Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
562805 The European Journal of Psychoanalysis 2284-1059 I.S.A.P
562810 ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2832-8450
562834 journal physics theories and applications 2549-7316 Sebelas Maret University
562925 Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria ştiinţe filologice, Limbi străine aplicate 1841-8074 Universitaria
562926 KWI-BLOG
562941 Gonzaï
562990 Magnetic resonance in solids 2072-5981
563094 Les Cahiers de l’Université Paris Descartes
563097  Journal of International Business Education 1649-4946 Meinolf Dierkes et Joseph LaPalombara
563180 IUL Research | Open Journal of IUL University 2723-9586 IUL University
563204 Water Science 2357-0008
563232 Institut National de Prévention et d’Education pour la santé
563347 journal of economic and social development 1849-3327 Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency
563745 La lettre de l'Est Institut Louis Favoreu GERJC CNRS UMR 7318 (DICE)
563776 Teoria e critica della regolazione sociale 1970-5476 MIM EDIZIONI SRL
563816 Lettres française 2526-2955 Open Journal systems
563825 Lettres françaises 2526-2955 Araraquara
563881 JURNAL EDUSCIENCE 2303-355X
563882 Journal of Liberated Mathematics Parker Emmerson
564030 Revue algérienne des lettres 2661-7447 Université de Aïn Témouchent
564044 Journal Ethics, Economics & Common Goods 2954-4254 Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
564102 Italies Années 1990 1244-2410 PUBLIDIX
564193 Solid State Phenomena
564301 Décisions durables
564398 lundimatin La découverte
564440 International Journal of Biostatistics 1557-4679
564444 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 1559-8608
564445 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 2050-5094
564570 Journal of Baltic Science Education 1648-3898
564722 Multimodal transportation 2772-5863 Oxford: Elsevier Ltd
564747 Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations
564787 International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research 2321-8975
564821 Business Ethics: A European Review
564822 International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
564825 Cuestiones Constitucionales Revista Mexicana de Derecho Constitucional
564832 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion
564834 System
564844 The Review of Austrian Economics
564851 Spatial Economic Analysis
564853 American Journal of International Law
564854 International Review of Economics
564858 The Modern Law Review
564873 Metaphilosophy
564884 Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
564896 Discrete &mathsemicolon Continuous Dynamical Systems - S
564898 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History
564916 Rationality and Society
564919 Operations Research Letters
564923 Revista de Direito Internacional
558784 Regards sur l'archéologie La Diana