Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
175278 Écritures insolites - Recherches sur l’Imaginaire
175280 Modernité/ Modernism - Textuel
175281 Ecritures insolites - Recherches sur l’imaginaire
175282 Gendaishi-techô
175284 Regards sur les littératures francophones du Moyen Orient
175285 Recherches sur l’imaginaire
175286 Suiséi-tsushiu
175287 Spicilège-Cahiers Marcel Schwob
174544 Materials Science-Medziagotyra 1392-1320
174546 Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics
174547 Mare Nostrum. Estudos sobre o Mediterrâneo Antigo
174548 Newsletter #2 Agreenium
174549 International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 1754-9507 Taylor & Francis
174550 The R Journal 2073-4859 Di Cook, Monash University, Australia
174551 Dermato-Endocrinology
174558 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1097-461X
174564 Formalized Mathematics 1426-2630
174566 Il Quaternario
174567 Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 2576-6406 University of Pennsylvania Press
174568 Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie 2297-0533 CARAFE, Lausanne
174569 édition Nomos
174570 édition Duncker et Humblot
174573 Journal of conflict and integration 2671-5937 Centre for Advanced Research in Integrated Future Society (CARIFS)
174575 Cafés historiques/Rendez-vous de l'histoire
174576 Nkafu Policy Institute
174577 Progressus 2284-0869 Nuova Immagine
174578 Kagaku tetsugaku 0289-3428 The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
174579 Journal of Migration and Health 2666-6235 Elsevier
174580 Anatomical Science International 1447-073X
174583 IET Microw. Antennas Propag
174589 Politiques des drogues Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
174590 édition Mare & Martin
174592 the mobile century GTWN
174594 L’Harmattan, Collection Bibliothèques de droit
174603 Chemins critiques. Revue Haïtiano-caraïbéenne 2560-8711
174604 Bulletin Ersuma de Pratique Professionnelle
174605 Le Nemro : Revue trimestrielle de droit économique Robert Nemedeu [Fondateur] (Yaoundé, Cameroun) [2017-2020]
174606 Revista de Ciências Agrárias - Amazonian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 2177-8760 Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia
174607 Terra Antarctica
174608 Atmosphère & Climat 0997-0037 Météo-France
174609 Technologie 0768-9454 Réseau Canopée
174610 Prace Kulturoznawcze 0860-6668
174613 Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity
174617 Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal 1683-3511 Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University, Z. Khalilov str., 23, AZ 1148, Baku, Azerbaijan
174620 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) 2395-3470 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS)
174621 Agridroit LexisNexis ; GIE Agridroit [Juin 2021-....]
174622 Studi interculturali 2281-1273 Université de Trieste
174623 The International Journal of Applied Language Studies and Culture
174626 Germinal: Marxismo e Educação em Debate 2175-5604 Faculda de de Educação - Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
174627 Evolutionary Computation
174631 Urban Design 1750-712X Urban Design Group
174632 Administración & cidadanía 1887-0287 Escola Galega de Administración Pública
174634 Opérations immobilières 1961-6597 Le Moniteur
174636 Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought 0142-257X Brill
174640 Biopolymers 1097-0282
174641 The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 1932-8494
174646 L'observatoire de la justice pénale
174647 Revista DYNA 0012-7353 Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombi
174649 Revista Heterotópica 2674-7502 Laboratório de Estudos Discursivos Foucaultianos (LEDIF), vinculada ao Instituto de Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (ILEEL/UFU)
174650 Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik (The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin) 0353-4529 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
174651 Economie et management 1771-8414 Réseau Canopée
174654 The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology 1533-404X
174655 Injury 1879-0267
174658 Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 1878-3619
174659 Herald of the Social Sciences 0320-8117 National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
174660 Optimus Omnium. SLS News Letter Dr. Aneesh V. Pillai
174663 Technology Letters 2348-8131
174665 The Italian Law Journal. An international forum for the critique of Italian Law 2421-2156 Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
174666 Indian journal of pure & apllied physics
174669 World Resources Institute's publications World Resources Institute
174671 Annual Review of Economics 1941-1367
174672 Mechanics Research Communications
174673 Computational Mechanics
174674 Management et sciences sociales
174675 International Journal of Scientific Research in Science Engineering and Technology
174678 Espergesia 2312-6027
174679 Efil Journal of Economic Research 2667-8012 Efil Yayinevi
174680 Terre-net
174681 DijonMag
174682 AgraPresse hebdo
174684 Actu'DGER Le Mensuel de la Direction Générale de L'enseignement et de la Recherche
174686 European Urology Open Science 2666-1683 Elsevier
174687 Cahiers de l'ASER 0761-4446 ASER
174688 Psychanalyse Yetu 2609-8660 Editions Erès
174689 Déméter
174691 Akuserstvo, Ginekologia i Reprodukcia 2313-7347 Sechenov university
174692 Bibliothèque philosophique de Louvain
174693 International Journal of Science, Technology and Society 2330-7412
174694 Matériel et Paysage
174695 Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 2456-9119 Hooghly: Sciencedomain International
174697 Espace Public & Paysage
174700 Sahara & Sahel
174702 Lecturas de historia del arte
174703 Journal of Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery 2690-8808
174704 Specom
174706 Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets
174707 JSM Bone and Joint Diseases SciMedCentral
174708 Irish Economic and Social History 0332-4893 SAGE Journals
174709 The European journal of neuroscience 1460-9568
174711 Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology 1365-3016
174713 Reclams 0991-6903
174714 L’Essentiel Droits africains des affaires 2552-1381 Lextenso (Issy-les-Moulineaux, France) [2017-....]
174715 La Pensée
174716 Les Cahiers du journalisme
174717 Meridian - Newsletter Global study center Gulf University for science and technology
174718 Human movement science 1872-7646
174720 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1095-7243
174721 Metropolitics Baruch College – CUNY (New York)
174722 Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy Hyperion University Buchares
174723 Women language literature in Italy 2612-1328 Fabrizio Serra
174724 de Halve Maen 0017-6834 The Holland Society of New York
174725 The Science of Nature
174727 Journal of Corporate Finance 1872-6313
174728 Engineering Physics
174729 BAU Journal - Society, Culture and Human Behavior 2663-9122 Beirut Arab University Press
174730 Tropical Oceanography 1679-3013
174731 La lettre d’information du GIS Biotechnologies Vertes
174734 Journal of motor behavior 1940-1027
174736 La Nef
174739 American Journal of Political Science 1540-5907
174741 Fata Morgana, Quadrimestriale di cinema e visioni 2532-487X
174742 Magazine de l’Acfas Acfas
174743 VakTaal: Tijdschrift van de Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek 0921-5867
174745 Les Grands Auteurs Gabonais
174746 Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher 2752-6054
174747 L'Exporateur. Carnet de visites
174749 InterFaces 1516-0033 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
174750 Studenchesky vestnik 2686-9810
174753 Arkheolohiya i davnya istoriya Ukrayiny
174755 International Journal of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research Academic Research Foundations
174756 Agri
174757 Asian Journal of Psychiatry 1876-2018
174758 Measurement: Sensors 2665-9174
174759 Journal of cultural linguistic and artistic studies 2625-8943 the democratic Arabic center
174761 Handbook of Clinical Neurology 0072-9752 Elsevier
174762 Arthritis and Rheumatology (hoboken, N.j.) 2326-5191
174764 Teaching & Learning Inquiry 2167-4779
174772 The Open Neuroimaging Journal 1874-4400 Bentham Science Publishers
174776 The International journal of clinical practice 1742-1241 Wiley
174777 Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages de l’Enfant
174778 Le divan familial
174780 Annuaire de Justice pénale internationale et transitionnelle 2015 Institut Universitaire Varenne
174782 Translational Neuroscience 2081-3856 De Gruyter
174787 Consciousness and Cognition 1090-2376
174789 Paysans et Société
174791 Loisir et Société/ Society and Leisure
174792 Life Span and Disability
174793 Initio [Revue sur l’Education et la Vie au Travail de l’Université de Laval-Québec]
174796 Accueil
174797 Revue internationale des soins palliatifs 2235-2155 Médecine & Hygiène
174800 Les cahiers de l’année gérontologique
174804 Industrial & Labor Relations Review
174808 Duazary 1794-5992 Universidad del Magdalena (Colombia)
174809 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2281-4612
174811 Canadian Journal Of Psychiatry/Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie 1497-0015
174812 Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamental
174813 Biofactors 1872-8081
174814 Recherches en Psychanalyse
174815 The European journal of psychology applied to legal context 1889-1861 Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense
174816 [im]Pertinences : revue de l’Académie de l’Éthique Académie de l'éthique
174817 American Journal of Neurodegenerative Desease
174818 Presence
174819 Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale
174820 Aprendizagem desenvolvimento
174822 Adiozone e Dintorni
174824 Le Journal des Psychologues 2118-3015
174826 New journal of European criminal law 2032-2844 Intersentia ; SAGE
174828 Journal of Marketing Management
174829 Anthropologica 2292-3586 Société canadienne d’anthropologie (CASCA)
174830 blog scientifique COVIDAM : La Covid-19 dans les Amériques
174833 éditorial, Lexbase Hebdo édition professions Lexbase
174835 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 2141-6613 Academic Journals
174836 Actual problems of international relations
174837 Manuel d'écologie urbaine
174838 Manual of urban ecology
174839 Sociologie 1574-3314
174840 Note rapide 1967-2144
174841 ISME Communications Springer Nature
174842 Gérontologie et société
174843 International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction 2251-8711
174844 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2349-5162 JETIR
174845 Clinical & Translational Immunology 2050-0068 Wiley
174846 Research Policy
174847 Revue Math-École
174848 Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
174849 Culture études
174852 Le journal des santons
174853 Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias 1130-4723 Academia Canaria de Ciencias
174854 Annals of Environmental Science and Toxicology Peertechz
175721 Kluwer Arbitration Blog (KAB)
175722 Carnegie Europe
175723 Fondapol 2272-1215 Fondation pour l'innovation politique
175724 Carnet de recherche du laboratoire Printemps
175725 LSE USCentre USAPP Blog
175726 WMD Junction
175727 Al-Jumhuriya
175728 Forum de l'action publique
175729 Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) Société suisse de radiodiffusion et télévision (SSR)
175730 Africa is a country