Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
748994 Insee Analyses Insee
164650 Stateco Insee
151949 Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria 2420-7861 Insegna del Giglio
87834 Inside GNSS 1559-503X Inside GNSS Media LLC
40866 Who Owns Radio Inside Radio Inc
39342 Inside the Pentagon's Inside the Navy Inside Washington Publishers
39344 Insider Quarterly 1475-410X Insider Publishing Ltd
199816 American Journal of Ethnomedicine 2348-9502 Insight Medical Publishing
202827 American Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2393-8862 Insight Medical Publishing
193839 American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics 2321-2748 Insight Medical Publishing
187185 Annals of Biological sciences 2348-1927 Insight Medical Publishing
543735 Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research 2386-5180 Insight Medical Publishing
560788 Archives of Medicine 1989-5216 Insight Medical Publishing
181690 Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research 2249-7412 Insight Medical Publishing
181689 Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research (AJPSKY) 2249-7412 Insight Medical Publishing
119180 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Journal 2471-8084 Insight Medical Publishing
193988 British Biomedical Bulletin 2347-5447 Insight Medical Publishing
260441 Cellular & Molecular Medicine: Open access 2573-5365 Insight Medical Publishing
260444 Cellular & Molecular Medicine: Open access 2573-5365 Insight Medical Publishing
181336 Der Pharmacia Sinica 0976-8688 Insight Medical Publishing
198030 Global Journal of Research and Review 2393-8854 Insight Medical Publishing
264687 Journal of Autoimmune Disorders 2471-8513 Insight Medical Publishing
246396 Journal of Clinical & Experimental Orthopaedics 2471-8416 Insight Medical Publishing
256023 Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics 2472-1921 Insight Medical Publishing
143582 Journal of Dental and Craniofacial Research 2576-392X Insight Medical Publishing
205797 Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry 2472-1123 Insight Medical Publishing
181699 Journal of Orthodontics and Endodontics 2469-2980 Insight Medical Publishing
480560 Molecular Enzymology and Drug Targets Insight Medical Publishing
113231 Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication 2470-9905 Insight Medical Publishing
269918 Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access 2574-0431 Insight Medical Publishing
560507 Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access 2574-0431 Insight Medical Publishing
87306 Insight Journal 2327-770X Insight Software Consortium
125106 Insignis - Revue d’études littéraires et transdisciplinaires sur le XIXe siècle 2108-7180 Insignis
277364 Bulletin de liaison des musées d'histoire naturelle 0755-2440 Inspection générale des musées d'histoire naturelle de province
686070 Livret Repères Inspé de Nantes
686066 Repères Inspé de Nantes
514786 Revista brasileira de direito Animal 2317-4552 Inst. de Abolicionismo Animal
1931 Pharmacological Reports 1734-1140 Inst. of Pharmacology, Polish Acad. of Sciences
158679 Discussion Paper Inst. of Regional Studies, Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Acad. of Sciences
133948 Nassarre 0213-7305 Institucion Fernando el Catolico
133949 Anuario Musical 0211-3538 Institucion Milà y Fontanals (CSIC)
170491 Debats (Valencia. Internet) 2530-3074 Institució Alfons el Magnànim-Centre Valencià d'Estudis i de Recerca
151644 Archivo de Filología Aragonesa 0210-5624 Institución Fernando el Católico
125637 Caesaraugusta 0007-9502 Institución Fernando el Católico
52185 Principe de Viana 0032-8472 Institución Príncipe de Viana
43640 Fontes Linguae Vasconum : Studia et documenta 0046-435X Institución Príncipe de Viana - Gobierno de Navarra
64486 Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua 1578-5386 Institución «Fernando el Católico»
114550 Revista de Historia Jerónimo Zurita 0214-0993 Institución “Fernando el Católico”
136031 IMESC 2291-322X Institue for Middle East Studies-Canada
110987 Dixit (Aix-en-Provence) 2416-9226 Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Aix-en-Provence)