Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
189841 InSitu (ZAEU)
5545 InStyle 1076-0830 Time Inc
5551 InTech 0192-303X Isa Instrument Society of America
163659 InTech
116359 InVerbis 2279-8978 Carocci
128243 Ina INA, Institut national de l'audiovisuel
152522 : : la revue des industries créatives et des médias INA
55048 Inamo. Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten
128420 Inauguration de COLIVRI, Universidad de los Andes
5429 Inc -Boston Ma 0162-8968 Neodata Services Group
160140 Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng
168689 Incertains regards
168053 Incertains regards – cahiers dramaturgiques , « Penser, c’est faire des épaisseurs… »
91705 Incertains regards. Cahiers dramaturgiques 2116-0619 PUP (Presses universitaires de Provence)
121602 Incertitudes et fiabilité des systèmes multiphysiques
195485 Incheon (Corée du Sud) : Revue d'études françaises
48406 Inchiesta – Trimestrale di ricerca e pratica sociale
72682 Incidence: philosophie, littérature, sciences humaines 1777-2656 Paris : Éditions Kimé
80022 Incidences Kimé
876534 Incidencias 2954-4629 Comunidad Universitaria del Golfo Centro, A.C
103602 Incidenza dell'antico 1971-2995 Luciano Editore
95003 Incipit
548989 Inclinaisons et autres pentes
121198 Incognita (Nantes) 1960-8950 Editions du Petit Véhicule
774769 Incontri Linguistici 0390-2412 Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa · Roma
25551 Incontri Mediterranei
27526 Incontri Triestini di Filologia Classica
34578 Incontri dell'Università di Viterbo (en collaboration avec la Soprintendenza dell'etruria Meridionale)
268660 Incontri di filologia classica
26703 Incontri linguistici
116592 Incontri: rivista europea di studi italiani 0169-3379 Stichting Incontri
33190 Incontro di Grammatica Generativa
928645 Incroyance et foi
45645 Inculte
883196 Incursiuni în imaginar 2501-2169 Université d'Alba Iulia (Roumanie)
157477 Ind Ha Bro Societes Bretonnes
96834 Ind. Biotechnol
50137 Ind. Ceram
84453 Ind. Crop. Prod
50122 Ind. Céram
178095 Indag.Math
14138 Indagationes Mathematicae 0019-3577 Elsevier
14139 Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings) 1385-7258 Elsevier
5430 Independent Energy 1043-7320 Alternative Sources of Energy, Inc
146042 Independent Journal of Management & Production 2236-269X
5431 Independent Power 1042-5829 Alternative Sources of Energy, Inc
5432 Independent Publisher 1098-5735 Jenkins Group
5433 Independent Review -Oakland 1086-1653 The Independant Institute
5434 Independent School 0145-9635 National Association of Independent Schools
5435 Independent School Bulletin 0019-3755 Secondary Education Board
118750 Index : Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici 0392-2391 Edizioni scientifiche italiane
20169 Index Bibliographique du Vide
174316 Index Comunicación 2444-3239 Universidade Rey Juan Carlos
1043 Index de Enfermería 1132-1296 Fundación Index
14140 Index on Censorship 0306-4220 Taylor & Francis
5436 Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals 0019-400X University of California Press
137915 Indexation et réseaux sociaux, quels modèles pour les institutions ?
179165 India Housing Report
126041 India International Centre Quarterly 0376-9771 India International Centre, India, New Delhi
14141 India Review 1473-6489 Taylor & Francis
592665 India and the Indian Diasporic Imagination, PoCoPages
1044 Indian Anaesthetists' Forum 0973-0311 Anaesthetists' Forum, Jodhpur
52429 Indian Anthropologist
65397 Indian Bayesian Society Newsletter Indian Bayesian Society
131292 Indian Birds : Journal of South Asian Ornithology
94215 Indian Concrete Journal
155501 Indian Development Review 0972-9437
140015 Indian Economic Journal
14142 Indian Economic and Social History Review 0019-4646 SAGE Publications
127108 Indian Express
1045 Indian Folklife 0972-6470 National Folklore Support Centre, Chennai
153894 Indian Geotechnical Journal 0971-9555
49520 Indian Growth and Development Review
1046 Indian Heart Journal 0019-4832 Elsevier
88893 Indian J Microbiol
99694 Indian J. Chem
118664 Indian J.Phys
160285 Indian Journal of Forestry 0971-9431 M/s Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, India
295106 Indian Journal of Advanced Botany 2582-9475
1047 Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 0970-6666 Indian Society of Aerospace Medicine
157104 Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry 0970-6399
157258 Indian Journal of Agricultural Chemistry 0367-8229
1048 Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 0972-6691 Medknow Publications
1049 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 0019-5049 Medknow Publications
735720 Indian Journal of Animal Research 0367-6722
102178 Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 0367-8318
176457 Indian Journal of Applied Economics 0971-8281
51193 Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics
171665 Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics
22086 Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 0301-1208 National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources, Delhi
1050 Indian Journal of Cancer 0019-509X Medknow Publications
74434 Indian Journal of Chemistry
129309 Indian Journal of Chemistry Section B
109440 Indian Journal of Chemistry Section a-Inorganic Bio-Inorganic Physical Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry 0376-4710
45336 Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sect. A CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research
1052 Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 0970-1915 Springer Verlag (Germany)
1053 Indian Journal of Community Medicine 0970-0218 Medknow Publications
1054 Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine 0972-5229 Medknow Publications
878553 Indian Journal of Dairy Science Indian Journal of Dairy Science