Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
82452 International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
82454 Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon
82455 Acta Physica Hungarica
82456 Publication CIMNE
82463 OFC/NFOEC '13 : The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference
82468 J. Mater. Sci. Technol
82469 Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VIII
82472 ISSNIP '13 : 4th IEEE Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference
82476 ICNC '13 : International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication
82477 Revista Argentina de Antropología Biológica
82478 Digital Human Modeling
82487 Publicaciones Matemáticas del Uruguay
82501 Dialogue, Recherches cliniques et sociologiques sur le couple et la famille
82502 Le temps imaginaire
82507 Cahiers du LRL
82509 Migrations-Formation
82515 Vibrant
82520 Quality & Quantity
82522 Matematicheskaya fizika, Analiz, Geometrya
82523 CVPR "12 : IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
82528 ComNet '12 : The Third International Conference on Communications and Networking
82529 Asian Social Science
82531 ITW '12 : IEEE Information Theory Workshop
82532 Education
82533 Migration Studies
82537 Editions Lamy Axe droit
82542 SWESE '12 : 8th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering
82547 Journal Médical Libanais
82548 Multi-phase System Supplied by SVM VSI: A New Fast Algorithm to Compute Duty Cycles
83632 Actes du colloque Géopoint 2004, Groupe Dupont et UMR 6012 ESPACE
83636 Bulletin Historique de la Ville de Montpellier
83641 Annual review of islam in Africa
83645 Epetirida tou Kentrou Epistimonikôn Ereunôn
83657 Journal of Automation and Systems Engineering
83658 La lettre de la Haute-Normandie
83661 Les Cahiers de l'eau. Suez- Lyonnaise des Eaux
83669 International Journal of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
83670 International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
83673 Revue Propriété industrielle et industries de santé
83676 Filosificky Casopis
83678 Document numérique, n° spécial " Unicode, écriture du monde?
83680 International review for Automatic Control
83684 Tissue Barriers
83687 alcoholism : journal on alcoholism and related addictions
83692 South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
83696 INOC '13 : International Network Optimization Conference
83702 Proust, l'étranger
83708 Médiévalisme, modernité du Moyen Age, ILTC
83709 Interlitteraria
83716 AINA '13 : The 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
83717 Algebra and Analysis
83720 Journal of Mathematics, Hindawi Publishing Corp
83725 Images du Moyen Age
83734 TSI Informatique autonomique
83736 WWW '13 : 22nd International World Wide Web Conference
83738 ICONO/LAT '13 : International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear optics and International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies
83739 Actes du Congrès International de la SFECAG, Colmar, 21-24 mai 2009
83741 ICOST '13 : 11th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics
83742 Bulletin de la Société Francophone De Primatologie
83752 Military Communications and Information Systems Conference 2013
83758 MLSP '12 : IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
83761 75th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
83763 Revue du Centre national de Documentation pédagogique
83764 The China Economist
83765 Bank for International Settlements
83774 Al-Mawaqif (Revue des études et des recherches sur la société et l'histoire) 1112-7872 Publications du Centre Universitaire de Mascara
83776 The Journal of Technology Transfer
83778 Inter-American Music Review
83786 Journal clinical Densitometry
83787 Atelier-Théâtre
83789 MAIA - Music and Arts in Action
83791 Proceedings of Tansducers 2013 and Eurosensors XXVII
83804 Advances in Computational Biology
83805 Int. J. Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
83808 TSI "Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles : Numéro spécial
83815 Journal of internet technology (JIT)
83816 Médecine Nucléaire - Imagerie Fonctionnelle et Métabolique
83819 ICaST, Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST)
83822 Mediterranean Telecommunications Journal
83824 INOC '11 : International Network Optimization Conference
83825 Bulletin Recherche de l'Institut Français de l'Education
83835 Population , Space and Place,
83838 Geostorie, Bollettino e Notiziario del Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici
83839 La revue du CERFOP
83842 Cahiers de Prothèse
83843 Journal of Life Science
83846 OSA Technical Digest (online)
83848 Journal of Thermal Analysis
83853 HASP
83855 EMBC' 12 : 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society
83861 Quaderni de Ricerca in didattica
83864 Revue interdisciplinaire sur le management et l'humanisme
82557 Território Autônomo
82558 Industries des Céréales
82560 Méthodologie de la Recherche en Marketing
82564 Iuris Scripta Historiae