Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
108896 Journal of Ethnology Journal of Ethnology/民族学刊
108897 Comptes rendus Académie des Sciences de Pologne,
108902 FORT The International journal of fortification and military architecture 0261-586X FORTRESS STUDY GROUP
108903 International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 2010-3697 IJMO
108910 OECD Journal: Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis 1995-2880
108924 The Old Potter’s Almanack 0965-7479 Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
108932 Psychiatrie et violence
108934 Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies 2049-9531 Intellect
108936 Economics of Transportation
108938 RESADDERSSE international 2103-8651 Editions du Cosmogone
108939 Confraternitas 1180-0682 Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies for The Society for Confraternity Studies
108944 Innovations in E-learning, Instruction Technology, Assessment, and Engineering Education
108945 Nordic Journal of English Studies 1654-6970 Nordic Association of English Studies
108948 Revue TÉLÉCOM
108953 Variants : Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarshipe 1573-3084 Brill
108954 Journal für Konflikt-und Gewaltforschung 1438-9444 Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt und Gewaltforschung
108956 Contour EPFL
108960 TESOLANZ Journal 1172-9694 TESOLANZ, in Wellington, NZ
108961 Sciences et techniques en perspectives
108964 Satellinet
108973 Compr Psychiatry
108983 Eco-ethica 2186-4802
108984 e-Journal of the Caribbean Academy of Sciences
108985 Studia Praehistorica 0204-9880 Department of prehistory at the National institute of archaeology with museum
108986 Journal of Iberian Archaeology 0874-2677 ADECAP
108987 Evidence-Based Endodontics
108988 Journal of Mediterranean Geography
108991 El Estado mental
108992 Le Carnet Zilsel
108995 Zéro de
108996 Cuadernos de Teoria Social Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile
108997 Informatics 1816-0301 National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
108999 Recherches économiques de Louvain
109000 Working paper, University Do Porto
109001 Revue économique et sociale. Bulletin de la Société d'études économiques et sociales Société d'études économiques et sociales
108405 Case Reports in Nephrology
108411 Développement économique et ouverture des pays méditerranéens
108415 Dansk Sociologi
108427 Depth of Field
108428 Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society Taylor and Francis
108431 The Politics of Knowledge
108432 Remediating the Social, Electronic Literature as a Model for Creativity and Innovation in Practice, Bergen
108442 Cahiers du dessin français Galerie De Bayser
108443 PRACE Newsletter
108446 Journal of Materials Science and Engineering with Advanced Technology
108447 Journal of Bone Marrow Research
108449 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
108452 Journal of Advanced Physics
108454 Revista escrita da historia 2359-0238
108459 Philosophy Study 2159-5313 David Publishing
108468 Proceedings of the Kiev Institute of Mathematics
108470 International Journal of Partial Differential Equations Hindawi
108471 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering
108473 Research EU- results magazine
108475 Journal of elasticity and the physical science of solids
108478 Bulletin de l'association Les amis de Louis Mazetier et de l'art sacré du XXe siècle
108482 The European Journal of Development Research
108483 Economies et Sociétés (Serie'Histoire Economique Quantitative')
108485 Studia dramatica
108489 International Productivity Monitor
108493 PRST AB
108505 Military Medicine 0026-4075
108511 Biomedical journal [electronic resource] 2320-2890 Wolters Kluwer Health/ Medknow
108513 Annals of the University Dunarea De Jos of Galati, Fascicle Vi-Food Technology
108515 Constellations
108516 Documents de travail du LÉAD
108521 Revista de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo
108523 Chirurgie de la Main
108524 Journal of Aero Aqua Bio-mechanisms
108533 Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research
108534 ISRN Condensed Matter Physics
108540 Anuario Thinkepi 1886-6344 El Profesional de la Información
108542 Advances in Computer Science and Engineering 0973-6999 Pushpa Publishing House
108544 International Journal of Engineering Technologies 2149-0104
108545 Tanso
108547 Bulletin cercle généalogique d'Alsace publié en Alsace
108550 I. Labraunda
108553 Istanbuler Mitteilungen
108554 Kinétraceséditions 2430-882X Kinétraces
108557 Alloys and Compounds
108561 Journal of Medical Entomology
108573 Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems 2321-5658
108575 Revista Latinoameicana de Filosofía
108576 Notae Philosophicae Scientiae Formalis
108581 Futurs indicatifs Editions Néothèque
108583 Economics: E-Journal
108584 Journal of Housing Economics
108590 Revue Economie, Gestion et Societe 2458-6250
108595 Radio Science
108603 Actes des GTMG
108610 Cybernetics
108612 AMSE journals, Advances in modelling
108107 Potato planet
108109 Communication et influence 1760-4842
108111 L'Entreprise Logistique 0766-6063 Eurolog - Groupe ESSEC et Society of Logistics Engineers - France
108115 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology 2277-1581
108119 JOEME
108120 L'Autre Musique 2117-4466
108136 Journal of Medical Informatics and Technology
108141 Gestos, Revista de teoría y práctica del teatro hispanoamericano