Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
162737 Séminaires scientifiques et techniques de l’Inrap 2650-2674 Inrap
603212 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science Inria
85072 LISA (Sophia-Antipolis) Inria
176120 Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications Inria
130646 Émergences Inria
108350 Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age 2282-4863 Inschibboleth Edizioni
35390 Données sociales : La société française - Édition 2006 Insee
450872 Insee Analyse, Île-de-France Insee
748994 Insee Analyses Insee
164650 Stateco Insee
151949 Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria 2420-7861 Insegna del Giglio
87834 Inside GNSS 1559-503X Inside GNSS Media LLC
40866 Who Owns Radio Inside Radio Inc
39342 Inside the Pentagon's Inside the Navy Inside Washington Publishers
39344 Insider Quarterly 1475-410X Insider Publishing Ltd
199816 American Journal of Ethnomedicine 2348-9502 Insight Medical Publishing
202827 American Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2393-8862 Insight Medical Publishing
193839 American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics 2321-2748 Insight Medical Publishing
187185 Annals of Biological sciences 2348-1927 Insight Medical Publishing
543735 Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research 2386-5180 Insight Medical Publishing
560788 Archives of Medicine 1989-5216 Insight Medical Publishing
181690 Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research 2249-7412 Insight Medical Publishing
181689 Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research (AJPSKY) 2249-7412 Insight Medical Publishing
119180 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Journal 2471-8084 Insight Medical Publishing
193988 British Biomedical Bulletin 2347-5447 Insight Medical Publishing
260441 Cellular & Molecular Medicine: Open access 2573-5365 Insight Medical Publishing
260444 Cellular & Molecular Medicine: Open access 2573-5365 Insight Medical Publishing
181336 Der Pharmacia Sinica 0976-8688 Insight Medical Publishing
198030 Global Journal of Research and Review 2393-8854 Insight Medical Publishing
264687 Journal of Autoimmune Disorders 2471-8513 Insight Medical Publishing
246396 Journal of Clinical & Experimental Orthopaedics 2471-8416 Insight Medical Publishing
256023 Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics 2472-1921 Insight Medical Publishing
143582 Journal of Dental and Craniofacial Research 2576-392X Insight Medical Publishing
205797 Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry 2472-1123 Insight Medical Publishing
181699 Journal of Orthodontics and Endodontics 2469-2980 Insight Medical Publishing
480560 Molecular Enzymology and Drug Targets Insight Medical Publishing
113231 Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication 2470-9905 Insight Medical Publishing
269918 Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access 2574-0431 Insight Medical Publishing
560507 Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access 2574-0431 Insight Medical Publishing
87306 Insight Journal 2327-770X Insight Software Consortium
125106 Insignis - Revue d’études littéraires et transdisciplinaires sur le XIXe siècle 2108-7180 Insignis
277364 Bulletin de liaison des musées d'histoire naturelle 0755-2440 Inspection générale des musées d'histoire naturelle de province
686070 Livret Repères Inspé de Nantes
686066 Repères Inspé de Nantes
514786 Revista brasileira de direito Animal 2317-4552 Inst. de Abolicionismo Animal
1931 Pharmacological Reports 1734-1140 Inst. of Pharmacology, Polish Acad. of Sciences
158679 Discussion Paper Inst. of Regional Studies, Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Acad. of Sciences
133948 Nassarre 0213-7305 Institucion Fernando el Catolico
133949 Anuario Musical 0211-3538 Institucion Milà y Fontanals (CSIC)
170491 Debats (Valencia. Internet) 2530-3074 Institució Alfons el Magnànim-Centre Valencià d'Estudis i de Recerca