Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
113768 Gland Surgery
403657 Gland Surgery 2227-8575
62796 Glasgow Math. J
869358 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1469-509X
579805 Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 0350-0861
934797 Glasnik Etnografskog muzeja 0350-0322 Etnografski muzej u Beogradu
174347 Glasnik Matematicki 0017-095X Drazen Adamovic
165938 Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Drustva 0350-3593
177979 Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci 1512-956X
947868 Glass Europe 2940-8830
98624 Glass Physics and Chemistry
81024 Glass Science and technology
163556 Glass Structures & Engineering 2363-5142
147830 Glass Structures and Engineering
53485 Glass Technology, European Journal of Glass Science and Technology A
37216 Glassed pottery of Mediterranean and Black sea Region of the X-XVIII centuries
112819 Glasses and Grains
94634 Glazba prijelaza, Svecani zbornik za Evu Sedak / Music of transition, Essays in honour of Eva Sedak
126420 Gli Stati Generali
109498 Gli spazi della musica 2240-7944
175976 Glia 1098-1136
76650 Glimpse - The Society for Phenomenology and Media
70274 Glimpse. Phenomenology and Media
132797 Glioma 2589-6113
127416 Glissando 1733-4098
149586 Glob Change Biol
83526 Glob Health Promot
178924 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
755646 Global Academy Publishing House
110363 Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science 2315-5094
147884 Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
454975 Global Affairs
115485 Global Antitrust Review Queen Mary University of London
795596 Global BioID-based SARS-CoV-2 proteins proximal interactome unveils novel ties between viral polypeptides and host factors involved in multiple COVID19-associated mechanisms
35999 Global Biochemical Cycles
317235 Global Biogeochemical Cycles
26304 Global Business & Economics Review - Anthology Business & Economics Society International
176339 Global Business and Organizational Excellence
154407 Global Chance, numéro spécial : Développement, Energie, Environnement: changer de paradigme
294172 Global Change Biology
94006 Global Change Biology - Bioenergy
73693 Global Change Biology Bioenergy
173772 Global Change Newsletter
167375 Global Communications Letters IEEE
117670 Global Communications Newsletter, IEEE Communications Magazine
606048 Global Competition Litigation Review 1756-6002 Sweet & Maxwell
76486 Global Constitutionalism
175851 Global Constitutionalism 2045-3817
177757 Global Conversations: An International Journal in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture 2434-5687 Society for Philosophy as Global Conversation
163121 Global Cooperation Research - A Quarterly Magazine