Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
149297 Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics
89027 Physical, Review
116300 Physicalia
160422 Physicalia Magazine 0770-0520 Belgian Physical Society
40216 Physician Assistant 8750-7544 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
21486 Physician Executive 0898-2759 Unknown
7795 Physician and Sports Medicine 0091-3847 McGraw-Hill
74241 PhysicoChemical Hydrodynamics
108615 Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing 1643-1049 Wrocław University of Science and Technology
17984 Physics 0148-6349 American Institute of Physics (AIP)
167490 Physics 2624-8174 MDPI
107981 Physics 1943-2879 American Physical Society
143184 Physics
135067 Physics American Physical Society
674339 Physics APS
686904 Physics APS
20337 Physics - Uspekhi
52069 Physics Chemistry of Minerals
170088 Physics Comment: A Southern African Physics Magazine SAIP
17992 Physics Education 0031-9120 IOP Publishing
75114 Physics Essays 0836-1398 Cenveo Publisher Services
64505 Physics Geophysics
1941 Physics Journal of the IPS 1410-8860 Indonesian Physical Society
17996 Physics Letters 0031-9163 Elsevier
702866 Physics Letters
17997 Physics Letters A 0375-9601 Elsevier
553048 Physics Letters A
17998 Physics Letters B 0370-2693 Elsevier
181845 Physics Letters B
176027 Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
139482 Physics News 0253-7583 Indian Physics Association
165105 Physics Open 2666-0326 Elsevier
103770 Physics Procedia 1875-3892 Elsevier
18009 Physics Reports 0370-1573 Elsevier
171663 Physics Reports
119014 Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters
110020 Physics Research International 2090-2220 Hindawi
24890 Physics Review
47816 Physics Review B
24885 Physics Reviews B
7796 Physics Teacher 0031-921X American Association of Physics Teachers
147367 Physics Today
29960 Physics Uspekhi
20342 Physics World 0953-8585 Institute of Physics Publishing
172487 Physics World
546654 Physics and Astrophysics of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays, Edited by M. Lemoine, G. Sigl, Lecture Notes in Physics
20338 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
40217 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 0031-9090 Society of Glass Technology
85478 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B 1753-3562 Society of Glass Technology
17985 Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 0031-9104 Taylor & Francis
17986 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 0342-1791 Springer Verlag
182190 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
783119 Physics and Chemistry of The Earth 0079-1946 Elsevier [1956-1998]
98737 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Parts A/B/C 1474-7065 Elsevier [2002-....]
125788 Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 2405-6316 ESTRO, the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology,
60484 Physics and Modelling, N. Swaminathan and K.N.C. Bray (Eds) Cambridge University Press
127959 Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices Xxi
17988 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A: Solid earth and geodesy 1464-1895 Elsevier [1999-2001]
17989 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part B: Hydrology, oceans and atmosphere 1464-1909 Elsevier [1999-2001]
17990 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part C: Solar-terrestrial and planetary science 1464-1917 Elsevier [1999-2001]
143443 Physics in Canada 0031-9147 Canadian Association of Physicists
175082 Physics in Medicine 2352-4510 Elsevier
17993 Physics in Medicine and Biology 0031-9155 IOP Publishing
17994 Physics in Perspective 1422-6944 Springer Verlag
17995 Physics in Technology 0305-4624 Institute of Physics (IOP)
21033 Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Yadernaya fizika)
17999 Physics of Atomic Nuclei / Yadernaya Fizika 1063-7788 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
44897 Physics of Fluid
18000 Physics of Fluids 1070-6631 American Institute of Physics
324525 Physics of Fluids
18001 Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 0899-8213 American Institute of Physics (AIP)
18002 Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics (1989-1993) 0899-8221 American Institute of Physics (AIP)
18003 Physics of Life Reviews 1571-0645 Elsevier
223982 Physics of Life Reviews
147019 Physics of Life Reviews 1873-1457
148925 Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures
75175 Physics of Particles and Nuclei
78390 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letter
18005 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters / PisВ'ma v Zhurnal Fizika Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnogo Yadra 1547-4771 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
18006 Physics of Plasmas 1070-664X American Institute of Physics
545718 Physics of Plasmas
47029 Physics of Vibrations
171514 Physics of Wave Phenomena 1541-308X Springer
340687 Physics of fluids 1089-7666
110005 Physics of the Dark Universe 2212-6864 Elsevier
18007 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 0031-9201 Elsevier
120136 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
18008 Physics of the Solid State 1063-7834 Springer
81824 Physics of the Solid State American Institute of Physics
7797 Physics today 0031-9228 American Institute of Physics
18010 Physics-Uspekhi 1063-7869 Turpion
40218 PhysicsWorld Archive IOP Publishing Limited
63503 Physicsl Review B
87489 Physik Journal
18011 Physik in unserer Zeit 0031-9252 Wiley-VCH Verlag
56072 Physika scripta
20343 Physikalische Blatter
50550 Physio-Géo - Géographie Physique et Environnement 1958-573X AERES
83471 Physioacta
72097 Physiogéo
146402 Physiol Genomics
88849 Physiol Rep
42373 Physiol. Biochemical. Zool
28375 Physiol. Res
99545 Physiol. Vég
984535 Physiologia 2673-9488
159918 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317
7798 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317 Wiley
21485 Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical Nmr 0748-6642 Physiological Chemistry and Physics
18014 Physiological Entomology 0307-6962 Wiley
144191 Physiological Entomology
18015 Physiological Genomics 1094-8341 American Physiological Society
527633 Physiological Genomics 1531-2267
18016 Physiological Measurement 0967-3334 IOP Publishing
157441 Physiological Plant Pathology 0048-4059
101999 Physiological Reports 2051-817X Wiley
107473 Physiological Reports
1942 Physiological Research 0862-8408 Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences
7800 Physiological Reviews 0031-9333 American Physiological Society
7801 Physiological Zoology 0031-935X University of Chicago Press
7799 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 1522-2152 University of Chicago Press
166724 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
18013 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 0885-5765 Elsevier
138943 Physiological genomics
120747 Physiologie Végétale 0031-9368 Société française de physiologie végétale
1943 Physiologist 0031-9376 American Physiological Society
21484 Physiology 1548-9213 American Physiological Society
18017 Physiology & behavior 0031-9384 Elsevier
98572 Physiology (Bethesda, Md.)
100465 Physiology News
138093 Physiology News 2041-6512 The Physiological Society
157549 Physiology and Biochemistry of Food Components
166851 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0971-5894 Springer
217826 Physiology international 2498-602X Hungarian Academy of Sciences
18018 Physioscience 1860-3092 Georg Thieme Verlag
40219 Physiotherapy 0031-9406 Elsevier
40220 Physiotherapy Canada 0300-0508 University of Toronto Press
40221 Physiotherapy Frontline 1356-9791 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
18019 Physiotherapy Research International 1358-2267 Wiley
18020 Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 0959-3985 Taylor & Francis
177383 Physiotherapy research international 1471-2865
25227 Physique Revue B
176473 Physique énergétique
171951 Physis
148649 Physis Terrae - Revista Ibero-Afro-Americana de Geografia Física e Ambiente 2184-626X Universidade do Minho
127564 Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva
43298 Physis; rivista internazionale di storia della scienza 0031-9414 Leo Olschki Editore
120605 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
160096 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
98345 PhytoChem & BioSub Journal 2170-1768
603506 PhytoFrontiers 2690-5442 APS Publications
714562 PhytoFrontiers
171836 PhytoFrontiers™ APS
107741 PhytoKeys 1314-2011 Pensoft
142397 Phytobiomes Journal APS Publications
140465 Phytochem. Review
18021 Phytochemical Analysis 0958-0344 Wiley
7802 Phytochemistry 0031-9422 Elsevier
160085 Phytochemistry 0031-9422
135122 Phytochemistry
105958 Phytochemistry Letters 1874-3900 Elsevier
153186 Phytochemistry Letters 1874-3900
47163 Phytochemistry Research Progress
18022 Phytochemistry Reviews 1568-7767 Springer Verlag
18023 Phytocoenologia 0340-269X Borntraeger Science Publishers
83929 Phytokeys
147843 Phytologia 0031-9430 Texensis Publishing
102786 Phytoma 2265-089X Groupe France Agricole
159731 Phytoma 0048-4091
979517 Phytoma : la défense des Végétaux 1164-6993 Editions France Agricole
155576 Phytoma España 1131-8988
104516 Phytoma la Défense des Végétaux 1164-6993 Ruralia/Le Carrousel
156057 Phytomagazine
18024 Phytomedicine 0944-7113 Elsevier
101018 Phytomedicine / Phytomedicine (Jena)
102561 Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology 1618-095X
156223 Phytomedizin 0944-0933
99546 Phytomorphology
826630 Phyton, Annales Rei Botanicae 0079-2047 Berger and Sohne
139802 Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany 0031-9457 Tech Science Press
106311 Phytoneuron 2153-733X Phytoneuron
108899 Phytoparasitica 0334-2123 Springer
131740 Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 2249-4669 Technology Society Of Basic And Applied Sciences
120335 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 0031-9465 Firenze University Press
157288 Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 0031-9481
7803 Phytopathology 0031-949X American Phytopathological Society
159926 Phytopathology 0031-949X
154968 Phytopathology Research 2524-4167
146738 Phytopharmacology 2046-1194 Inforesights publishing
156677 Phytophthora Newsletter (Versailles) 0983-1401
40222 Phytoprotection 0031-9511 NRC Research Press
114103 Phytotaxa 1179-3155 Magnolia Press
160313 Phytotaxonomy 0972-4206 Association for Plant Taxonomy
18025 Phytotherapy Research 0951-418X Wiley
173858 Phytotherapy Research
31932 Phytotherapy research : PTR
12710 Phytothérapie 1624-8597 Springer Verlag
151997 Phytothérapie
165823 Phänomenologie 1027-5657
112124 Phänomenologische Forschungen 0342-8117 Felix Meiner Verlag