Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
77814 Red cultural
77815 Risk, Decision, and Policy
77450 Paléobios 0294-121X Société Française de Paléobiologie
77451 Revue Historique Vaudoise
77452 European Journal of Glass Science and Technology A
77455 Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles
77456 Galactic Archaeology: Near-Field Cosmology and the Formation of the Milky Way. Proceedings of the conference held 16-20 May 2011 in Shuzenji
77458 ISCIS '12 : 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
77461 VTC Fall 2012 - Wireless World 2020 Workshop ieee
92731 Nature & Technology
92732 Ulmer Seminare
92741 Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization
92742 Cahiers Roger Vailland
92743 Journées critiques
92744 J. Violin Soc. Am
92746 Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology
92748 International Journal of Game-Based Learning 2155-6849 IGI Global
92750 Histoire, médecine et santé 2263-8911 Éditions Méridiennes
92761 Opt.Commun
92764 Appareils
92770 Numérique et transesthétique
92771 Journal of Nano and Electronic Physics 2077-6772 Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)
92776 Jpn J. of Appl. Phys
92777 Revista Critica de Ciencia Sociais
92778 Enrahonar. Quaderns de filosofia
92785 FÊNIX - Revista de História e Estudos Culturais QUALIS CAPES
92787 Mouseion – Revista Eletrônica do Museu e Arquivo Histórico La Salle 1981-7207 Unilasalle
92788 Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and supply chain Management
92789 Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaşi, Automatic Control and Computer Science Section
92793 Bulletin de la Société Académique des Hautes-Pyrénées 1957-1291 Tarbes : Archives départementales
92795 International Journal on Engineering Applications
92796 Future & smart cities. Urban pamphleteer
92798 Current Agricultural Science and Technology
92799 MethodsMol Biol
92801 Desacatos : Revista de antropología social
92805 Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research
92807 Durkheimian Studies/Études Durkheimiennes 1362-024X Berghahn
92809 The Even Yearbook. ELTE SEAS Working Papers in Linguistics
92813 Twentieth Century Communism: a journal of international history
92816 Pro-Posicoes
92817 LingDok 5
92819 LingDok 7
92820 Orbis Terrarum : internationale zeitschrift für historische geographie der alten welt : =revue d'histoire géographique du monde ancien : =journal of historical geography of the ancient world : rivista di storia geografica del mondo antico
92821 Cahiers de Linguisque-Asie Orientale
92823 Mon-Khmer Studies Journal
92826 Contesti
92830 Frontiers of architectural research 2095-2635 Ke Ai/Elsevier
92832 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd
92833 Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics PSiCL