Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
43749 Online Conference "Referring to objects" - Roberto Casati
56130 Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence
177458 Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence 1961-9898
88768 Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
752853 Online Journal of Music Sciences 2536-4421 Nilgün SAZAK
140527 Online Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology IRIS Publishers
267182 Online Mathematics Journal 2672-7501
121546 Online at
89832 Online journal of social sciences research
151917 Online journal ПОИСК by Natalia Boulgakov
72606 Online multipath convolutional coding for real-time transmission IEEE
164368 Onoba. Revista de Arqueología y Antigüedad 2340-3047
74862 Onoma
68724 Onoma: Journal of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences
44227 Onomastique et patrimoine - Journées du patrimoine aquitain au Teich (33)
163037 Onomàstica. Anuari de la Societat d’Onomàstica
130098 Ons Erfdeel 0030-2651 Stichting Ons Erfdeel
172613 Ons Geestelijk Erf
134058 Ontologies de la Création en Musique
27312 Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek
766494 Op-Ed EU-Law Live
70649 Op. Cit
291022 Op. Cit. Revue de littératures française et comparée 1243-3721 Presses de l'Université de Pau
149452 Op.Cit., revue de littérature générale et comparée 1243-3721 Publications de l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
454953 Op.cit. Selezione della critica d'arte contemporanea Il Centro
126888 Opacidades, revista de psicoanálisis
328633 Open Access Emergency Medicine 1179-1500
256882 Open Access Government
218940 Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology
835131 Open Access Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine
851563 Open Access Journal of Veterinary Science & Research 2474-9222
101249 Open Access Library Journal
113055 Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
978296 Open Arts Journal 2050-3679
182530 Open Astronomy
84240 Open Cahiers
134284 Open Computer Science
63597 Open Democracy
175675 Open Diplomacy
113799 Open Economies Review
473035 Open Edition
181525 Open Education Studies 2544-7831
129348 Open Engineering
169299 Open Engineering 2391-5439
138064 Open Environmental Sciences
153089 Open European Journal on Variable stars 1801-5964 Variable Star Section of Czech Astronomical Society
245575 Open Forum Infectious Diseases
166280 Open Gene Therapy Journal
341446 Open Health Data 2054-7102
883697 Open Heart 2053-3624
126883 Open Information Science 2451-1781 De Gruyter
113442 Open Information Systems Journal 1874-1339
970798 Open J.Astrophys
153147 Open Journal in Information Systems Engineering ISTE
85249 Open Journal of Applied Sciences, Supplement 2012 world Congress on Engineering and Technology
466312 Open Journal of Astrophysics
613930 Open Journal of Biophysics 2164-5388
181545 Open Journal of Business and Management 2329-3284
854434 Open Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1179-0652
644136 Open Journal of Chemistry 2641-3051 peertechz
113280 Open Journal of Civil Engineering 2164-3172 Scientific Research
164264 Open Journal of Earthquake Research 2169-9623
177449 Open Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
158932 Open Journal of Genetics
145909 Open Journal of Humanities 2612-6966 Universitas Studiorum
498390 Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2616-4906
135549 Open Journal of Medical Microbiology 2165-3372 Scientific Research Publishing
117675 Open Journal of Metal 2164-2761
182653 Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation 2327-4018
906930 Open Journal of Modern Linguistics 2164-2818
164489 Open Journal of Nephrology 2164-2842
148496 Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2160-8792
852031 Open Journal of Optimization 2325-7105
169708 Open Journal of Parkinson's Disease and Treatment
169461 Open Journal of Political Science 2164-0505
547609 Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 2162-2477
428334 Open Journal of Soil Science
286024 Open Journal of Statistics 2161-7198
145225 Open Journal of Tropical Medicine
116490 Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2165-3356
130073 Open Journal of Web Technologies 2199-188X RonPub
176907 Open Knowledge International Blog
146779 Open Life Sciences
177798 Open Mathematics 2391-5455
166455 Open Medicine 2391-5463 De Gruyter
178031 Open Philosophy
139464 Open Phys
750265 Open Political Science 2543-8042
182495 Open Psychology 2543-8883 De Gruyter
874865 Open Quaternary 2055-298X
182246 Open Research Europe
350945 Open Review of Management, Banking and Finance 2058-7422
159238 Open Science Journal
111307 Open Society Afghan Open Society-Kaboul
170123 Open Source Solutions
148927 Open Sport & Exercise Medicine
357557 Open Systems & Information Dynamics
150435 Open Transactions on Information Processing 2374-3786
171120 Open Wine Law
135213 Open biology
152989 Open cultural studies
126499 Open journal of internal medicine 2162-5972 Scientific research
54959 Open math journal
861376 Open mic
64184 Open transportation journal, supplement on "safety at Level Crossings
904919 OpenAlex 1169-7954
77307 OpenDemocracy
103531 Opera Mundi
166895 Opera Viva
150987 Opera Viva Magazine
176233 OperaViva 2531-4866 OperaViva Magazine
167671 Operant Subjectivity - The international Journal of Q Methodology 0193-2713 International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity
49396 Operating reaserch letters
53404 Operation Research
170339 Operational Research An International Journal 1866-1505 John Psarras, Constantin Zopounidis
106765 Operational Research Society. Journal
415834 Operations Management Research 1936-9735
30326 Operations Research Letter
564919 Operations Research Letters
76448 Operations Research and Management Science
182665 Operations Research for Health Care
126714 Operations and Supply Chain Management : An International Journal 1979-3561 OSCM
132793 Operative Neurosurg
161229 Operative Neurosurgery
85606 Operator Theory Live, Theta
88339 Operator theoretical methods (Timisoara, 1998), Theta Found
85566 Operators and Matrices
62702 Ophtalmol. Vis. Sci
146274 Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics 1475-1313
126198 Ophthalmic Research
147832 Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging Retina
652556 Ophthalmic genetics 1744-5094
811860 Ophthalmology 1549-4713
527585 Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal 2321-7227
285012 Ophthalmology Science 2666-9145
477076 Ophthalmology and therapy
404982 Ophthalmology. Retina
28244 Opics communications
178072 Opinio Juris In Comparatione 2281-5147
152906 Opinio jurisin comparatione Italia
161939 Opinions & Débats
730254 Opinions et débats
151161 Opiniães 2177-3815
166705 Opium Philosophie
166710 Opium Philosophie Web
58856 Opt Express
28537 Opt. Comm
93220 Opt. Data Process. Storage
45495 Opt. Eng
65103 Opt. Express
73028 Opt. Express
28756 Opt. Pur. Appl
92761 Opt.Commun
142043 Opt.Commun
962990 Opt.Lett
150149 Opt.Mater
167867 Opt.Spectrosc
65107 Optic Express
93352 Optic Material Express
166352 Optica
48848 Optica Pura y Applicada
33716 Optica acta
127963 Optical Complex Systems: Ocs11
54160 Optical Components and Materials IV
119196 Optical Data Processing and Storage De Gruyeter
113276 Optical Engineering
143139 Optical Fiber Technology
115410 Optical Ingineering
117009 Optical Materials Express
391408 Optical Materials: X
90355 Optical Measurements, Modeling, and Metrology
117989 Optical Measurements, Modeling, and Metrology, Volume 5
90830 Optical Memory and Neural Networks
78831 Optical Nanoscopy
595329 Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2022 (AIS, LACSEA, Sensors, ES), Technical Digest Series
56357 Optical Society of America
552890 Optical Society of America Journal B
100282 Optical Society of America Journal, Volume 22, Issue 8, pp. 1589-1599 (2005)
525909 Optical Sound
71461 Optical and Digital Image Processing: Fundamentals and Applications
158255 Optical and Quantum Electronics
28974 Optical measurement systems for industrial inspection IV SPIE- The international society for optical engineering
72839 Optics & Laser Technolog
120004 Optics & Laser Technology 0030-3992
153335 Optics & Laser Technology 1879-2545
77870 Optics & Photonics News
93402 Optics Comm
174926 Optics Communications
273925 Optics Continuum
610970 Optics Continuum
650914 Optics Express
922137 Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
885524 Optics Letters 1539-4794
159255 Optics and Laser Technology
58340 Optics and Laser in Engineering
143818 Optics and Lasers in Engineering
59020 Optics and Precision Engineering
950825 Optics and Spectroscopy