Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
144205 Journal of Thoretical Biology
151090 Journal of Threat Assessment and Management 2169-4842
538762 Journal of Threat Assessment and Management 2169-4850
379881 Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 1573-742X
113531 Journal of Time Series Econometrics
381515 Journal of Tissue Engineering 2041-7314
233804 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 1932-6254
608578 Journal of Topology 1753-8416
162312 Journal of Tourism History 1755-182X
109601 Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality
174218 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health
152864 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A Current Issues 1528-7394
163577 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues
156869 Journal of Trace Elements and Electrolytes in Health and Disease 0931-2838
82820 Journal of Trading
972518 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences 2095-7548
127087 Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2225-4110
108471 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering
145459 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2328-2142
166762 Journal of Transatlantic Studies 1479-4012
163135 Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2626-8310
887642 Journal of Transition Metal Complexes 2566-0136
142693 Journal of Translation History
163064 Journal of Translation and Languages
905170 Journal of Translational Medicine 1479-5876
336947 Journal of Transport & Health
176540 Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
105651 Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 0022-5258
169285 Journal of Transport Geography
103060 Journal of Transport and Land Use
900681 Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 2473-2907
86966 Journal of Transportation Safety and Security
159234 Journal of Transportation Technologies
166146 Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
143684 Journal of Trauma and acute care surgery
90002 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
176571 Journal of Travel Research
182137 Journal of Tribology
80326 Journal of Tropical Forest Science
742369 Journal of Tropical Medicine and Health Opinion
64314 Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
136341 Journal of Tsinghua University
136651 Journal of Turbulence
157056 Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 0378-8024
73009 Journal of US-China Public Administration
47549 Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence
171757 Journal of Ultrasound 1876-7931
167321 Journal of Umm Al-Qura University For Applied Science
87224 Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources
170819 Journal of Universal Computer Science
179112 Journal of Universal Computer Science, (J.USC)
171796 Journal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences
90422 Journal of Unsolved Questions
171080 Journal of Urban Affairs
892130 Journal of Urban Design and Mental Health
540321 Journal of Urban Economics
336955 Journal of Urban Health
350346 Journal of Urban Mobility 2667-0917
121373 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering 1982-3932
163311 Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series Physics
81583 Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems
140072 Journal of Vascular Medicine & Surgery 2329-6925
138933 Journal of Vascular Research
171255 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 1535-7732
166274 Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 2413-2349
155217 Journal of Veterinary Anatomy 1687-9988
141373 Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
100181 Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B
160030 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 0140-7783
157616 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology 0972-8872
589594 Journal of Veterinary Research 2450-8608
102170 Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology 2157-7579
65327 Journal of Vibration Engineering
342306 Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 2523-3920
174998 Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics 2475-4811
162374 Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
194223 Journal of Viral Hepatitis
494422 Journal of Virology 1098-5514
112719 Journal of Virology and Retrovirology
100404 Journal of Virologyogy
752890 Journal of Virus Eradication 2055-6659
773488 Journal of Vision
151869 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 1047-3203
121549 Journal of Visual Language and Computing
143170 Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
138426 Journal of Visualization
62477 Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
178653 Journal of Visualized Experiments
144636 Journal of Vocational Behavior 0001-8791
144104 Journal of Vocational Behavior
173894 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
178534 Journal of Water Management Modeling 2292-6062
173515 Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
155047 Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology. Aqua 1606-9935
419974 Journal of Water and Soil Science
24165 Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
23805 Journal of Wave Material interaction
182456 Journal of Web Semantics (JWS)
94524 Journal of Welding of Japan Welding Society (Invited Paper)
347651 Journal of West African History 2327-1868
173391 Journal of Western Medieval History
107591 Journal of Wildlife Diseases
303664 Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity
149857 Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics
136845 Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
176375 Journal of Wine Economics
144587 Journal of Wine Economics 1931-4361
76103 Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications
141848 Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care
134371 Journal of Wood Science
117781 Journal of World Economic Research
60042 Journal of World Investment and Trade
152523 Journal of World Popular Music
502819 Journal of World's Poultry Research 2322-455X
240676 Journal of Writing Analytics
69402 Journal of Writing Research
94760 Journal of Writing in Creative Practice
156491 Journal of Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping 1000-050X
142895 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed 1000-2413
65049 Journal of Wuhan University of technology - Materials science
129194 Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
89675 Journal of Xenobiotic
127551 Journal of Xiangya Medicine
115484 Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research
327410 Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy 2476-1303
119927 Journal of Young Investigators
53603 Journal of Youth Policy
126679 Journal of Yunan Normal University (Natural Sciences Edition) 1007-9793
60155 Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A
52651 Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
146568 Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 1673-565X
69549 Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A
29533 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science
136347 Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A
165815 Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
159904 Journal of Zoology 0952-8369
135226 Journal of Zoology
181776 Journal of addiction medicine 1935-3227
167929 Journal of addiction medicine
144430 Journal of advertising research 0021-8499
151905 Journal of aerosol medecine and pulmonary drug delivery
165651 Journal of aggression, conflict and peace research
75953 Journal of agricultural economics 
154532 Journal of agricultural enginering ressources
765501 Journal of agriculture and food chemistery 1520-5118
77749 Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing
286148 Journal of analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation
109328 Journal of analytical sciences
182768 Journal of analytical toxicology
942103 Journal of animal Law, Ethics and One Health (LEOH) 2813-7434
117726 Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 1439-0388
104640 Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition 1439-0396
103392 Journal of animal science 1525-3163
125118 Journal of animal science advances 2251-7219
47010 Journal of applied
34714 Journal of applied Glycoscience
51137 Journal of applied Meteorology Climatology
21994 Journal of applied clinical medical physics [electronic resource] / American College of Medical Physics
91587 Journal of applied research in finance
131369 Journal of applied toxicology: JAT
110786 Journal of artificial societies and social simulation
182583 Journal of atrial fibrillation 1941-6911
375509 Journal of attention disorders
402779 Journal of autoimmunity
33512 Journal of basic microbiology
35008 Journal of biochemistry
79172 Journal of biological
23399 Journal of biology and chemistry
52173 Journal of biology and physics
179056 Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials
158349 Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 1552-4981
171170 Journal of biomedical semantics
188682 Journal of biotechnology 1873-4863
105534 Journal of botany
797444 Journal of breath research 1752-7163
116203 Journal of bridge engineering
74260 Journal of business & economic statistics
117042 Journal of business cycle measurement and analysis
107671 Journal of business finance & accounting
144463 Journal of business strategy (the) 0275-6668
147499 Journal of business valuation and economic loss analysis 1932-9156
144382 Journal of business venturing 0883-9026
860262 Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 2190-6009
21981 Journal of cancer epidemiology and prevention 1476-6647
89885 Journal of cancer therapy
21980 Journal of capillary electrophoresis 1079-5383
174380 Journal of cardiovascular echography
137993 Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance
937810 Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
32201 Journal of cellular Biology
21975 Journal of cellular biochemistry. Supplement 0733-1959
132850 Journal of chemical, biological and physical sciences. Section B Biological Sciences 2249-1929
100887 Journal of chemotherapy (Florence, Italy)
181306 Journal of chromatography. B 1873-376X
21964 Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 0168-8634
31154 Journal of clinical immunology
294391 Journal of clinical medicine
152332 Journal of clinical microbiology
402915 Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
845426 Journal of clinical oncology . official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 1527-7755