Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7920 Prevention (Emmaus, Pa.) 0032-8006 Rodale Inc
18174 Prevention Science 1389-4986 Springer Verlag
18173 Prevention and Control 1573-2088 Elsevier
82750 Prevention and Research 2240-2594 Prevention and Research, Universita di Roma
21445 Preventive Cardiology 1520-037X Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
18175 Preventive Medicine 0091-7435 Elsevier
111741 Preventive Medicine
98889 Preventive Medicine / Preventative Medicine
104388 Preventive Medicine Reports 2211-3355 Elsevier
111740 Preventive Medicine Reports
159940 Preventive Veterinary Medicine 0167-5877
18176 Preventive Veterinary Medicine 0167-5877 Elsevier
143761 Preventive veterinary medicine
40265 Previdenza Web Wolters Kluwer Italia SRL
7922 Previews 0000-0051 R.R. Bowker Co
816492 Prezi
237708 PriMera Scientific Engineering PriMera Scientific Publications
34331 Price Expectations in Goods and Financial Markets: New developments in theory and empirial research
40266 Priceline Canadian Enerdata Ltd
18177 Pricing Strategy and Practice 0968-4905 Emerald
41192 Pricladnaya econometrica (Econométrie appliquée en russe)
856230 Prier
710195 Prier. Catéchèse
21051 Prilozi : Oddelenie za Biološ 0351-3254 Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
164119 Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 1848-6371 Institut za arheologiju u Zagrebu
973452 Prima facie 1678-2593 Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB)
155866 Primaff Review 1346-7018
164981 Primaires 1245-4559 Centre français de la couleur
18179 Primary Care Case Reviews 1096-8954 Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1987 Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders 1523-5998 Physicians Postgraduate Press
89454 Primary Care Diabetes 1751-9918 PCDE/Elsevier
866038 Primary Care Diabetes 1878-0210
40267 Primary Care Mental Health 1476-4717 Radcliffe
18181 Primary Care Psychiatry 1355-2570 Librapharm
40268 Primary Care Reports 1040-2497 AHC Media LLC
18182 Primary Care Respiratory Journal 1471-4418 Elsevier
128886 Primary Care Respiratory Journal: Journal of the General Practice Airways Group
18183 Primary Care Update for Ob Gyns 1068-607X Elsevier
18178 Primary Care and Community Psychiatry 1746-8841 Librapharm Limited
18180 Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice 0095-4543 WB Saunders
18184 Primary Dental Care 1355-7610 Royal College of Surgeons of England
40269 Primary Geography 0956-277X Geographical Association
233108 Primary Health Care Open Access 2167-1079
18185 Primary Health Care Research and Development 1463-4236 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
18186 Primary Sensory Neuron 0929-9637 Brill Academic Publishers
797916 Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,
127850 Primate Conservation 0898-6207
65121 Primate Eye
71800 Primate Report
18187 Primate Research 0912-4047 Primate Society of Japan
18188 Primates 0032-8332 Springer Verlag
256771 Primates 1610-7365
832325 Prime
67744 Prime - Review of the University of Tokyo Meiji Gakuin
161753 Prime Archives in Cancer Research 9788194466444 Heidari A, Hyderabad, India, Vide Leaf
619266 Prime Research on Biotechnology (PRB) 2315-5299 Prime Journals
165293 Primenjena lingvistika 1451-7124 Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
63445 Primer Acto 0032-8367 Madrid: Primer Acto
151357 Primerjalna književnost [Comparative Literature / Littérature comparée] 0351-1189 Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost / Slovenian Comparative Literature Association [Société slovène de littérature comparée] (Ljubljana, Slovénie) [1978-....]
18189 Primitive Man 0887-3925 JSTOR
154934 Princeps 2428-6583
146688 Princess Takamatsu Symp
40270 Princeton Weekly Bulletin Princeton University Press
21442 Princeton journal of bioethics
173046 Princeton papers in Near Eastern Studies
7925 Principal 0271-6062 Naesp National Association of Elementary
7926 Principal Leadership (High School Ed.) 1538-9251 National Association of Secondary School Principals
7927 Principal Leadership (Middle School Ed.) 1529-8957 National Association of Secondary School Principals
52185 Principe de Viana 0032-8472 Institución Príncipe de Viana
43147 Principia (Florianopolis)
45541 Principia (Florianopolis, Brésil)
42850 Principia, Revista de Epistemologia (Florianopolis, SC, Brésil)
553275 Principia: an international journal of epistemology 1414-4247
140199 Principios. Revista de Filosofia 0104-8694 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
85104 Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - 19th International Conference
68914 Principles and Techniques (KEPT2009), Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
177999 Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 1983-2109 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
7928 Print -New York then Cincinnati 0032-8510 Bruil & van de Staaij
91200 Print Industrie
7930 Print Quarterly 0265-8305 Print Quarterly Publications
7931 Print Review 0091-3731 Pratt Graphics Center
7935 PrintMedia 1534-2115 North American Publishing Co
80865 Printed Circuit Design& Fab/Circuits Assembly
177004 Printemps des Comédiens Montpellier
7932 Printing History 0192-9275 American Printing History Association
7933 Printing Impressions 0032-860X North American Publishing Co
7934 Printmaking Today 0960-9253 Farrand Press
41371 Prion 1933-6896 Taylor & Francis
122961 Priorités Santé 1628-2884 Comité Régional d'Education pour la Santé Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
176679 Priroda Académie des sciences (Russie)/IOP Science
115722 Prirodnye Resursy 1810-9810
110900 Pris-Ma : Recherches sur la Littérature d'Imagination au Moyen Age 0761-344X ERLIMA : l’Équipe de Recherches sur la Littérature d’Imagination au Moyen Âge
157810 Pris-ma
176477 Prisma Social 1989-3469 Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada
1989 Prisma.Com 1646-3153 CETAC.MEDIA
170396 Prismas, revista de historia intelectual
132034 Prismas. Revista de historia intelectual 1666-1508 Centro de Historia Intelectual - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
295888 Prismas. Revista de historia intelectual - Dossier Roger Chartier y las migraciones históricas de la cultura escrita
133125 Prismas. Revista de historia intelectual. Dossier: La independencia de 1816 más allá del Río de la Plata
182855 Prisme ULB
179394 Prisme Université libre de Bruxelles
178707 Prisme - unir et innover Normandie université
147152 Prismes. Théorie critique 2608-239X Éditions La Tempête
775153 Prismi. quaderni del dottorato in scienze documentarie, linguistiche e letterarie Leedizioni
7936 Prison Journal 0032-8855 SAGE Publications
95594 Prison Service Journal
90799 Prison Service Journal (Centre for crime and justice studies)
150687 Prison-justice 1278-0774 Association Réflexion action prison et justice
40271 Privacy & Security Law Report 1538-3431 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
437520 Privacy In Germany (PinG)
7937 Private Investors Abroad 0090-9742 Matthew Bender & Co
90564 Private Sector & Development
56800 Prix A'Doc de la jeune recherche en Franche-Comté
35434 Prix, consommation et culture(s), CERMAT, IAE de Tours
710172 Prière et vie
661448 Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences 2668-5817
717126 Pro Justitia 2529-0401
162441 Pro Memorie 1566-7146
160168 Pro Memorie. Bijdragen tot de Rechtsgeschiedenis der Nederlanden 1566-7146 Verloren
154481 Pro Silva Actus, newsletter
157496 Pro Veterinario 0777-8309
182380 Pro asile : la revue de France terre d'asile 1622-4949 France terre d'asile
73300 Pro et Contra
107967 Pro ethnologia 1406-9962 Eesti Rahva Muuseum
173577 Pro tempore : časopis studenata povijesti 1334-8302
53993 Pro-Asile
34759 Pro-Poor Growth: Issues, Policies, and Evidence, Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik
92816 Pro-Posicoes
93269 Pro-Posições v. 24
1985 Pro-fono : revista de atualizacao cientifica 0104-5687 Pró-Fono Produtos Especializados para Fonoaudiologia
50093 Pro. 11th Int. Plansee Seminar
50298 Pro. Jr. Int. Printemps fatigue
167359 ProCampo Grupo DRU - Plural editores
154898 ProFilBio - Le trimestriel de l'Agriculture Biologique en Nouvelle Aquitaine
73210 ProHistoria 1514-0032 Universidad Nacional de Rosario
64109 Proa (Fundación Internacional Jorge Luis Borges) 2314-3630 Fundación Internacional Jorge Luis Borges
147752 Prob.Atomic Sci.Technol
18190 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 0266-8920 Elsevier
72688 Probabilistic model for random uncertainties in steady state rolling contact
1990 Probability Surveys 1549-5787 Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
18192 Probability Theory and Related Fields 0178-8051 Springer Verlag
164263 Probability and Mathematical Physics 2690-0998 MSP
23297 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
157184 Probability and Mathematical Statistics (Pol) 0208-4147
18191 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 0269-9648 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
47639 Probability, Statistics and Modelling in Public Health
133476 Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk 2095-9672 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
7939 Probate law journal / National College of Probate Judges and Boston University School of Law 0737-3112 Boston University School of Law
18193 Probation Journal 0264-5505 SAGE Publications
18194 Probe Microscopy 1355-185X Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
120636 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 1867-1306
77725 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
42811 Problemas del Desarrollo
27130 Problemas del Desarrollo, Revista Latinoamericana de Economia
27461 Problemas del Desarrollo. Revista Latino americana de Economia
773526 Problemata Société d’études critiques en design
137108 Problemata International Journal of Philosophy 1516-9219 GP Hermes/PPGF/UFPB/CNPq
140355 Problemata - Revista Internacional de Filosofia
157256 Probleme de Agrofitotehnie Teoretica si Aplicata 0254-7279
93890 Problemi
44676 Problemi dalnego vostoka
141230 Problemi del socialismo 0552-1807
40273 Problemi dell'informazione 0390-5195 Società Editrice il Mulino
139093 Problemi di amministrazione pubblica 0391-2655 Società Editrice Il Mulino
37756 Problemi di critica goldoniana
21441 Problemi na khigienata 0323-9179
181035 Problemos 1392-1126 Vilnius University Press
139393 Problems and Perspectives in Management 1727-7051 Business perspectives
165132 Problems and Perspectives in Management
18195 Problems in General Surgery 0739-8328 Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
170598 Problems in Mechanical Engineering 2709-2984 Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
129084 Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Siberia and neighboring territories
583477 Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropologie of Siberia and Neighboring Territories 2658-6193 IAET
146617 Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
20352 Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 1562-6016 National Science Center (Ukraine)
7940 Problems of Communism 0032-941X Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
7941 Problems of Economic Transition 1061-1991 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
833643 Problems of Education in the 21st Century 1822-7864
18196 Problems of Information Transmission 0032-9460 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
130835 Problems of Management in the 21st Century
37838 Problems of Mechanics
399552 Problems of Modern Economics 1818-3395
148137 Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technics 2077-8708 Francisk Scorina Gomel State University
18197 Problems of Post-Communism 1075-8216 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
176407 Problems of Post-Communism 1557-783X
45990 Problems of Tourism
843128 Problems of Translation Theory, Practice and Methods of Teaching
278613 Problems of atomic science and technology
619870 Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze 0552-2188
110586 Problemy Polityki Spolecznej
19222 Problemy Prognozirovaniya / Studies on Russian Economic Development 1075-7007 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica (МАИК Наука/Интерпериодика)
21439 Problemy Sotsialnoi Gigieny i istoriia meditsiny 0869-866X
21438 Problemy Tuberkuleza i Boleznei Legkikh 1728-2993 Unknown
152621 Problemy Zarządzania - Management Issues 1644-9584
119226 Problemy historii, filologii i kultury
21440 Problemy kosmicheskoi biologii 0555-2788
49747 Problèmes Economiques et Sociaux 0992-9207 La Documentation française
115755 Problèmes Politiques et Sociaux - Articles et Documents d'Actualité Mondiale 0015-9743 La Documentation française
77185 Problèmes Polituques et Sociaux