Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
164407 Global Summitry 2058-7430
560855 Global Transitions
175208 Global Water Forum
72802 Global business and finance Review
89106 Global economics and management review
93053 Global environmental change:Human and policy dimensions
107369 Global journal of Mathematics 2395-4760
85704 Global journal of Science Frontier
178496 Global lens Tecnológico de Monterrey (Nuevo León, Mexique)
102552 Global local forum
708464 Global perspectives 2575-7350
167709 Global18 Numerev
138238 GlobalDSP Magazine
175846 Globalbrief
127268 Globalistics and Globalization Studies
35618 Globalizacion, gobernanza e identidades
533470 Globalization and Health
33826 Globalization and the world of work
134705 Globalization and « Minority » Cultures. The Role of « Minor » Cultuiral Groups in Shapping Our Global Future Brill-Nijhoff, Leiden-Boston
126405 Globe
76674 Globe '12 : 5th International Conference on Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems
28680 Globe Studies. The Journal of the International Coronelli Society
154465 Globe. Revue internationale d'études québécoises
913868 Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication
79142 Globecom '12 : IEEE Global Communications Conference, Exhibition & Industry Forum
81841 Globecom Workshop : RuralComm '12 : Workshop on Rural Communications
818318 Globus analytical journal
171803 Globus: National Security 1829-1805 Noravank Foundation
181076 Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation 2283-7949 globus et locus
146161 Gloire et Empire Le Livre chez Vous
186814 Gloire et Pouvoir, Sociétés & Représentations
167111 Glossa
741616 Glossa Revue Scientifique en Orthophonie Logopédie 2117-7155
149633 Glossaire du RéNaF
88885 Glotoppol
259081 Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics 0072-4769
141332 Glottometrics 2625-8226 Ram-Verlag
912576 Glottopol n°36
125446 Glottotheory, International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 1337-7892 Roelcke, Thorsten / Kelih, Emmerich / Köhler, Reinhard
169818 Glycobiology 1460-2423
99903 Glycoconj J
50164 Glycoconjugate J
92979 Gnomon, Revue internationale du notariat
171913 Gnomon. Revue internationale d'histoire du notariat
174345 Gnosis. Journal of Philosophy
740956 Gnosis. Rivista di Intelligence 1824-5900
29481 Goals and Economic Instruments for the Achievement of Global Warming Mitigation in Europe, ed. by Jürgen Hacker and Arthur Pelchen
167796 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski. Centʺr za slavâno-vizantijski proučvaniâ Ivan Dujčev 1311-784X Sofiâ : Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Ohridski
444435 Godišnjak katedre za srpsku književnost sa južnoslovenskim književnostima 1820-5305 Université de Belgrade
175655 Goethe Universität