Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
16704 Lasers in Engineering 0898-1507 Old City Publishing
40769 Transgenics 1023-6171 Old City Publishing
9325 Woman's Art Journal 0270-7993 Old City Publishing
9340 Women's Review of Books 0738-1433 Old City Publishing
10426 Analysis 0174-4747 Oldenbourg Verlag
10868 Automatisierungstechnik 0178-2312 Oldenbourg Verlag
5211 Historische Zeitschrift 0018-2613 Oldenbourg Verlag
103580 Information Technology 1611-2776 Oldenbourg Verlag
19146 Statistics and Decisions 0721-2631 Oldenbourg Verlag
19640 Technisches Messen 0171-8096 Oldenbourg Verlag
18424 Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 0942-9352 Oldenbourg Verlag
13994 i-com 1618-162X Oldenbourg Verlag
18491 Radiochimica Acta 0033-8230 Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag
124436 Endangered Species Research 1863-5407 Oldendorf/Luhe : Inter-Research
139444 Microsystems, Electronics and Acoustics 2523-4447 Oleksii Viktorovych Bogdanov
168488 European Journal of Management Issues 2519-8564 Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
725775 Amoxcalli : crnet de veille sur les codex américains (Amérique du Nord et Méso-Amérique) 2606-6718 Olivier Jacquot
715213 Médecine de France : revue mensuelle réservée au corps médical 0025-6706 Olivier Perrin
159060 Ressources pour une Église de témoins 2428-4920 Olivétan
55713 Il pensiero politico : rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali 0031-4846 Olschki
140296 Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies 2565-196X Olympic Studies Centre at the German Sport University Cologne
2804 American Economist 0569-4345 Omicron Delta Epsilon
113279 Biological Systems: Open Access 2329-6577 Omics Publishing Group
116769 Fungal Genomics & Biology 2165-8056 Omics Publishing Group
111965 Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques 2155-9872 Omics Publishing Group
113119 Journal of Health & Medical Informatics 2157-7420 Omics Publishing Group
116712 Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy Omics Publishing Group
112380 Natural Products Chemistry & Research 2329-6836 Omics Publishing Group
284456 International Journal of Cancer and Oncology Ommega Publishers
109925 Journal of Marine Biology and Aquaculture 2381-0750 Ommega Publishers
7597 Omni (New York, N.Y.) 0149-8711 Omni Publications International Ltd
1103 Intangible Capital 1697-9818 OmniaScience
109267 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 2013-8423 OmniaScience
11789 Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 1538-067X Oncology Nursing Society
22452 Clinical journal of oncology nursing 1092-1095 Oncology Nursing Society
21546 Oncology Nursing Forum 0190-535X Oncology Nursing Society
162266 Cahiers d'Anatomie Comparée 2119-4289 Oniris
119239 Onkologia i Radioterapia - Oncology and Radiotherapy 1896-8961 Onkologia I Radioterapia Publisher
4743 EventDV 1554-2009 Online
4335 Database -Weston 0162-4105 Online Inc
4493 Econtent -Wilton 1525-2531 Online Inc
7601 Online -Weston then Wilton 0146-5422 Online Inc
1872 Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences 0972-5997 Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
50729 Septentrion : arts, lettres et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas 0771-8934 Ons Erfdeel vzw
7622 Orbit 0030-4433 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
3815 The Cartographer 0315-1441 Ontario Institute of Chartered Cartographers
178934 Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography 2642-9020 Opast Publishing Group
121646 OALib Journal 2333-9721 Open Access Library
160917 Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology 2689-2855 Open Access Pub
128738 Journal of Antioxidant Activity 2471-2140 Open Access Pub