Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
12710 Phytothérapie 1624-8597 Springer Verlag
151997 Phytothérapie
165823 Phänomenologie 1027-5657
112124 Phänomenologische Forschungen 0342-8117 Felix Meiner Verlag
123487 Phébé Le Point
169313 Phœbus : la revue de la sûreté de fonctionnement 1621-0190 Editions Préventique
20344 Pi N Newsletter
173582 Pianiste
114559 Pianistik 2101-8863 Europiano France
522029 Piano b, Arti e Culture Visive 2531-9876 Dipartimento delle Arti – Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
522008 Piano b. Arti e culture visive 2531-9876 Dipartimento delle Arti – Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
90809 Piccola Impresa/Small Business
172960 Picenum Seraphicum. Rivista di studi storici e francescani
25319 Picenum Seraphicum. Rivista di studi storici e francescani Edizioni Porziuncola
99489 Pico
30463 Picouët M., Sghaier M., Genin D., Abaab A., Guillaume H., Elloumi M. (éds.), Environnement et sociétés rurales en mutation, Approches alternatives, coll. Latitude 23
113373 Pictor 2273-7669 Pessac: Ausonius
7804 Picturescope 0031-9694 Picture Division, Special Libraries Association
121971 Picturing Meteorology
92351 Picus
700189 Picus : studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell'antichità 0394-3968 Edizioni Tored
42784 Picus Verlag Wien
181264 Pie VI ou l’Eglise aux défis de la modernité, Revue drômoise. Archéologie, histoire, géographie
711267 Pie de Página. Revista literaria de creación y crítica
7805 Piecework 1067-2249 Interweave Press, LLC
118572 Pied-à-terre
135496 Pied-à-terre (Artistic Strategies in the United Kingdom 1945-2010), revue bilingue de One Piece at a Time
417843 Piedra de Agua 2789-004X
40223 Piel 0213-9251 Elsevier España
7806 Pierce Law Review 1543-138X Franklin Pierce Law Center
181889 Pierozak I. (dir.), Du « terrain » à la relation : expériences de l’internet et questionnements méthodologiques, Cahiers de sociolinguistique, E.M.E
53568 Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis , H. Hecht ed., Berlin Verlag
31491 Pierre PICHARD & François LAGIRARDE éd., The Buddhist Monastery. A cross-cultural Survey
35132 Pierre Téqui , Paris
60735 Pierre actual
60729 Pierreactual
133017 Pierres et Terre 0223-7490 Fédération du Patrimoine Minier
82335 Pierres et Terres
157542 Pig Farming 0031-9759
157134 Pig International 2312-6949
59114 Pig Journal 1352-9749 Pig Veterinary Society
153854 Pig News and Information 0143-9014
154873 Pig Progress 1387-3946
165859 Pigment Cell & Melanoma research 1755-148X Wiley
94141 Pigment Cell & melanoma research Blackwell Munksgaard
58173 Pigment Cell Melanoma Res
93991 Pigment Cell Melanoma Research
99854 Pigment Cell Res
18029 Pigment Cell Research 0893-5785 Wiley-Blackwell
96956 Pigment Cell Research / Sponsored by the European Society for Pigment Cell Research and the International Pigment Cell Society
104635 Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 1755-1471
94190 Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research
18028 Pigment and Resin Technology 0369-9420 Emerald
137506 Pignon sur rue
40224 Pijn Info Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum BV
122592 Piktorialismus Portal Kunstbibliothek – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
156346 Pil'Azote Infos Isère 1252-9966
149399 Pilgrimages: The Journal of Dorothy Richardson Studies 2050-9502 the Dorothy Richardson Society
25967 Pilipinas
203167 Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2055-5784 BioMed Central
40225 Pink Sheet 0734-6514 FDC Reports Inc
60709 Pinturas y Acabados Industriales
7809 Pioneer America Society transactions : P.A.S.T. Pioneer America Society 0884-3309 Pioneer America Society
72122 Pioneer Journal of Algebra Number Theory and its Applications
102555 Pioneer Journal of Mathematical Physics and its Applications
108243 Pioneer journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences 2230-9829 Pioneer scientific publisher
7811 Pipe Line Industry 0032-0145 Pipe Line Industry
7812 Pipeline & gas journal 0032-0188 Advanstar Communications
162463 Pipeline Science and Technology
7810 Pipeline and Gas Industry 1079-8765 Pipe Line & Gas Industry
70972 Piper
146023 Pirineos : revista de ecología de montaña = a journal of mountain ecology = revue d'écologie de montagne 0373-2568 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas — CSIC
34953 Pirineus i veïns al 3r mil.leni AC. De la fi del Neolitic a l'edat del Bronze entre l'Ebre i la Garona. Homenatge al Prof. Dr. Domènec Campillo. XII Col.loqui Internacional d'Arqueologia de Puigcerdà, novembre 2000
79538 Pis'ma ZhTF
19347 Pis'ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki / Technical Physics Letters 1063-7850 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica (МАИК Наука/Интерпериодика)
32438 Pisa e il Mediterraneo. Uomini, merci, idee degli Etruschi ai Medici
186205 Pisana. Rivista internazionale di studi nieviani 2681-7446 Éditions Chemins de tr@verse
157387 Pisciculteur de France 0335-2811
120562 Pisciculture Française d'Eau Vive et d'Etang 0295-3161
156614 Pisciculture Française d'Eau Vive et d'Etang Saumâtre et Marine 0295-317X
32458 Pise, Scuola Normale Superiore
119210 Pisma V Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki
853525 Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz
432300 Pismo 1512-9357 Bosansko filološko društvo
164105 Pistas Educativas 2448-847X Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya
180477 Pistes. Revue de philosophie contemporaine 0754-331X Vrin
156130 Pistrac 0999-4637
155947 Pisum Genetics 1320-2510
123669 Pis’mennye Pamiatniki Vosktoka (Monuments écrits de l’Orient)
182300 Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva 2306-2908
818296 Pittieria 0554-2111 Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias
7813 Pittsburgh Legal Journal 0032-0331 Allegheny County Bar Association
33046 Pitture paleolitiche nelle Prealpi venete : grotta di Fumane e riparo Dalmeri
18030 Pituitary 1386-341X Springer Verlag
115059 Pituitary
743488 Pitágoras 500 2237-387X
1945 Pixel-Bit 1133-8482 Universidad de Sevilla
163133 Pièce Détachée Maude Bachotet
161926 Place 2650-1163 Plateforme Place
437105 Place
18031 Place Branding 1744-0696 Henry Stewart Publications
40226 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 1751-8040 Palgrave Macmillan
683143 Place Publique Nantes/Saint-Nazaire 1955-6020 joca seria
587441 Place au sens 1627-2315
579800 Place aux sens
383358 Place de la Sorbonne 2258-8159
114429 Place de la Sorbonne 2258-8159 Editions du Relief
160711 Place de la Sorbonne
865598 Place du Panthéon 3003-4477
43792 Place et enjeux des revues pour la recherche en infoCom (SFSIC)
131482 Place publique (Nantes) 1955-6020 Nantes: Association Mémoire et débats
121428 Place publique (Rennes) 2115-323X Rennes: Rennes métropole
18032 Placenta 0143-4004 Elsevier
837175 Placenta 1532-3102
33081 Placenta
7815 Places -Massachusetts 0731-0455 Design History Foundation
118913 Places. A Forum of Environmental Design 0731-0455 Design history foundation
1946 Plagiary. Cross-disciplinary studies in plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification 1559-3096 Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan
89135 Plaidoyer pour les intellectuels? Eine Polemik in Sachen Geisteswissenschaften
25957 Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Cambridge University Press
18033 Plainsong and Medieval Music 0961-1371 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
121263 Plaisance : Rivista di letteratura francese moderna e contemporanea 1971-2804 Pagine (Rome, Italie) [2004-....]
922668 Plaisance. Rivista di lingua e letteratura francese moderne e contemporanea, Pagine
126187 Plaisir de la chasse 0048-427X Crépin-Leblond; Impr. de Champagne
157608 Plaisirs de la Pêche 0398-2041
75146 Plan Cell
201081 Plan Libre
181365 Plan Libre. Journal de la Maison de l'Architecture 1638-4776 Maison de l'Architecture Occitanie-Pyrénées
741994 Plan Libre. Journal de la Maison d’Architecture d’Occitanie
919096 Planerin
41336 Planet
46165 Planet Space Science
155024 Planet Terre 2552-9250
146671 Planet-Vie
27102 Planet. Space Sci
61513 Planet. Space Science
231023 Planet.Sci.J
139796 Planet@Risk
130505 Planeta Literatur 2392-0696 Warszawa: Faculty of "Artes Liberales". University of Warsaw
47912 Planetary
182110 Planetary Science Springer
18034 Planetary and Space Science 0032-0633 Elsevier
179938 Planetary and Space Science
75172 Planetery and Space Science
30996 Planets and Space
51603 Plankton & Benthos Research 1880-8247 The Plankton Society of Japan, The Japanese Association of Benthology
18035 Planned Giving Mentor 1546-2617 Mary Ann Liebert
18036 Planned Giving Today 1052-4770 Mary Ann Liebert
7817 Planning 0001-2610 American Planning Association
87632 Planning
25295 Planning History
18037 Planning Perspectives 0266-5433 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18038 Planning Practice and Research 0269-7459 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
7820 Planning Review 0094-064X Emerald
18039 Planning Theory 1473-0952 SAGE Publications
71959 Planning Theory & Practice
18040 Planning Theory and Practice 1464-9357 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
7818 Planning and Changing 0032-0684 Illinois State University
7819 Planning for Higher Education 0736-0983 Society for College and University Planning
25646 Planning, Practice and research
874386 Plannung und Analyse 0175-7989 dfv-Mediengruppe
114739 Plant 2331-0669 Science Publishing Group
164262 Plant Archives 0972-5210 Plant Archives
99555 Plant Biol
27381 Plant Biol (Stuttg)
18041 Plant Biology 1435-8603 Wiley
166484 Plant Biopolymer Science: Food and Non-Food Applications
18042 Plant Biosystems 1126-3504 Taylor & Francis
1947 Plant Biotechnology 1342-4580 Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
159751 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644
18043 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 Wiley
119113 Plant Biotechnology Journal
18044 Plant Biotechnology Reports 1863-5466 Springer Verlag
149544 Plant Biotic Interactions
18045 Plant Breeding 0179-9541 Wiley
103633 Plant Breeding 1439-0523
156561 Plant Breeding and Seed Science 1429-3862
182213 Plant Cell
164208 Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 0972-2025 Society for Biology and Biotechnology
40227 Plant Cell Monographs 1861-1370 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
18047 Plant Cell Reports 0721-7714 Springer Verlag
159906 Plant Cell Reports 0721-7714
31419 Plant Cell Reproduction
18048 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 0167-6857 Springer Verlag
159726 Plant Communications 2590-3462 Cell Press
743769 Plant Developmental Biology: Methods and Protocols
155066 Plant Direct 2475-4455
7824 Plant Disease 0191-2917 American Phytopathological Society
157579 Plant Disease Reporter 0032-0811
177810 Plant Diversity 2468-2659
54067 Plant Ecol
18049 Plant Ecology 1385-0237 Springer Verlag
136248 Plant Ecology
129975 Plant Ecology and Evolution 2032-3913 Botanic Garden Meise and Royal Botanical Society of Belgium
7825 Plant Engineering -Chicago then Highlands Ranch 0032-082X Cahners Publishing Company
16889 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 0921-9668 Springer Verlag
132259 Plant Gene 2352-4073
18050 Plant Genetic Resources 1479-2621 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
156457 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 1020-3362
27676 Plant Genetic Ressources Newsletter