Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
145378 IEEE International conference on Group IV photonics (GFP)
145388 Enseigner l'EPS
145391 Aposta : Revista de ciencias sociales
145392 Anthropology of Work Review
145394 The International Journal of the History of Sport
145396 STADION
145397 Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research
145398 International Journal of Wrestling Science
145399 International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education
145400 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
145401 Catalan Historical Review
145402 Chinese Journal of Lasers 0258-7025
145403 La lettre juridique [Lexbase] Lexbase [2003-....]
145404 Journal of Nepal Chemical Society 2091-0304
145406 International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences
145407 Physica
145408 Taxon
145409 Paleobiology
145410 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
145414 Fed. Univ. Humanit. soc. sci
145415 Studies in the Decorative Arts 1069-8825 Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts
145418 Lithics: the Journal of the Lithic Studies Society 0262-7817 Frederick Foulds
145420 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
145422 Annales De Paleontologie
145424 International journal of current science research (IJCSR) 2454-5422 Tuticorin : Dr BGR Publications
145426 International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology
145427 Inter Pares
145428 International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 1577-7057 International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy
145429 Revue Internationale de Psychologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels
145434 Association française pour le développement de l'éducation thérapeutique
145439 Proceedings of the International Congress on Mathematical Physics, special issue of Journal of Mathematical Physics
145440 Precision Nanomedicine 2639-9431 Andover House
145441 La Tabla Redonda - anuario de estudios torrentinos 1697-0373 Universidade de Vigo
144541 Technologie et Innovation 2399-8571
144542 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 0218-2173
144543 Revue Economies et Sociétés. série EGS, Economie et Gestion des Services
144544 BM, Journal of Brand Management 1350-231X
144545 International Business Review 0969-5931
144546 Cluster Computing 1386-7857
144547 Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 1551-3114
144548 Journal of Business Ethics Education 1649-5195
144549 Journal of Organizational Behavior 0894-3796
144550 Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 1042-4431
144551 Education + Training 0040-0912
144553 System Dynamics Review 1099-1727
144554 Asia Pacific Financial Markets 1387-2834
144556 International Journal of Social Research Methodology 1364-5579
144557 Journal of Empirical Finance 0927-5398
144558 Revista de Administração FEAD 2236-4439
144559 RAUSP, Revista de Administração da USP 1984-6142
144560 Revista de Administração FACES Journal 1517-8900
144561 Journal of Management History 1751-1348
144564 The Leadership Quarterly 1048-9843
144566 Human Resource Management Review 1053-4822
144567 Business History 1743-7938
144568 International Journal of Research in Marketing 0167-8116
144570 Group Decision and Negotiation 0926-2644
144571 Business and Society 0007-6503
144573 Studi Culturali 1824-369X
144574 Im@go 2281-8138
144576 The Microfinance Review 2229-3329
144579 Venture Capital 1369-1066
144581 Journal of Portfolio Management 0095-4918
144582 Annals of Finance 1614-2454
144587 Journal of Wine Economics 1931-4361
144588 AMJ, Australasian Marketing Journal 1441-3582
144589 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 0743-9156
144594 Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale 1121-1148
144595 International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012
144598 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 2214-6350
144600 Environment and Planning B 0265-8135
144602 Revista de Derecho Administrativo 1851-0590
144603 International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 1750-6123
144604 Journal of General Management 0306-3070
144606 Service Industries Journal (The) 0264-2069
144607 Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045
144608 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 1069-6679
144609 Decision Sciences 0011-7315
144610 Journal of Public Affairs 1479-1854
144613 International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications 2412-3587 Hong Kong Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication
144616 Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 1468-0416
144617 VBA Journaal 0920-2269
144618 Action Learning: Research and Practice 1476-7333
144622 Journal of MacroMarketing 0276-1467
144623 Journal of Business Venturing Insights 2352-6734
144624 Carnets de la Consommation Carnets de la Consommation
144625 The Proceedings of Conference of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch
144626 European Accounting Review 0963-8180
144628 Journal of Manufacturing Systems 0278-6125
144629 Industrial Management and Data Systems 0263-5577
144630 Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281
144631 Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 0933-3657
144632 Mathematical Biosciences 0025-5564
144635 JAMS, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703
144636 Journal of Vocational Behavior 0001-8791
144637 Journal of Sport and Social Issues 0193-7235
144638 Aposta: Revista de Ciencias Sociales 1696-7348
144639 Anthropology of Work Review 1548-1417
144641 Ethnography 1741-2714
144644 VOLUNTAS 0957-8765
144645 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1076-2752
144647 Studia Phaenomenologica 1582-5647 Romanian Society for Phenomenology
144648 Information and Organization 1471-7727
144650 Harvard Business Review - Chinese edition 1672-2582
144651 Business research 1866-8658
144654 IIE Transactions 0740-817X
144655 European Journal of Finance 1351-847X
144656 Finance India 0970-3772 Indian Institute of Finance
144657 Marketing Review St. Gallen 1865-6544
144658 International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 1368-2148
144659 GRIR, The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 1554-964X
144660 Project Management Journal 1938-9507
144661 JORS, Journal of the Operational Research Society 0160-5682
144662 Service Business 1862-8516
144663 Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 1478-4092
144664 Zeitschrift für Organisation 0722-7485
144665 Journal of financial economics 0304-405X
144666 Journal of Product Innovation Management 0737-6782
144668 Theological Studies 0040-5639
144669 International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 1740-2891 Inderscience
144670 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy Advances Gruyter
144672 IJAIT, International Journal of Automated Identification Technology 0975-2056
144673 JDE, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 1084-9467
144674 International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863
144675 Scandinavian Journal of Management 0956-5221
144676 Journal of Product & Brand Management Emerald
144677 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 1462-6004
144678 Journal of Applied Psychology 0021-9010
144680 Journal of Financial Economic Policy 1757-6385 Emerald Publishing Limited
144681 Human Resource Management 0090-4848
144682 Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1936-8216
144683 Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 0306-686X
144684 JABS, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 0021-8863
144685 Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 1352-7606
144686 JDR, Journal of Disaster Research 1881-2473
144688 Organization Management Journal 1541-6518
144690 Logistics Research 1865-035X
144691 ERJ, Entrepreneurship Research Journal 2157-5665
144692 JSMA, Journal of Strategy and Management 1755-425X
144696 Journal of Management Research 0972-5814
144698 Iniciativa emprendedora 1136-9752
144699 les| Cahiers lyonnais de recherche en gestion 0753-3926
144700 Learning Organization (The) 0969-6474
144701 RIBAF, Research in International Business and Finance 0275-5319
144702 Journal on Chain and Network Science 1569-1829
144703 Journal of Service Research (JSR) 1094-6705
144704 Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 0344-9777
144705 Stratégies Ressources Humaines 1247-5807
144707 JLOS, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 1548-0518
144708 The Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 1355-8196
144709 International journal of customer relationship management 1461-4561
144710 Industry and Higher Education 0950-4222
144711 Les Cahiers de l'ARTEMIS 1297-7489
144713 JREPM, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 1083-5547
144714 International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1755-3830
144716 Review of business 0034-6454
144717 Journal of International Money and Finance 0261-5606
144718 IJEC, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415
144719 European Journal of Innovation Management 1460-1060
144720 Revue internationale de l'achat 0292-2096
144721 Enseignement et gestion 0765-7579
144722 Hallinnon tutkimus 0359-6680
144723 Virittäjä 0042-6806 University of Helsinki
144725 International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1554-7191
144726 Mathematical Reviews 0025-5629
144730 Intercultural Management Quarterly
144733 Education Review 1462-7272
144734 IJMR, International journal of management reviews 1460-8545
144735 Organizational Dynamics 0090-2616
144736 Managementforschung 1615-6005
144737 Media Development 0143-5558
144738 Journal of International Consumer Marketing 0896-1530
144739 JVWR, Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 1941-8477
144740 JAEPP, Journal of Accounting Ethics & Public Policy 1089-652X
144742 Harvard Business Review América Latina 0717-9952
144743 Harvard Business Review Brasil 0717-9960
144744 Revista de empresa 1579-8763
144745 Revista da ESPM 1675-1316
144746 Annals of Tourism Research 0160-7383
144747 JGSMS, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 2163-9159
144748 Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 2153-3792
144749 Journal of Rural Enterprise and Management 1749-5598
144753 Business and Politics 1369-5258
144755 Bulletin de la finance et de l'assurance 1241-6827
144756 Advances in Consumer Research 0098-9258
144757 European Energy and Environmental Law Review 0966-1646
144758 IEEE Engineering Management Review 0360-8581
144759 Recueil Dalloz Sirey de doctrine de jurisprudence et de législation 0034-1835 Dalloz [1965-1996]
144760 Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527
144761 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 0895-5638
144763 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 0022-1031
144765 International Finance 1468-2362
144767 Asia Marketing Journal 1598-7868
144768 Perspectives in Public Health 1757-9139
144770 APJRI, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 1793-2157
144771 Business and Society 1552-4205
144772 Journal of Consumer Culture 1469-5405
144773 Journal of Change Management 1469-7017
144775 JRIM, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122
144776 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1473-5970