Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
290566 Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação 1807-5762
38856 Interface -Pennington 1064-8208 Electrochemical Society
1119 Interface : Comunicação, Saúde, Educação 1414-3283 Fundação UNI
160404 Interface Critique 2570-0472 Interface Critique
67855 Interface Focus Royal Society publishing
45253 Interface Sci
14269 Interface Science 0927-7056 Springer Verlag
172488 Interface Science
28904 Interface, Journal of New Music Research
163994 Interface. A Journal for and about social movements Interface
146200 Interface. Journal of European Languages and Literatures 2519-1268 the European Languages Division, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
119823 Interface: a journal for and about social movements
5568 Interfaces 0092-2102 INFORMS
140271 Interfaces
61112 Interfaces : image, texte, language 1164-6225 Université de Bourgogne ; College of the Holy Cross ; Université de Paris
125030 Interfaces Brasil/Canadá, Revista Brasileira de Estudos Canadenses
53552 Interfaces Free Bound
90744 Interfaces Free Bound
93539 Interfaces Free Boundaries
27545 Interfaces Psy
42636 Interfaces and Free Boundaries : Mathematical Analysis, Computation and Applications 1463-9963 European Mathematical Society
137919 Interfaces de consultation des ressources numériques : le cas des rubriques éducatives
14270 Interfaces in Computing 0252-7308 Elsevier
924154 Interfaces numériques
86871 Interfaces numériques 2258-7942 Editions design numérique
181140 Interfaces numériques. Entre data journalisme et pratique infographique
173605 Interfaces, the quaterly magazine of BCS interaction group 1351-119X BCS Interaction Specialist Group
163201 Interfaces. A Journal of Medieval European Literatures
953212 Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures 2421-5503
36797 Interfacial Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Characterization.Electroanalysis
110012 Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer 2169-2785 Begell House
265850 Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer
126252 Interfaculty
133248 Interfases
177843 Interfere : Journal for Critical Thought and Radical Politics 2634-0909 Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE), University of Brighton
112005 Interférences 1777-5485 Ars scribendi
103248 Interférences
148057 Interférences Littéraires / Literaire interferenties 2031-2790 KULeuven – Faculteit Letteren
268678 Interférences littéraires / Literaire Interferenties 2031-2970
389747 Interférences littéraires /Literaire interferenties 2031-2790 KU Leuven –Faculteit Letteren
162771 Interférences littéraires : Literaire interferenties. L'encre et l'écran à l'œu
215057 Interférences littéraires/Literaire interferenties - Multilingual e-Journal for Literary Studies 2031-2790 KU Leuven – Faculteit Letteren
90817 Intergenerational Justice Review
31552 Intergéo-Bulletin
42464 Interhemispheric Water Exchange in the Atlantic Ocean (Elsevier Oceanographic Series), Edited by G. J. Goni and P. Malanotte-Razzoli
125506 Interin 1980-5276 Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná
45355 Interior Journal Earth Science
5569 Interior design (New York, N.Y.) 0020-5508 Reed Business Information
5570 Interiors & Sources 1059-5287 LC Clark Publishing
5571 Interiors -New York 0164-8470 Interiors
123255 Interjekte
5573 Interlending Review 0140-2773 Emerald
5572 Interlending and Document Supply 0264-1615 Emerald
137923 Interlingua Editorial Comares
53461 Interlingüística 1134-8941 Alacant [Spain] : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
96136 Interlitteraria 2228-4729 Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
83709 Interlitteraria
151281 Interlock 2100-9279 Réseau en scène Languedoc-Roussillon
167687 Interlope
39357 Intermedia -London 0309-118X Hc Publishes
165321 Intermedia International e-Journal İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
165116 Intermedia review 2182-8156 ISMAI, Instituto Superior da Maia
12375 Intermetallics 0966-9795 Elsevier
95375 Intermines - Revue des Ingénieurs des MINES
130048 Intermédia
115429 Intermédialités. Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques / Intermediality. History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies 1705-8546 Université de Montréal [2003-....]
59289 Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem
161547 Intern. J. Neuroscience
178136 Internacia Pedagogia Revuo 1013-2031 ILEI
5574 Internal Auditor 0020-5745 Institute of Internal Auditors Inc
179650 Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (iDMC) - Expert Opinion
1121 Internal Medicine 0918-2918 Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
39358 Internal Medicine Alert 0195-315X AHC Media LLC
14271 Internal Medicine Journal 1444-0903 Wiley
154508 Internal Programme Review IIMI
102592 Internal and Emergency Medicine 1828-0447 Springer
626320 Internal and Emergency Medicine 1970-9366
405007 Internal medicine journal
177083 Internal medicine research
78955 Internal report of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italie)
36709 Internat Journal Of Intelligent Cooperative Inform IJICIS
811270 Internat. Atomic Energy Agency
68089 Internat. J. of Foundations of Computer Science
36748 Internat. Semantic Web Conf
33096 Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., 147
28883 Internatinal Journal of Refrigeration
102418 Internation Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations IGI Global
68796 Internation Review on Modelling and Simulations
52528 Internation journal of web services practices
164330 Internationa Journal Foundations Computer. Science World Scientific
178919 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development,
110255 International transactions on systems science and applications 1751-1461 SIWN Press
96485 International Academy, Research, and Industry Association ( IARIA )
39359 International Accounting Bulletin 0265-0223 Lafferty Ltd
115802 International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology ISO Certified
14272 International Advances in Economic Research 1083-0898 Springer Verlag
5576 International Advertiser 0885-3363 Directories International, Inc
89550 International Affaire Forum
5577 International Affairs 0020-5850 Wiley
14273 International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939) 1473-8104 JSTOR