Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
153149 Annals of Occupational Hygiene 0003-4878
259632 Annals of Oncology
606957 Annals of Oncology 1569-8041
285006 Annals of Operations Research
708415 Annals of Operations Research 1572-9338
502839 Annals of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Salient visionary
127758 Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics Remedy Publications LLC
143756 Annals of Pharmacotherapy
523711 Annals of Philosophy, Social & Human Disciplines (APSHD) 2069-4008 “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava-Romania
95327 Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medecine
546914 Annals of Physics
451332 Annals of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy 2640-2734
803632 Annals of Physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2640-2734 Medwin Publishers
899780 Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal 2278-9839
955651 Annals of Plant and Soil Research 2347-6036 G.K.V. Society
540295 Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
137301 Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics
119602 Annals of Regional Science
141273 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 2234-0645
538258 Annals of Reviews and Research
152760 Annals of Social Sciences & Management studies
74174 Annals of Software Engineering on Comparative Studies of Engineering Approaches for Software Engineering
133411 Annals of Software Engineering, Special Volume on Software Management
858425 Annals of Surgery 1528-1140
674222 Annals of Surgical Oncology 1534-4681
159240 Annals of Telecommunication
530633 Annals of Telecommunications
154915 Annals of Telecoms
90803 Annals of The University of Craiova, Series : Automation, Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics, (Romania)
160222 Annals of The University of Craiova, Series Psychology, Pedagogy 2668-6678 University of Craiova
176573 Annals of Tourism Research
144746 Annals of Tourism Research 0160-7383
133262 Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology
151108 Annals of Valahia University of Targoviste. Geographical Series 2393-1485 Valahia University of Targoviste, Department of Geography
175951 Annals of Vascular Medicine & Research 2378-9344 SciMedCentral
180272 Annals of Vascular Surgery
180799 Annals of Vascular Surgery - Brief Reports and Innovations 2772-6878
178886 Annals of Veterinary and Animal Science
160526 Annals of West University of Timisoara - Mathematics and Computer Science
169931 Annals of Work Exposures and Health 2398-7316
181685 Annals of allergy, asthma, & immunology 1534-4436
937336 Annals of clinical and translational neurology
544658 Annals of clinical case reports 2474-1655
795507 Annals of hematology 1432-0584
164092 Annals of internal medicine 1539-3704
424968 Annals of internal medicine
136930 Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology
111675 Annals of occupational and environmental medicine 2052-4374
106751 Annals of operation research
146732 Annals of otology rhinology and laryngology
142874 Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine
787850 Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 1877-0665
45273 Annals of sciences
152761 Annals of socials sciences management studies
176909 Annals of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Mathematics 1221-8421
124726 Annals of the "Dunarea de Jos'' University of Galati. Fascicle II. Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics 2067-2071 Galati University Press Galaţi Romania
56753 Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
174021 Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists : Series on Mathematics and its Applications
181093 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
127198 Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2469-4452
169964 Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association (Annals of Psychotherapy & Integrative Health) ISSN 1535- 4075
179878 Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2325-6621
45651 Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
148064 Annals of the Entomological Society of America
166722 Annals of the ICRP
153155 Annals of the ICRP 0146-6453
149062 Annals of the International Communication Association 2380-8985
436612 Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers 0004-5683 The Japan Association of Economic Geography
178491 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 0026-6493 Missouri Botanical Garden
166812 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
735722 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences journal
154608 Annals of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
52116 Annals of the Transvaal Museum
108513 Annals of the University Dunarea De Jos of Galati, Fascicle Vi-Food Technology
102315 Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati Fascicle VI – Food Technology
150682 Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle Vi-Food Technology 1843-5157
110131 Annals of the University of Bucharest (informatics series)
138594 Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series
141445 Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Philology- English 1454-4415 University of Craiova
714761 Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Psychology, Pedagog, Teacher Training Department University of Craiova
728394 Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Psychology, Pedagog, Teacher Training Department Published by University of Craiova
111083 Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Automation, Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics 1841-0626
154829 Annals of vascular surgery 1615-5947
55491 Annals. Computer Science Series
28314 Annals. Phys
95989 Annaluein (journal de la Fédération européenne de psychanalyse et École psychanalytique de Strasbourg)
61211 Anneaux et modules, Travaux en cours (Hermann)
30873 Annexes aux actes de la conférence EIAH 2005 (Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain). Montpellier, 25-26 et 27 mai / édités par P. Tchounikine, M. Joab et L. Abrouk
139166 Annexes des Cahiers de linguistique hispanique médiévale 0180-9997
27004 Annexins
154498 Annls Limnol
166142 Annu. Rev. Control
728636 Annuaire 2011 de l'Institut Michel Villey Dalloz
118978 Annuaire 90 Département d'architecture de l'EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
95616 Annuaire Droit et Religion
92329 Annuaire Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section des sciences religieuses
441139 Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales
126798 Annuaire Géologique Universel
172577 Annuaire Historique de Mulhouse
147343 Annuaire congolais de droit et sciences politiques Les éditions HEMAR