Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
95376 A+S Architecture et Stations
820787 A, Rivista di informazione dell’Ordine degli Architetti PPCC della Provincia di Trento 2281-6410
31324 A. Berthoz, R. Recht, eds., Les espaces de l'homme, Symposium annuel du Collège de France
30829 A. GASSE & V. Rondot (éd.), Séhel. Entre Égypte et Nubie. Inscriptions rupestres et graffiti de l'époque pharaonique = Actes du colloque international, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III — 31 mai — 1er juin 2002 = Orientalia Monspenliensia XIV
30828 A. GASSE & V. Rondot (éd.), Séhel. Entre Égypte et Nubie. Inscriptions rupestres et graffiti de l'époque pharaonique = Actes du colloque international, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III — 31 mai — 1er juin 2002 = Orientalia Monspenliensia XIV, 2003, p. 107-110
56505 A. Tolstoy Editor, Proceedings of Theorical and Computational Acoustics "ICTCA
137883 A. sp. Anglais de spécialité 1246-8185
928680 A.H. Revue des aumôneries d'hôpitaux, cliniques, maisons de retraites et de cure
56704 A.U. Eng. J
168966 A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture 1302-8324
153253 A2
951435 A3 Magazine - Rayonnement du CNRS 1953-6542 Association des Anciens et des Amis du CNRS
119891 AAA - TAC (Acoustical Arts and Artifacts. Technology, Aesthetics, Communication) Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
77988 AAAI Press Menlo Park
156403 AAB News
163406 AAMJAF
37846 AAPG Hedberg Series
66144 AAPG computer application in Geology 5
89384 AAPM 2013 : 55 th Annual Meeting and exhibition
96177 AAPM 2013 : 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Association of Physicists in Medecine
94345 AAPM 2013 : 55th annual meeting & exhibition of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
89083 AAPM 2013 :55 th annual meeting & exhibition of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
720083 AAPPS Bull
531280 AAPS Open 2364-9534
149041 AAPS journal
406827 AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy meeting #50
135261 AASRI Procedia 2212-6716
101190 AATCC Journal of Research 2330-5517
120416 ABACUS 0001-3099 The Mathematical Association of Nigeria
129969 ABACUS: The Journal of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria 0001-3099 The Journal of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria
885404 ABC journal 2020-2134 ABC publishers
114815 ABC-Cultura
676425 ABCDEL'ETEBK, Journal de l'Université d'été de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky
87402 ABDCdaire du Romantisme français
181746 ABEI Journal Associação Brasileira de Estudos Irlandeses
37414 ABF Beethoven : la revue de l'Association Beethoven France
278086 ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830 2157-7129
42563 ABPO
134465 ABS/TCS and Brake Technology Developments - SP-1018
874280 ABTP 1270-9840 Editions ESKA
181074 ABside. Rivista di Storia dell’Arte 2704-8837
80109 AC-TICE revue inter académique des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement
685432 ACADEMIA 2241-1402
756743 ACADEMIA. The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences 1731-7401
241248 ACASTI and CEDESURK Online Journal 2410-4299
561083 ACCADERE. Revista de Historia del Arte 2660-9142
138097 ACCES International
974476 The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Dispute
779670 ACE: architecture, city and environment 1886-4805 Centre de Politica de Sol i Valoracions, CPSV / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC
85336 ACEE International Journal on Civil and Environmental Engineering
88660 ACEE International Journal on Transportation and Urban Development
89608 ACEEE International Journal of Signal & Image Processing
77525 ACEEE International Journal on Information Technology
524105 ACERVO - Boletim do Centro de Documentação do GHEMAT-SP 2675-2646
79531 ACES Journal
179277 ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías 1390-5384
99748 ACI Mater. J
169489 ACL Anthology
182647 ACM Laval, France©
75611 ACM - Proceedings of the 2012 Virtual Reality International Conference
90406 ACM Ada Letters
78693 ACM Computers in Entertainment
302210 ACM Digital Library
101665 ACM DocEng 2013 International Workshop on Document Changes
106982 ACM Interactions 1072-5520 ACM
97419 ACM International Conference Proceedings Series
137895 ACM International Conference on “Creativity & Cognition”
53635 ACM International conference Proceeding series
100513 ACM Journal: Applied Computing Review, Special Issue on Computation Intelligence in Software Engineering
69976 ACM Multimedia
90530 ACM Romanian Journal of Human-Computer Interaction ACM SIGCHI Romania
29218 ACM SIDSAM Bulletin
55891 ACM SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News
77331 ACM SIGAda Ada Letters
143084 ACM SIGBED Review
139268 ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 0146-4833
61008 ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Full Conference DVD Rom ACM Siggraph
151082 ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Studio ACM
133082 ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics ACM
143246 ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation
100827 ACM SIGMIS Database (Weston, Conn.)
43660 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
143061 ACM SIGMultimedia Records
80901 ACM SIGPLAN: 15th International Conference on Functional Programming
105739 ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
130108 ACM SIGSPATIAL Special 1946-7729
178132 ACM SIGSPATIAL Special (Special Interest Group on Spatial Information) 1946-7729 Association for Computing Machinery, New York
102753 ACM Sigart Newsletter
103557 ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture ACM
66330 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
64685 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2011
179792 ACM Trans.Quant.Comput
540129 ACM Transactions on Algorithms
478434 ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP)