Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
492570 Humanity space. International almanac 2226-0773 International Academy of Education
112223 Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Development
786230 Humanitäres Völkerrecht 2625-719X
83288 Humanité et liberté en Afrique centrale
791684 Humanités 1737-9733 المعهد العالي للدراسات التطبيقية في الإنسانيات بالكاف جامعة جندوبة - تونس
110829 Humanités Gabonaises, revue internationale de lettres, sciences humaines et sociale 2223-8433 Les Editions Ntsame
177097 Humanités des Suds et des Orients LLACS- Reso (EA 4582)
162127 Humanités numériques 2736-2337 Bruxelles: Humanistica
857993 Humanités numériques
248320 Humanités, Didactiques, Recherches Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3) - Editions du DILTEC
76025 Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2011 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on
39244 Humanomics 0828-8666 Emerald
149007 Humanum Sciences
182543 Humarom
64902 Humboldt Kosmos Humboldt Foundation
96724 Hume Studies
39245 Humor 0933-1719 De Gruyter
61754 Humoresque
49289 Humoresques 0996-9942 CORHUM-Humoresques
155744 Humoresques
53370 Hunan daxue xuebao 湖南大學學報 (Journal of Hunan University)
22107 Hunan yi ke da xue xue bao = Hunan yike daxue xuebao = Bulletin of Hunan Medical University 1000-5625
709644 Hunara 2975-1608 Casa Editrice Persiani
89940 Hungarian Archaeology 2416-0296 Archaeolingua Foundation and Publishing House
329601 Hungarian Assyriological Review 2732-2610
109953 Hungarian Cultural Studies 2471-965X American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA)
177561 Hungarian Educational Research Journal 2064-2199
120802 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 2064-5031
119626 Hungarian Historical Review 2063-8647 Budapest: Inst. Hist. Res. Cent. Humanit. HAS
68019 Hungarian Journal of Chemistry //Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat
145066 Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 1218-7364 Lajos Kossuth Univ
158525 Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 2498-5473
21747 Hungarian Journal of Surgery / Magyar Sebészet 0025-0295 Akadémiai Kiadó
494828 Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal
39246 Hungarian Studies 0236-6568 Akadémiai Kiadó
138512 Hungarian Studies Review 0713-8083 Ottawa: Hungarian Readers' Service
134255 Hungarian journal of industrial chemistry 0133-0276
121779 Hunter Gatherer Research 2056-3264 Liverpoll University Press
118248 Huntia 0073-4071
5287 Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 University of California Press
93825 Hurly Burly
93789 Hurly-Burly
39247 Husserl Studies 0167-9848 Springer Verlag
106734 Hutnické Listy
176665 Hvar Observatory Bulletin Faculty of Geodesy (Zagreb)
109632 Hybrid Pedagogy
103734 Hybrid. Revue des arts et médiations humaines 2276-3538 Labex Arts H2H/Presses Universitaires de Vincennes
237862 Hybrida, revue scientifique sur les hybridations culturelles et les identités migrantes 2660-6259 Université Valence/Espagne
175704 Hybridelec
740645 Hybrides. Revue des Arts, Lettres et Sciences de l’Homme 2959-8060 Association PEA2
22106 Hybridoma and Hybridomics 1536-8599 Mary Ann Liebert
5288 Hydraulic & Mechanical MRO 1550-3232 Penton Media, Inc
130689 Hydraulic modeling and uncertainty
5289 Hydraulics and pneumatics 0018-814X Penton Ipc
81546 Hydria
123535 Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment 1998-5452 Media for energy Nepal PVT. LTD. (MEN)
106230 Hydro Review 0884-0385 Pennwell
156373 Hydro scopie 1278-8325
156204 Hydroacoustics 1642-1817 Polish Acoustical Society, Gdansk Department
23284 Hydrobiologia 0018-8158 Springer
780889 Hydrobiologia 1573-5117
13734 Hydrobiological Journal 0018-8166 Begell House
39250 Hydrocarbon Processing 0887-0284 Gulf Publishing Company
5290 Hydrocarbon Processing & Petroleum Refiner 0096-2406 Gulf Pub Co
5291 Hydrocarbon processing 0018-8190 Gulf Publishing Company
116271 Hydrocarbon. Eng
69771 Hydrocarbonworld
167432 Hydrogen 2673-4141 MDPI
174899 Hydrogen
39252 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter Hydrogen Letter
159777 Hydrogeology Journal 1431-2174
39253 Hydrogeology Journal 1431-2174 Springer Verlag
180376 Hydrogeology Journal 1435-0157
181610 Hydrogeology Journal
132964 Hydrographische Nachrichten 0934-7747
24169 Hydrogéologie
96544 Hydrogéologie - Géologie de l'ingénieur
153523 Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci
153896 Hydrolink 1388-3445
113116 Hydrological Processes 0885-6087 Wiley
145851 Hydrological Processes
157512 Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 0303-6936
39254 Hydrological Sciences Journal 0262-6667 Taylor & Francis
65788 Hydrologie continentale
171302 Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 1439-1783 Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
110138 Hydrology 2306-5338 MDPI
627383 Hydrology
89316 Hydrology Research 0029-1277 IWA Publishing
70167 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 1027-5606 European Geosciences Union
384084 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
1012 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 1812-2108 European Geosciences Union
546018 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions
149829 Hydrology: Current Research 2157-7587 HILARIS Publisher
20488 Hydrometallurgy 0304-386X Elsevier
42051 Hydroplus
154310 Hydroplus - Hydrosciences
173508 Hydrospatial Analysis 2582-2969 Gatha Cognition
31526 Hydrosystèmes, paysages et territoires
39251 Hydroécologie Appliquée 1147-9213 EDP Sciences
1013 Hygiea Internationalis 1404-4013 Linköping University Electronic Press