Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
599734 IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance 2321-5933 IOSR
113847 IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering 2320-334X IOSR JOURNALS
102324 IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry IOSR Journals
121382 IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) 2278-4861 IOSR Journals
217939 Official Journal of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education 2799-3507 IOSTE
151655 Journal of Occultation and Eclipse IOTA
176721 Journal for Occultation Astronomy 2325-5765 IOTA-ES
144137 JOE - Journal of Occultation and Eclipse 2522-7955 IOTA/ME
39310 Industry and Higher Education 0950-4222 IP Publishing
39399 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1465-7503 IP Publishing
40139 Outlook On Agriculture 0030-7270 IP Publishing
40590 South East Asia Research 0967-828X IP Publishing
40756 Tourism Economics 1354-8166 IP Publishing
310728 The Journal 1533-0001
4219 Country Life (London, England) 0011-0175 IPC Magazines
135260 Revue Internationale d’Economie & de Gestion Stratégique de Processus d’Affaires 1737-9288 IPCO
634087 Néorestauration IPD
38954 EU Politics Today IPD Group
39190 Healthcare Industry Today IPD Group
40003 Music Industry Today IPD Group
26015 L'ordinaire latino-américain 1262-1692 IPEALT, Université Toulouse Le Mirail
141470 Les notes IPEMED 2106-5063 IPEMED
122375 International Journal of Virtual Reality IPI Press
40889 Workplace Today IPM Management Training and Development Corporation
128569 Revista Análisis de la Realidad Nacional 2227-9113 IPNUSAC
66384 Image Processing On Line 2105-1232 IPOL - Image Processing on Line
155297 International Review of Public Policy 2679-3873 IPPA
111022 Juncture IPPR
161911 The European Legal Forum 2192-7138 IPR-Verlag
39091 Frontline IPRA Secretariat
66954 Global Journal of Health Science IPRJB JOURNALS
774970 Il Pensiero storico 2612-7652 IPS Edizioni
797380 BIANET IPS İletişim Vakfı - Bağımsız İletişim Ağı
64754 IPSJ Transactions on Programming IPSJ
75674 Le Journal de l'Orthopédie 1621-7853 IPSO France
38245 Amministrazione & Finanza 1121-2438 IPSOA Editore SRL
38686 Corriere Giuridico 1591-4232 IPSOA Editore SRL
38687 Corriere Tributario 1590-8100 IPSOA Editore SRL
38743 Danno e ResponsabilitË 1125-8918 IPSOA Editore SRL
38781 Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro 1120-7965 IPSOA Editore SRL
39283 Il Fallimento e Altre Procedure Concorsuali 0394-2740 IPSOA Editore SRL
40516 Le Societa IPSOA Editore SRL
26347 Études internationales (Québec) IQHEI
148434 RAAN Recherche en architecture, archéologie et numérique 2557-3446 IRAA
127086 Résonances IRCAM
110594 Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia IRCL, Paul-Valéry/Montpellier 3 University, France
180466 Interpretatio 2369-4637 IRCPS
124877 Chronique du sud IRD
138726 Chroniques du Sud IRD
158735 La Conversation IRD