Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
111298 IPOTESI : revista de estudos literàrios 1415-2525 Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
341041 IPRI Islamabad Policy Research Institute 1684-9787
142974 IPRax, Praxis des internationalen Privatrechts 0720-6585 Gieseking verlag
615522 IPRinfo
35730 IPSERA 2005 Conference, Archamps, France, 20-23 March, p. 755-763
58717 IPSJ Digital Courier 1349-7456 Information Processing Society of Japan
30322 IPSJ Transaction on Advanced Computer Systems
96026 IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
64754 IPSJ Transactions on Programming IPSJ
143706 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology
46268 IPTS report
39486 IPTV Advanced Television Ltd
143242 IRACON
84580 IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT)
113914 IRAL
26638 IRAQ
39489 IRB Advisor 1535-2064 AHC Media LLC
90077 IRBA : Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées
127655 IRBM News
783192 IRBM News 1959-7568
77611 IRCAM
149019 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 2235-3151
120597 IRCS Medical Science 0268-8220
595207 IRD
154739 IRD le Mag
39490 IRE Professional Group on Audio Newsletter Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
14859 IRE Transactions on Automatic Control / Institute of Radio Engineers Transactions on Automatic Control 0096-199X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
14860 IRE Transactions on Component Parts 0096-2422 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
5718 IRE Transactions on Engineering Management 0096-2252 Professional Group on Engineering Management
5719 IRE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech 0893-7869 New York, Institute of Radio Engineers
14861 IRE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production 0096-1779 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
14862 IRE Transactions on Production Techniques 0096-1760 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
86998 IRECAP
42599 IREE International Review of Electrical Engineering
42600 IREE, International Review of Electrical Engineering
80117 IREP
131631 IRIS 0769-0681 UGA Éditions / Université Grenoble Alpes en collaboration avec le centre de recherche ISA (Imaginaire et Socio-Anthropologie) de l’UMR 5316 Litt&Arts (CNRS-UGA)
108846 IRIS l’Institut de recherche immigration et société
87686 IRIS
171197 IRIS Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques
60756 IRIS / Cahiers du Gerf
59591 IRIS DMS Newsletter Fall
67322 IRIS n° 11, "Bible et Imaginaire
152754 IRIS observatoire
161699 IRIS – Les Cahiers du Gerf
79424 IRIS, Centre de recherche sur l'imaginaire, Université Grenoble 3
23253 IRMA - Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics 2523-5133 EMS
46428 IROS
45710 IRPC Recent avances and Research Updates
100687 IRRE
171195 IRS héritage
181550 IRSEM - Research Papers IRSEM
178532 IRSEM Strategic Brief
5728 IS Magazine 1542-4219 L. C. Clark Publishing
88602 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging
5729 ISA Journal 0096-0810 Instrument Society of America
96627 ISA Transaction
5730 ISA Transactions 0019-0578 Elsevier
179498 ISA eSymposium for Sociology
152464 ISABB Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences 1937-3236 Academic Journals
836061 ISAR Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies 2583-9705 ISAR Publisher
82391 ISARCS '10 :1rst International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems
85962 ISAST Transactions on Communications and Networking 1797-0989 International Society for Advanced Science and Technology
47722 ISB News Report
82758 ISB-Magazine ISB
88079 ISBA Bulletin
79775 ISBI 2012: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
90468 ISBI 2013 : IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro
144442 ISBJ, International Small Business Journal 0266-2426
707192 ISBL
84203 ISBN 973-8335-84-1
170500 ISBN 978-3-319-09164-8
14870 ISBT Science Series 1751-2816 Wiley
151155 ISBuzzNews ISBuzz Pty Ltd
76199 ISCC '12 : The Seventeenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications
77458 ISCIS '12 : 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
83443 ISCO '12 : 2nd international symposium on combinatorial optimization
161519 ISDC's Letter Institut suisse de droit comparé (ISDC) (Lausanne, Suisse)
44832 ISDR Informs Asia & Pacific
61970 ISEC '10: Proceedings of the 3rd India software engineering conference
434747 ISEE Conference Abstracts 1078-0475
106656 ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology ISESCO-COMSTECH
60051 ISESCO Science and Technology Vision
64892 ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology
810985 ISFJ
80593 ISG '10 : International Society for Gerontechnology 7th World Conference
152252 ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 0971-5010
437556 ISHPES Studies Academia Verlag Sankt Augustin
113440 ISI
157179 ISI Atlas of Science. Animal and Plant Sciences 0894-3761
82991 ISIG Journal
123347 ISIJ Int (Iron Steel Inst Jpn)
14871 ISIJ international 0915-1559 Iron & Steel Institute of Japan
46029 ISIM Newsletter 1388-9788 International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World
176423 ISIM Review 1871-4374
148566 ISIMU 1575-3492 Universidad Autonoma Madrid