Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
157112 Collections de l'INSEE Serie E, Entreprises 0533-0815
97285 Collections de l'INSEE Serie Entreprises
68392 Collections électroniques de l'INHA, ISSN : 2108-6419
163244 Collective Dynamics
931529 Collective Dynamics 2366-8539 a diamond open-access multidisciplinary journal for pedestrian dynamics, vehicular traffic and other systems of self-driven particles or interacting agents
52760 Collective Volume of Scientific Papers 1021-5212 ICCAT
139524 Collective Volume of Scientific Papers
28573 Collectivités territoriales - Intercommunalité 1620-4948 Éditions du Juris-Classeur [1999-2006, n° 7/8] [LexisNexis]
3997 College & University Media Review 1075-8496 Consortium of College and University Media Centers
4000 College Art Journal 1543-6322 JSTOR
4001 College Board Review 0010-0951 The College Board
4002 College Composition and Communication 0010-096X National Council of Teachers of English
4003 College English 0010-0994 National Council of Teachers of English
768482 College Literature (Online) 1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press
4005 College Management 0010-1036 Macmillan Professional Magazines
4006 College Mathematics Journal 0746-8342 Mathematical Association of America
4008 College Teaching 8756-7555 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
3994 College and Research Libraries 0010-0870 ACRL Publications
3995 College and Research Libraries News 0099-0086 Association of College and Research Libraries
3996 College and Undergraduate Libraries 1069-1316 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
3999 College and University Business 0010-0900 McGraw-Hill
3998 College and university 0010-0889 American Assoc of Collegiate Registrars and
106439 College de France Newsletter 2268-6215 Collège de France
4004 College literature 0093-3139 West Chester University
176459 College of Europe Studies 1780-9665
4007 College student journal 0146-3934 Project Innovation Inc
22427 Collegian 1322-7696 Elsevier
4009 Collegiate Microcomputer 0731-4213 Collegiate Microcomputer
346023 Collegium
22428 Collegium Antropologicum 0350-6134 Croatian Anthropological Society
241916 Collegium Beatus Rhenanus
153434 Collegium Beatus Rhenanus. EUCOR-Newsletter
374618 Collegium Musicae Paris Sorbonne
66368 Collegium anthropologicum
113908 Collezione dei preprint 1997-98, Lablita
113909 Collezione dei preprint 1997-98, Lablita,
145061 Colligere 2556-6989 Collège de France
157716 Colligo : Histoire(s) des collections 2646-3679 indépendante
152561 Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 1744-9413
166063 Collligo
155493 Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 0973-7766
180581 Colloid & Polymer Science 1435-1536
99452 Colloid Journal
11889 Colloid Journal / Kolloidnyi Zhurnal 1061-933X MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
98443 Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2215-0382 Elsevier
123970 Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2215-0382
11888 Colloid and Polymer Science 0303-402X Springer Verlag
819881 Colloids Surf.A
130988 Colloids and Interfaces 2504-5377 MDPI
168931 Colloids and Interfaces