Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
120221 Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 2468-8495 Elsevier
8184 Reproduction [Cambridge] 1470-1626 BioScientifica [2001-....]
1536 Journal of Reproduction and Development 0916-8818 Society for Reproduction and Development
12390 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0951-192X Taylor & Francis
22726 Animal Reproduction Science 0378-4320 Elsevier [1977-....]
13208 Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 1471-2598 Taylor & Francis
882289 Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft 1867-9501 De Gruyter
16459 Journal of Vegetation Science 1100-9233 Wiley
917177 NPJ Mental Health Research 2731-4251 Springer Nature
917989 Recherches et recherches-actions en didactique de l'informatique IREM de Grenoble
917927 Antropologiâ : Spisanie za sociokulturna antropologiâ = Anthropology : Journal for Socioсultural Anthropology 2367-573X South-West University Neofit Rilski
873244 Caminhos da Educação Matemática em Revista 1983-7399 Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Educação Matemática
12964 Epidemiology and Infection 0950-2688 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
134103 Plants Journal : Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2394-0530 AkiNik Publications
12433 Nature Cell Biology 1465-7392 Nature Publishing Group
916115 Philosophical Studies Journal 2950-2268 Brill
918004 Cell Reports Sustainability 2949-7906
918349 CSI Communications 0970-647X Computer Society of India [1978-....]
24803 Mineralium Deposita 0026-4598 Springer
178384 International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology Institute of research and journal - IRAJ
171480 Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism Taylor's University Sdn Bhd
691213 Archéologies. Sociétés, réseaux, matériaux Université Lumière Lyon 2
918107 Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 2190-6483 Association of Environmental Sciences and Studies
175485 American Journal of Information Science and Technology Science Publishing Group
11179 Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 Society for the Study of Reproduction - Oxford Academic
171478 Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis 0915-5465 The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan
916122 Journal for the History of Rhetoric 2687-8003 Penn State University Press
108864 Representation theory : An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1088-4165 Amercian Mathematical Society
182362 Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis 2730-5716 Springer
471198 Mauss International 3001-0985 Le Bord de l’eau
12901 Endocrinology 0013-7227 Oxford University Press
130439 Note d'information de la DEPP 2104-3027 Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse
126644 Cahiers du Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz 2105-5203 IREM de Paris
7541 Nutrition Research 0271-5317 Elsevier
650709 ACS Polymers Au 2694-2453 American Chemical Society
169911 Trees, Forests and People Elsevier B.V
9504 SIGKDD explorations : newsletter of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining 1931-0145 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
5453 Industrial and engineering chemistry research 0888-5885 American Chemical Society
898936 Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 2394-1081 SD Publisher group
12615 Disaster Prevention and Management 0965-3562 Emerald
17473 NMR in Biomedicine 0952-3480 Wiley
839231 Relais, revue des amis du Musée de la poste 0751-753X Société des amis du Musée de la poste
19939 Yeast 0749-503X Wiley
3839 Cell 0092-8674 Elsevier
132582 Archivio Veneto 0392-0291 Deputazione di storia patria per le Venezie
922726 Sinzang 2959-9407 UFR des Lettres et des Arts de l’Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY (Côte d'Ivoire)
181502 Revista Română de Geografie Politică 1582-7763 Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning, University of Oradea
105465 Microbial Biotechnology 1751-7915 Wiley
170723 Simulacres 1297-6180 Rouge profond
60778 Mondi migranti : rivista di studi e ricerche sulle migrazioni internazionali 1972-4888 Franco Angeli
168985 Stochastics and Quality Control 2367-2390 De Gruyter
63214 Rivista di criminologia, vittimologia e sicurezza Società Italiana di Vittimologia
721808 Notebooks: the journal for studies on power 2666-7177 Brill
162471 Vivência Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Departamento de Antropologia e Pós Graduação em Antropologia
102635 Ludions 1621-4714 La Société des Lecteurs de Léon-Paul Fargue
109857 ACS Omega 2470-1343 ACS Publications
922101 International Journal of Digital Law and Governance 2941-2552 De Gruyter
626551 European Yearbook on Human Rights 2566-137X Cambridge
120757 Mondes sociaux Labex Structurations des mondes sociaux (LabEx SMS)
103734 Hybrid. Revue des arts et médiations humaines 2276-3538 Labex Arts H2H/Presses Universitaires de Vincennes
921463 Regenerative Biomaterials Oxford University Press
146158 La Revue des lettres modernes. Série Voyages contemporains 2111-6652 Lettres modernes Minard
142036 Digital Philology : a journal of medieval cultures 2162-9544 Johns Hopkins University Press
921485 Geografski vestnik 0350-3895 Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU
924308 Applied Set-Valued Analysis and Optimization 2562-7775
181210 La revue des lettres modernes. Série Georges Perec Lettres modernes Minard
574427 La Revue des Lettres Modernes. Série Chateaubriand Lettres modernes Minard
924597 Els Marges: revista de llengua i literatura 0210-0452 L'Avenç S. L
924632 Advances in Human Factors of Transportation 2771-0718
164310 Medieval Worlds 2412-3196 österreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften
11828 Clinical Radiology 0009-9260 Elsevier
150973 Big Data 2167-6461 Mary-Ann Liebert
27335 Hérodote - Revue de géographie et de géopolitique 0338-487X La Découverte
18893 Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1043-0679 Elsevier