Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
133117 RECIIS – Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde 1981-6278 Rio de Janeiro RJ: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde
933983 Tasdiq 2707-6229 Riphah International University Faisalabad Campus, Faisalabad (38000), Pakistan
107785 Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review Ritsumeikan University
134605 Itamar Rivera Editores
141747 Impresa Progetto-Electronic Journal of Management 1824-3576 Rivista accreditata AIDEA - Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale
158372 Archivio di Etnografia 1826-9125 Rivista del Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo: Architettura, Ambiente, Patrimoni Culturali (DiCEM), Università degli Studi della Basilicata
146800 Rivista di Economia e Politica dei Trasporti 2282-6599 Rivista pubblicata dalla Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET)
128912 Urban tracks | Sentieri urbani 2036-3109 Rivista quadrimestrale della Sezione Trentino dell’Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
505306 Teoria e Storia del diritto privato 2036-2528 Rivista scientifica
551408 Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty 1643-1618 Road and Bridge Research Institute
150549 Chamisso Robert Bosch Stiftung
129236 RSCAS Working Papers 1028-3625 Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS
43749 Online Conference "Referring to objects" - Roberto Casati
124573 The British Art Journal 1467-2006 Robin Simon
133090 Journal of Creative Writing Studies 2474-2937 Rochester Institute of Technology
770670 Purakala. The Journal of the Rock Art Society of India (RASI) 0971-2143 Rock Art Society of India (RASI)
282607 Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodnieji Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodnieji
124749 Revista Pasajes 2448-5659 Rodolfo Cruz Vadillo, Juan Guillermo Estay Sepúlved
125446 Glottotheory, International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 1337-7892 Roelcke, Thorsten / Kelih, Emmerich / Köhler, Reinhard
136554 EDM Today 1941-1960 Roger Kern
163038 Studies in perception and action VII 9780805848052 Rogers & Effken
165909 Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania 0004-0355 Roma
146577 Clio: rivista trimestrale di studi storici 0391-6731 Roma : Beniamino Carucci editore
151955 Storica 1125-0194 Roma : Donzelli Editore ; Viella
158836 Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana Roma : Museo preistorico etnografico L. Pigorini
114712 Rivista Italiana di Onomastica (RIOn) 1124-8890 Roma : Società editrice romana
778162 B@belonline Roma Tre Press
178307 Laureatus in Urbe Roma, Aracne
169189 Quaderni del Novecento Roma-Pisa, Fabrizio Serra editore
176171 Krypton 2282-3301 RomaTrE-Press
133980 Chemistry of Metals and Alloys 1998-8079 Roman GLADYSHEVSKII
120419 Archives of Budo 1643-8698 Roman M. Kalina
151658 Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development 2668-4322 Romanian Geographical Society-Prahova Branch
136657 Lakes, Reservoirs and Ponds, Romanian Journal of Limnology 2284-5305 Romanian Limnogeographical Association
117264 Romanian Astronomical Journal 1220-5168 Romanian National Committee for Astronomy
150679 Synthetic Polymer Journal 1224-0230 Romanian Polymer Society
176862 Romanian Journal of Regional Science 1843-8520 Romanian Regional Science Association
105345 Farmacia 0014-8237 Romanian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences
124723 Mecatronica, Journal of Romanian Society of Mecatronics 1583-7653 Romanian Society of Mecatronics
25537 Freiburger Universitätsblätter Rombach Verlag
181223 Le Ragioni di Erasmus 9788-8948 RomeTre-Press
130073 Open Journal of Web Technologies 2199-188X RonPub
119688 Société des Amis de Ronsard du Japon 0916-0817 Ronsard Kenkyūkai
118273 LuxemburgOnline Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
177770 Maldekstra. Globale Perspektiven von links: das Auslandsjournal 0323-3375 Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung
314613 Historia Magistra 2036-5071 Rosemberg & Sellier
113018 Rivista di estetica n.s 0035-6212 Rosenberg & Sellier
147380 Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta družby narodov 0869-8732 Rossijskogo universiteta družby narodov
833753 La Femis présente Rouge Profond
629908 Femmes d'aujourd'hui 0014-9950 Roularta (Bruxelles, Belgique)
164288 Europa. European Review of History – Revue européenne d’histoire 1350-7486 Routledge
128385 History of Economic Thought Routledge
668841 Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 2029-7947 Routledge
178269 Journal of Women & Aging 1540-7322 Routledge
843202 Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure Routledge
848680 Management & Organizationnal History Routledge
132339 Northern History Routledge
106057 The International Spectator 0393-2729 Routledge
130461 The Journal of Peasant Studies 0306-6150 Routledge
136981 The Senses and Society 1745-8927 Routledge
168360 International Critical Thought 2159-8282 Routledge (Taylor & Francis)
155058 Journal of Cultural Geography Routledge, Londres
477348 Contemporary French & Francophone Studies Routledge, New York
477361 Contemporary French & Francophone Studies Routledge, New York
160281 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society Korea
803285 Music Performance Research 1755-9219 Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
139033 International Journal of Small Craft Technology 1740-0694 Royal Institution of Naval Architects
125051 Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 1393-7197 Royal Irish Academy
356690 Ériu 0332-0758 Royal Irish Academy
135418 Proceedings of Royal Society A Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences 1471-2946 Royal Society
50359 Proc. Roy. Soc. A Royal Society Publishing
134639 The biologist 1816-0719 Royal Society of Biology
175231 Chemistry Communications Royal Society of Chemistry
112986 Integrative biology 1757-9694 Royal Society of Chemistry
150841 Journal of Bhutan Research and Development 1321-4585 Royal university of Bhutan
82591 Cell Journal (Yakhteh) 2228-5806 Royan Institute
134793 Campi Immaginabili 1724-966X Rubbettino
146305 Rassegna storica del Risorgimento Rubbettino Editore
260760 Rivista di Politica Rubbettino Editore
924461 L'ACROPOLI Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) - Italie
132847 Cassiodorus, Rivista di studi sulla tarda Antichità 1123-8968 Rubettino Editore
124244 Moving the Social. Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 2197-0386 Ruhr Universitat Bochum
114238 Diasporas Russian Academy of Sciences
164340 Север и Рынок: формирование экономического порядка Russian Academy of Sciences
123545 Articult, Art&Cult 2227-6165 Russian State University for the Humanities
106618 Selected Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics 9781574734652 Ruth Kramer, Elizabeth C. Zsiga, and One Tlale Boyer, Cascadilla Proceedings Project
131958 The Australian & New Zealand grapegrower & winemaker 1446-8212 Ryan Publications
134088 Bulletin scientifique régional Région PACA
153073 Bilans scientifiques régionaux 1240-8662 Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
134561 Lieux d'être 0980-3769 Régis Louchaert
124474 Que dit la recherche Réseau Canopé
775111 Que-Dit-la-Recherche Réseau Canopé
174651 Economie et management 1771-8414 Réseau Canopée
26356 Actes du Séminaire de Carqueranne Les Matières Organiques en France : Etat de l'art et prospectives Réseau Matière Organique
660102 cahiers du Réseau Multidisciplinaire d'Etudes Stratégiques 2030-0875 Réseau Multidisciplinaire d'Etudes Stratégiques de l'Université de Louvain-la-Neuve
714783 la gazette du jeune gériatre 2264-8607 Réseau Pro Santé. 14, rue Commines | 75003 Paris. M. TABTAB Kamel, Directeur
118856 Recueil Alexandries 8089-9790 Réseau Terra
870339 Marché & Organisations – Revue d’Analyse Stratégique (M&O – RAS) 1953-6119 Réseau de recherche sur l'innovation
555143 Sociétés politiques comparées. Revue européenne d’analyse des sociétés politiques 2429-1714 Réseau européen d'analyse des sociétés politiques
181173 Culture(s) de Mode Réseau français de la recherche en Mode
137845 Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change 1499-5549 Réseau international sur le Processus de production du handicap. (RIPPH). Québec. CAN
168461 Réussir Porc - Tech Porc 1261-4327 Réussir
711145 Artes del ensayo. Revista internacional sobre el ensayo hispánico 2462-5035 Ródenas de Moya, Domingo
161013 Peter-Weiss-Jahrbuch Röhrig
119360 Peter Weiss Jahrbuch 1438-8855 Röhrig Universitätsverlag
112844 Frankfurt African Studies Bulletin 0937-3039 Rüdiger Köppe
167612 Comunicazione Filosofica 1128-9082 S.F.I. - SOCIETÀ FILOSOFICA ITALIANA
134261 Théâtre et Drame Musical 1762-9403 S.I.H.C.T.O.B.
122135 Épreuves 2430-6320 S.e
87961 SAC Newsletter SAC
162695 Mag Sacem 2108-8802 SACEM
110189 International Journal of Chemical Sciences 0972-768X SADGURU Publications
182333 American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias 1533-3175 SAGE
116401 Environmental Health Insights SAGE
182285 New Perspectives 2336-825X SAGE
368395 Global Media and China 2059-4372 SAGE Journals
170405 South Asian Research SAGE Journals
180320 Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology 1179-5972 SAGE Publication
498751 Discourse & Society 0957-9265 SAGE Publications
129725 European Educationnal Research Journal 1474-9041 SAGE Publications
65257 International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance Computing SAGE Publications
111146 International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 0020-7020 SAGE Publications
168093 Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers 0256-0909 SAGE Publications
151139 The Indian economic and social history review 0019-4646 SAGE Publications India
152790 Punishment & Society 1462-4745 SAGE Publishing
628116 Bulletin annuel de la société archéologique et historique de Beaugency SAHB
170088 Physics Comment: A Southern African Physics Magazine SAIP
370258 Bulletin (Assoc. suisse archéol. class.) 2571-7847 SAKA-ASAC
138252 Libération 0335-1793 SARL Libération (SFR Presse)
816250 Revue Urbanisme 1240-0874 SARL Publications d’architecture et d’urbanisme
401186 Revue Europe 0014-2751 SARL SEP Europe
152373 AFRIQUE-ASIE 1779-0042 SARL de presse AFRIAM
146861 Psychologie 1111-2468 SARP
913571 Bulletin des la Société Agricole Scientifique et Littéraire des Pyrénées-Orientales SASL
370138 SASPEN 0003-0022 SASPEN
88648 JIDM SBC
179446 Aportes: Revista de historia contemporánea 0213-5868 SCHEDAS
160333 Tecnología y ciencias del agua 2007-2422 SCIELO
770521 Asian Journal of Research in Nephrology SCIENCEDOMAIN
110671 Advances in Research 2348-0394 SCIENCEDOMAIN International
116549 British Journal Environment and Climate Change 2231-4784 SCIENCEDOMAIN International
171295 Physical Science International Journal 2348-0130 SCIENCEDOMAIN International
539896 American Chemical Science Journal SCIENCEDOMAIN international
124509 Asian Journal of Biology 2456-7124 SCIENCEDOMAIN international
124508 Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology 2456-690X SCIENCEDOMAIN international
105579 British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 2231-0843 SCIENCEDOMAIN international
149803 South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 2581-821X SCIENCEDOMAIN international (SDI)
903339 High-Temperature Materials 3006-9971 SCIEPublish
942711 Nature Anthropology 2959-7641 SCIEPublish
577204 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2023) 2184-4372 SCITEPRESS
127560 Arès : défense et sécurité 0181-009X SDEDSI
150173 Ares, Défense et Sécurité 0181-009X SDESI
146326 Advies & Educatie SDU Uitgevers Den Haag
113854 Medical perspectives (Medicni Perspektivi) 2307-0404 SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine
178831 Ae Agricultura y Ganaderia Ecológica 2172-3117 SEAE Soiciedad Espagnola de Agricultura Ecológica
948784 The Theory and Practice of Socio-Economic Management SEAM INSTITUTE
151002 SPAFA Digest 0125-7099 SEAMEO
145936 Le Point Pop 2607-3730 SEBDO Le Point
125479 Interest SEBL Grand Est
617053 Rhodanie 0751-2325 SECABR
112041 Newsletter de la SEDI SEDI
130847 Bulletin de la société d'égyptologie de Genève 0255-6286 SEG
178179 Bulletin annuel - SEHN 1286-4315 SEHN
549863 Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2445-0669 SEKLE
150348 Film Journal 2556-4161 SERCIA
169974 The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle (JARLife) 2534-773X SERDI, Auzeville-Tolosane (FRA)
79199 International Journal of Control and Automation SERSC
674759 SF2A-2022: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics SF2A
155642 Bulletin de la Société Française des Architectes SFA – Société Française des Architectes
164226 Manuscript cultures 1867-9617 SFB 950 ‘Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa’
26350 Actes du Colloque de la SFECAG SFECAG
26324 Actes du Colloque de la SFECAG, Blois SFECAG
107831 Science First Hand SFH Novosibirsk
353024 Snacking 2264-2609 SFPE Editions
724846 SANTE PUBLIQUE 0995-3914 SFSP
143533 Quoi de NEUF ? • supplément au numéro 27 • été 2014 SGEN-CFDT
178862 Les Cahiers du Pays thionvillois 1144-2816 SHAL - Section de Thionville
167792 Funes Journal of Narratives And Social Sciences 2532-6732 SHARE Press
52575 SHD, Dijon SHD, Dijon
115999 Les dossiers de HEL : supplément électronique à la revue Histoire Épistémologie Langage SHESL
25211 Mémoires de la Fédération des sociétés d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de l'Aisne, SHPF
405401 Journal of the Society for Iranian Archaeology SIA
568527 Ciceroniana On Line. A Journal of Roman Thought 2532-5353 SIAC (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron ( and by the CSC (Centro di Studi Ciceroniani in Rome)
162134 Brayaud et Combrailles N°138 SIET
136760 SIETAR Europa Journal SIETAR
151750 Marguerite Yourcenar et le monde des Lettres SIEY
132973 La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 0393-697X SIF, Bologna
163995 Europe et Orient 1773-9802 SIGEST
125318 Revue de la SIHPA SIHPA
168528 SIO Université de Bourgogne SIO Université de Bourgogne
745590 Confinia Psychopathologica. International Journal of Art therapy and Psychopathology of Expression SIPE-AT
113436 Pedagogia Oggi 1827-0824 SIPED
153462 Pedagogia oggi. Rivista della Società Italiana di Pedagogia SIPED: Società Italiana di Pedagogia
135274 Journal of Informatics, Special Issue on Object Data Models SIS Press
113758 Stilistica e metrica italiana. Rivista del «Gruppo Padovano di Stilistica» con il concorso della «Fondazione Ezio Franceschini - Archivio Gianfranco Contini» 1591-6693 SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo
236865 SIWN Research Journal 2044-7272 SIWN : Systemics and Informatics World Network, UK
272978 System and Information Sciences Notes (SISN) 1753-2310