Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
73050 revue des Presses Universitaires de Toulouse 1
73053 United-Nations University/UNU-WIDER
73054 Analele Universitãtii din Craiova. Stiinte filologice. Lingvisticã
73056 Dynamique internationale
73057 Identity Studies
73059 Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 2043-9083 IWA Publishing
71691 Beiträge zur Kyffhäuser Landschaft
71698 Quaderni della Soprintendenza archeologica del Piemonte
71699 Acta Archaeologica Scientiarum Hungaricae
71704 European Integration online Papers (EIoP)
71705 Índice, Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia
71708 IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals
71714 Advances in Optical Technologies
71715 SERIEs
71716 Discussion paper series (The Institute for the Study of Labor)
71718 econ
71719 Capitulo
71721 International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies 1947-3532 IGI Global
71728 Positions luthériennes
71730 Revista de Extensão e Estudos Rurais
71731 Raizes (UFPB)
71735 International Journal of Digital Libraries
71738 Hegel-Jahrbuch
71740 IGAC Newsletter
71741 Accounting History Review 2155-2851 Taylor and Francis
71742 Accounting History Review (ex Accounting Business and Financial History)
71745 The American Economic Review
71751 Arxiv
71753 I2M
71755 Revue roumaine de philosophie
71759 Steel Grips
71763 J. Phys. A 43
71764 Nucl. Phys. B [FS],
71765 Ecrire l'histoire Ailleurs
71767 Nature Precedings Springer Nature
71773 International Journal of Vine and Wine Sciences
71776 Ann Toxicol Anal
71777 Concours Med
71781 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Taylor and Francis
71784 International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering 2010-3719 Inconnu
71787 Revista de Historia y Geografia
71788 Eur. J. Haematol
71790 Revue belge de numismatique
71796 L. P. A
71798 International Journal of Primatologygy
71800 Primate Report
71801 Ethologie
71804 Contacts
71807 STUF 1867-8319 Akademie Verlag
71809 Ouest-France : Bretagne, Normandie, Maine, Anjou, Poitou : journal républicain du matin 0999-2138 Ouest-France
71810 European Journal of Environmental Sciences 1805-0174 Charles University in Prague
71813 Journal of the European Microwave Association
71814 Ouest-Franc
71815 Michalon
71821 Observateur de l'immobilier
71822 Mineral Deposit Research : Meeting the Global Challenge
71823 Records of the Australian Museum
71824 Management Research
71830 Pavillon -- revue de scénographie/scénologie
71832 Buuletin d'Etudes Indiennes
71834 Recherches sociologiques (Louvain)
71835 Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur 0044-2747 Franz Steiner Verlag
71837 Observations et diagnostics économiques
71839 Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry 2028-3997 Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry
71840 Clin Lipidol
71843 Toxins and ion transfers
71845 Management and Control of Production and Logistics
71847 Toxins and ion tranfers
71848 Chemistry for Life Sciences
71849 Christus
71853 Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
71855 La Lettre du GDR Modes de vie (CNRS)
71859 Revista de servicios sociales y politica social
71860 Le Grognard
71862 Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain
71863 Finance & Développement
71864 Finance & Development
71871 Knowledge Based System Journal (KBSJ)
71872 Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering (JCSSE)
71873 Information and Software Technology journal
71881 Revista latinoamericana de derecho social
71882 Analytical and Bioanalytical Biochemistry
71889 Mathematics and Statistics
71895 Revue Générale de l'Electricité
71896 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions
71898 Solid Earth 1869-9510 European Geosciences Union
71901 Arts et Savoirs
71905 Technologie de l'information et société
71909 Guide CREATIF N°5
71910 Anuario de Estudios Medievales 0066-5061 Madrid : Servicio de Publicaciones del CSIC
71911 International Journal of Corporate Governance
71913 RIGE (Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique )
71914 International Journal of Operations & Production Management
71917 American Scientific Publishers in JOLPE
71918 Anamnèse 1774-9751 Saint-Germain-La-Blanche-Herbe : Anamnèse
71919 Intempestives
71920 Imago critica
71921 OPC, Colleccion del Observatorio de Politicas Culturales Santiago du Chili
71922 La revue des politiques culturelles
71923 Sociedad e estado
100153 Scientific Modeling and Simulations
100155 The Histochemical Journal
100156 Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Auvergne, Service régional de l'archéologie
100158 Journal of Politeness Research Language Behaviour Culture
100160 Bulletin de l'IDATE 0249-2571 Institut pour le développement et l'aménagement des télécommunications et de l'économie
100162 IDrugs : the investigational drugs journal
100164 European journal of histochemistry : EJH
100166 Science in China Series E
100172 Réglements, usages et science dans la France de l'absolutisme, E. Brian et C. Demeulenaere éds., Brépols ed., Liège
100181 Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B
100182 IEE Proceedings. Control Theory and Applications
100183 Nuovo cimento della societa italiana di fisica b-general physics relativity
100184 Baillière' s Best Practice and Research in Clinical Gastroenterology
100185 Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 7
100189 Journal of Policy Modeling / Journal of Policy Modelling
100192 The OECD Observer
100195 Genome informatics series : proceedings of the ... Workshop on Genome Informatics. Workshop on Genome Informatics
100196 Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery
100198 CIMNE Publication
100199 International Journal of Polymeric Materials
100200 Struct. Chem
100201 Soil Science & Plant Nutrition
100206 EURASIP Signal Processing
100208 Channels (Austin)
100209 The Engineering of Sport 6
100210 Transaction of ASME
100212 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2
100213 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi
100215 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology / Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry
100217 Serials The Journal for the Serials Community
100220 DISP
100225 MLQ / MLQ - Math Log Quart; MLQ Mathematical Logic Quarterly; Math Log Quart
100226 Engineering & Technology
100233 New Astronomy Review
100237 Hormone Research in Paediatrics 1663-2818 Karger
100238 Epigenetics : official journal of the DNA Methylation Society
100239 Development Growth and Differentiation
100246 Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters Nauka
100248 The British Journal of Educational Psychology
100250 Personality and Individual Differences / Journal of Personality and Individual Differences
100251 Nestlé Nutrition workshop series. Clinical & performance programme
100252 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Life Wiley
100253 Kidney International Supplements 2157-1724 Nature Publishing Group
100255 The Journal Of Hand Surgery
100257 Aleppo University Research Journal, Agricultural Sciences Series
100258 Boletín de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas
100259 Russian Entomological Journal
100260 Vestnik Zoologii
100261 Naturellement
100262 Journal of Neuropsychiatry
100263 Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc
100264 Neuro endocrinology letters
100266 Revue Bretagnes
100267 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal
100268 The Photogrammetric Record
100271 Food / Nahrung
100273 Die Pharmazie
100274 Rev. Fr. Histotechnol
100279 apjs
100280 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A
100281 Astrophysical
100282 Optical Society of America Journal, Volume 22, Issue 8, pp. 1589-1599 (2005)
100283 Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A
100285 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
100288 IEEE J. Selected Topics Sig. Proc., Issue: Convex Optimization Methods for Signal Processing
100292 Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today
100293 Respiratory Care Clinics
100294 Ingenieria Quimica
100297 The Scientist
100298 Kybernetes / kybernetes int j syst cybernetics
100301 Proceedings of the Fifth international Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems
100304 Chemicke Listy
100305 Tectonophysics, Special Issue
100308 Proceedings O.D.P., Sci. Results, leg 180
100309 Ti-Chih
100310 String Processing and Information Retrieval : 12th International Conference (SPIRE 2005)
100311 Advances in XML Information Retrieval, Third Workshop of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval
100313 Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
100315 Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges
100318 Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 0017-8748 American Headache Society
100319 Behav. Brain Researchearch
100324 Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc
100327 Land Contamination & Reclamation
100330 Aaps Pharmscitech -Electronic Edition
100332 J. Wood Sci
100335 Journal de tribologie
100341 Microbial-ecology-in-health-and-disease
100342 Congrès international d'immunologie
100343 Br J Nutr. 2006 Feb;95(2):421-9
100344 European Journal of Gerontology
100345 Food-research-international
100346 Food Science and Technology Bulletin: Functional Foods
100348 Bioscience Microflora
100349 Age-and-nutrition-Paris; VOL. 13; NO. 1; PP. 35-39; 2002
100350 International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders
100351 Nutrition-research-New-York-NY; VOL. 22; NO. 8; PP. 901-910; 2002;
100352 Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior SSIB
100353 Keystone Symposia
103801 Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 0769-489X INSEE-GENES
103802 QA 1971-4017