Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
111600 Injury Prevention
636271 Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society 2473-5205
160867 Inl'rared Phys. Technol
5520 Inland Architect 0020-1472 Real Estate News Corp
5521 Inland Printer, American Lithographer 0020-1502 Maclean-Hunter Pub. Co
152721 Inland Waters 2044-2041 Taylor & Francis
135235 Inmunkwahak – The journal of the Humanities 1229-6201 Institute of the Humanities, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
120667 Innate Immunity 1753-4259 SAGE Publications
174276 Innate Immunity 1753-4267
54896 Inner Asia
101260 Innocenti Working Papers Special Series on Children in Immigrant Families in Affluent Societies UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre
128429 Innov Tech Biol Med
100633 Innov Tech Biol Med - RBM
164491 Innov'ae INRAE
67478 Innovacionnye obrazovatel'nye tehnologii = Revue de l'Institut de gestion de Minsk, Biélorussie
181432 Innovación educativa 1130-8656 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
814331 Innovación educativa (México,DF) 1665-2673 Instituto politécnico nacional
129944 Innovar 0121-5051 Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
83143 Innovar
743693 Innovare Journal of Education 2347-5528
1100 Innovate (North Miami Beach, Fla.) 1552-3233 Nova Southeastern University
137219 InnovatiO
130702 InnovatiO - La revue pluridisciplinaire en innovation SFR Innovacs
144841 Innovation 1447-9338
72049 Innovation
79500 Innovation & Research conference
46002 Innovation - The European Journal of Social Science Research
14211 Innovation / Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 1351-1610 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
55567 Innovation / the European journal of social science research
72504 Innovation : Cahiers d'économie de l'innovation
1101 Innovation Journalism 1549-9049 Innovation journalism
14919 Innovation Policy and the Economy 1531-3468 University of Chicago Press
141762 Innovation Review ESBS
112839 Innovation and Development 2157-930X Taylor & Francis
101456 Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering 1959-0318 Elsevier Masson
155604 Innovation et Industrie 2105-6668
20172 Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Medecine, ITBM
34449 Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine
85187 Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine - Recherche et Ingénierie Biomédicale
100870 Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine;ITBM-RBM
36710 Innovation et développement : Forum économique de Shanghai, 28-30 mai 2001
553395 Innovation in Aging 2399-5300
89719 Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 1750-1229 Taylor & Francis
36324 Innovation in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development : 12th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar
29480 Innovation in Mathematics: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematica Symposium, ed. by Veikko Keränen and Peter Mitic and A. Hietamäki
337923 Innovation in Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Crimson Publishers
32930 Innovation in energy technology : comparing national innovations systems at the sectoral level
32427 Innovation in life cycle engineering and sustainable development
120282 Innovation in woodworking industry and engineering design 1314-6149 University of forestry. Faculty of forest industry (Bulgaria)
45968 Innovation papers
48184 Innovation von Unternehmen und ihr räumlich-kultureller Kontext", Sociologia Internationalis
133059 Innovation. The European Journal of Social Sciences 1469-8412 Taylor & Francis
39336 Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 1447-9338 e-Content Management
49218 Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
14215 Innovations 1558-2477 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
577843 Innovations
141579 Innovations & Thérapeutiques en Oncologie 2431-3203 John Libbey Eurotext
136532 Innovations (Phila)
107920 Innovations (Philadelphia, Pa.)
621124 Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation 1965-0256
96395 Innovations - Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation 1267-4982 De Boeck Supérieur
102023 Innovations Agronomiques 1958-5853 INRAE
150631 Innovations Pédagogiques, nous partageons, et vous ? 2297-1882 Bibliothèque nationale suisse (BN) Helveticat – Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
765512 Innovations en électronique et optoélectronique
138240 Innovations et Sociétés 1627-6620 Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
179439 Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience
108944 Innovations in E-learning, Instruction Technology, Assessment, and Engineering Education
98998 Innovations in Education & Teaching International
14212 Innovations in Education and Teaching International 1470-3297 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14213 Innovations in Education and Training International 1355-8005 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
135046 Innovations in Incidence Geometry: Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial 2640-7337 Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP)
14214 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 1614-5046 Springer Verlag
105697 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
69505 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE) Springer London
143085 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: A NASA Journal
887780 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: a NASA journal (ISSE)
168107 Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science
81362 Innovations, Bruxelles
46188 Innovations, Cahiers de l'innovation
123940 Innovations, créations et transformations en finances publiques (M. Bouvier, dir.)
54655 Innovations, usages, réseaux
170068 Innovations-Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery 1556-9845
928049 Innovations/cahiers d'économie et de management de l'innovation
176559 Innovations: Journal of Innovation, Economics & Management
36876 Innovative Cities
129355 Innovative Energy and Research 2576-1463 omics
284188 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
14216 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 1466-8564 Elsevier
5522 Innovative Higher Education 0742-5627 Springer Verlag
113850 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 2364-4176 Springer
148078 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
141288 Innovative Marketing LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives
708635 Innovative Marketing 1814-2427
165122 Innovative Project 2500-3437 Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
80505 Innovative solutions for revitalization of degraded areas 2012
125840 Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, Bereich Sprachwissenschaft
156711 Inoculum 0296-9807
122557 Inorg. Chem. Front
639920 Inorg.Chem
5523 Inorganic Chemistry 0020-1669 American Chemical Society