Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
14247 Intelligence 0160-2896 Elsevier
145307 Intelligence
115418 Intelligence Artificielle : Approches Cognitives du Texte
156766 Intelligence Artificielle et Sciences Cognitives au Québec 1189-6078
495428 Intelligence Info 2971-9089
14248 Intelligence and National Security 0268-4527 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
34662 Intelligence collective : rencontres 2006
456738 Intelligence-Based Medicine 2666-5212
86557 Intelligences Journal
591577 Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing
124543 Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 1079-8587 Tech Science Press
85884 Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
163619 Intelligent Buildings International 1750-8975 Taylor & Francis
302358 Intelligent Computing
110514 Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS) 1687-1103
102729 Intelligent Control and Automation
699025 Intelligent Control and System Engineering ACADIMIC
14249 Intelligent Data Analysis 1088-467X IOS Press
138732 Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2009
5557 Intelligent Enterprise -San Mateo 1524-3621 Miller Freeman
116817 Intelligent Industrial Systems 2363-6912 Springer
95294 Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ - International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
14250 Intelligent Service Robotics 1861-2776 Springer Verlag
46781 Intelligent System Technologies and Applications
39354 Intelligent Systems Engineering 0963-9640 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
182670 Intelligent Systems Reference Library
102792 Intelligent Systems Reference Library 1868-4394 Springer Science + Business Media
14251 Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 1055-615X Wiley
795971 Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 1550-1949
180745 Intelligent Systems with Applications 2667-3053 Elsevier
69635 Intelligent Transport Systems, IET
113421 Intelligent Tutoring Media
74379 Intelligent Vehicles symposium
821758 Intelligent and Converged Networks 2708-6240 Tsinghua University Press (TUP) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
104615 Intelligent decision technologies 1872-4981 IOS Press
103741 Intelligenza Artificiale 1724-8035 IOS press
787257 Intelligere 2447-9020
62286 Intemelion
127759 Intemelion 2280-8426 Accademia di cultura Intemelia
71919 Intempestives
66408 Intenational Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems
407139 Intense Art Magazine Magazine 2352-8117 Artness
26309 Intensive Care Med
48196 Intensive Care Medical Journal
14255 Intensive Care Medicine 0342-4642 Springer Verlag
92112 Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2197-425X Springer
631393 Intensive Care Medicine – Paediatric and Neonatal 2731-944X
14254 Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 0964-3397 Elsevier
14256 Intensive care nursing 0266-612X Elsevier
14257 Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 0175-3851 Springer Verlag
14258 Intensivmedizin up2date 1614-4856 Georg Thieme Verlag
164381 Intentio : [revue du Centre de recherches en épistémologie, analyse logique et phénoménologie] 2679-4462 Carlos Lobo
43977 Inter CDI : revue des centres de documentation et d'information de l'enseignement secondaire 0242-2999 Centre d'étude de la documentation et de l'information scolaires
165692 Inter Gentes
145427 Inter Pares
105128 Inter Pares : revue électronique de jeunes chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales 2261-186X Ecole doctorale Education, Psychologie, Information et Communication — EPIC
145580 Inter Pares. Revue électronique de jeunes chercheurs en Sciences Humaines et Sociales
177208 Inter Press Service
157100 Inter Tropiques Agricultures 0755-6152
121516 Inter art actuel 0825-8708 Éditions Intervention
39355 Inter bloc 0242-3960 Elsevier Masson
64697 Inter régions 0240-9925 Conseil national des économies régionales (CNER)
5559 Inter-American Law Review 0020-4951 Tulane Institute of Comparative Law
5560 Inter-American Library Relations Newsletter 0020-496X Washington: Columbus Memorial Library
83778 Inter-American Music Review
125885 Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal
5558 Inter-American economic affairs 0020-4943 Inter-American Economic Affairs
14259 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 1464-9373 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
130877 Inter-Cultural Studies 1444-8688 Callaghan N.S.W.: Dept. of Modern Languages University of Newcastle
140070 Inter-Lignes 1959-6995 Institut Catholique de Toulouse
168112 Inter-Lignes, Printemps 2016
538137 Inter-Nord CNRS
112324 Inter-Textes, revue de littérature comparée de l'Université de Thessalonique 2241-1186 Université Aristote. Laboratoire de littérature comparée. Thessalonique, Grèce
206817 Inter-american development bank working paper
114452 Inter-faculty 1884-8575 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences,University of Tsukuba
152588 Inter-mondes : revue de l'Université Ramkhamhaeng 0857-9881 Ramkhamhaeng University
63551 Inter-relações
907197 Inter-textual 2663-239X Département d'Anglais de l'Université Alassane Ouattara (Côte d'Ivoire)
75899 Inter. J. Environ. Anal. Chem
129299 Inter. Res. J. Pure & Appl. Chem
125453 Inter@lia, Journal of Italian Translators of the European Commission
1109 InterActions : UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies 1548-3320 UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
329950 InterArtes 2785-3136 IULM
160210 InterCDI 0242-2999 Cedis
933215 InterDIS 1960-1816
134509 InterDisciplinary Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies 2325-3991 Anderson university
112790 InterDisciplines
174749 InterFaces 1516-0033 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
133138 InterFrancophonies 2038-5943 InterFrancophonies
1120 InterJournal 1081-0625 New England Complex Systems Institute
396491 InterLetras
156077 InterLoire Actualités 1765-9221
34606 InterRidge News American Geophysical Union - AGU
1259 InterStat InterStat
221002 InteraXXIons USJ - Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban
39356 InteracTive (ICT) 1360-1954 Questions Publishing Company
180819 Interact. Revista Online de Arte, Cultura e Tecnologia 2182-1402 CECL: Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens
14260 Interacting with Computers 0953-5438 Oxford University Press (OUP)
182209 Interacting with Computers
83590 Interaction & Cognitions