583 Indian Physics Association
165105 Physics Open 2666-0326 Elsevier
103770 Physics Procedia 1875-3892 Elsevier
18009 Physics Reports 0370-1573 Elsevier
171663 Physics Reports
119014 Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters
110020 Physics Research International 2090-2220 Hindawi
24890 Physics Review
47816 Physics Review B
24885 Physics Reviews B
7796 Physics Teacher 0031-921X American Association of Physics Teachers
147367 Physics Today
29960 Physics Uspekhi
20342 Physics World 0953-8585 Institute of Physics Publishing
172487 Physics World
546654 Physics and Astrophysics of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays, Edited by M. Lemoine, G. Sigl, Lecture Notes in Physics
20338 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
40217 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 0031-9090 Society of Glass Technology
85478 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B 1753-3562 Society of Glass Technology
17985 Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 0031-9104 Taylor & Francis
17986 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 0342-1791 Springer Verlag
182190 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
783119 Physics and Chemistry of The Earth 0079-1946 Elsevier [1956-1998]
98737 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Parts A/B/C 1474-7065 Elsevier [2002-....]
125788 Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 2405-6316 ESTRO, the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology,
60484 Physics and Modelling, N. Swaminathan and K.N.C. Bray (Eds) Cambridge University Press
127959 Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices Xxi
17988 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A: Solid earth and geodesy 1464-1895 Elsevier [1999-2001]
17989 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part B: Hydrology, oceans and atmosphere 1464-1909 Elsevier [1999-2001]
17990 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part C: Solar-terrestrial and planetary science 1464-1917 Elsevier [1999-2001]
143443 Physics in Canada 0031-9147 Canadian Association of Physicists
175082 Physics in Medicine 2352-4510 Elsevier
17993 Physics in Medicine and Biology 0031-9155 IOP Publishing
17994 Physics in Perspective 1422-6944 Springer Verlag
17995 Physics in Technology 0305-4624 Institute of Physics (IOP)
21033 Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Yadernaya fizika)
17999 Physics of Atomic Nuclei / Yadernaya Fizika 1063-7788 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
44897 Physics of Fluid
18000 Physics of Fluids 1070-6631 American Institute of Physics
324525 Physics of Fluids
18001 Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 0899-8213 American Institute of Physics (AIP)
18002 Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics (1989-1993) 0899-8221 American Institute of Physics (AIP)
18003 Physics of Life Reviews 1571-0645 Elsevier
223982 Physics of Life Reviews
147019 Physics of Life Reviews 1873-1457
148925 Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures
75175 Physics of Particles and Nuclei
78390 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letter
18005 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters / PisВ'ma v Zhurnal Fizika Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnogo Yadra 1547-4771 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
18006 Physics of Plasmas 1070-664X American Institute of Physics
545718 Physics of Plasmas
47029 Physics of Vibrations
171514 Physics of Wave Phenomena 1541-308X Springer
340687 Physics of fluids 1089-7666
110005 Physics of the Dark Universe 2212-6864 Elsevier
18007 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 0031-9201 Elsevier
120136 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
18008 Physics of the Solid State 1063-7834 Springer
81824 Physics of the Solid State American Institute of Physics
7797 Physics today 0031-9228 American Institute of Physics
18010 Physics-Uspekhi 1063-7869 Turpion
40218 PhysicsWorld Archive IOP Publishing Limited
63503 Physicsl Review B
87489 Physik Journal
18011 Physik in unserer Zeit 0031-9252 Wiley-VCH Verlag
56072 Physika scripta
20343 Physikalische Blatter
50550 Physio-Géo - Géographie Physique et Environnement 1958-573X AERES
83471 Physioacta
72097 Physiogéo
146402 Physiol Genomics
88849 Physiol Rep
42373 Physiol. Biochemical. Zool
28375 Physiol. Res
99545 Physiol. Vég
984535 Physiologia 2673-9488
159918 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317
7798 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317 Wiley
21485 Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical Nmr 0748-6642 Physiological Chemistry and Physics
18014 Physiological Entomology 0307-6962 Wiley
144191 Physiological Entomology
18015 Physiological Genomics 1094-8341 American Physiological Society
527633 Physiological Genomics 1531-2267
18016 Physiological Measurement 0967-3334 IOP Publishing
157441 Physiological Plant Pathology 0048-4059
101999 Physiological Reports 2051-817X Wiley
107473 Physiological Reports
1942 Physiological Research 0862-8408 Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences
7800 Physiological Reviews 0031-9333 American Physiological Society
7801 Physiological Zoology 0031-935X University of Chicago Press
7799 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 1522-2152 University of Chicago Press
166724 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
18013 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 0885-5765 Elsevier
138943 Physiological genomics
120747 Physiologie Végétale 0031-9368 Société française de physiologie végétale
1943 Physiologist 0031-9376 American Physiological Society
21484 Physiology 1548-9213 American Physiological Society
18017 Physiology & behavior 0031-9384 Elsevier
98572 Physiology (Bethesda, Md.)
100465 Physiology News
138093 Physiology News 2041-6512 The Physiological Society
157549 Physiology and Biochemistry of Food Components
166851 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0971-5894 Springer
217826 Physiology international 2498-602X Hungarian Academy of Sciences
18018 Physioscience 1860-3092 Georg Thieme Verlag
40219 Physiotherapy 0031-9406 Elsevier
40220 Physiotherapy Canada 0300-0508 University of Toronto Press
40221 Physiotherapy Frontline 1356-9791 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
18019 Physiotherapy Research International 1358-2267 Wiley
18020 Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 0959-3985 Taylor & Francis
177383 Physiotherapy research international 1471-2865
25227 Physique Revue B
176473 Physique énergétique
171951 Physis
148649 Physis Terrae - Revista Ibero-Afro-Americana de Geografia Física e Ambiente 2184-626X Universidade do Minho
127564 Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva
43298 Physis; rivista internazionale di storia della scienza 0031-9414 Leo Olschki Editore
160096 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
120605 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
98345 PhytoChem & BioSub Journal 2170-1768
603506 PhytoFrontiers 2690-5442 APS Publications
714562 PhytoFrontiers
171836 PhytoFrontiers™ APS
107741 PhytoKeys 1314-2011 Pensoft
142397 Phytobiomes Journal APS Publications
140465 Phytochem. Review
18021 Phytochemical Analysis 0958-0344 Wiley
7802 Phytochemistry 0031-9422 Elsevier
160085 Phytochemistry 0031-9422
135122 Phytochemistry
105958 Phytochemistry Letters 1874-3900 Elsevier
153186 Phytochemistry Letters 1874-3900
47163 Phytochemistry Research Progress
18022 Phytochemistry Reviews 1568-7767 Springer Verlag
18023 Phytocoenologia 0340-269X Borntraeger Science Publishers
83929 Phytokeys
147843 Phytologia 0031-9430 Texensis Publishing
159731 Phytoma 0048-4091
102786 Phytoma 2265-089X Groupe France Agricole
979517 Phytoma : la défense des Végétaux 1164-6993 Editions France Agricole
155576 Phytoma España 1131-8988
104516 Phytoma la Défense des Végétaux 1164-6993 Ruralia/Le Carrousel
156057 Phytomagazine
18024 Phytomedicine 0944-7113 Elsevier
101018 Phytomedicine / Phytomedicine (Jena)
102561 Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology 1618-095X
156223 Phytomedizin 0944-0933
99546 Phytomorphology
826630 Phyton, Annales Rei Botanicae 0079-2047 Berger and Sohne
139802 Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany 0031-9457 Tech Science Press
106311 Phytoneuron 2153-733X Phytoneuron
108899 Phytoparasitica 0334-2123 Springer
131740 Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 2249-4669 Technology Society Of Basic And Applied Sciences
120335 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 0031-9465 Firenze University Press
157288 Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 0031-9481
7803 Phytopathology 0031-949X American Phytopathological Society
159926 Phytopathology 0031-949X
154968 Phytopathology Research 2524-4167
146738 Phytopharmacology 2046-1194 Inforesights publishing
156677 Phytophthora Newsletter (Versailles) 0983-1401
40222 Phytoprotection 0031-9511 NRC Research Press
114103 Phytotaxa 1179-3155 Magnolia Press
160313 Phytotaxonomy 0972-4206 Association for Plant Taxonomy
18025 Phytotherapy Research 0951-418X Wiley
173858 Phytotherapy Research
31932 Phytotherapy research : PTR