Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
72781 International Journal of Road Materials and Pavements Design
72782 Géographes associés Association Française pour le Développement de la Géographie
72783 Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Quaterly Journal, Special issue
72787 Ghana Studies
72788 Can. J. Earth
72794 Evolutionary Intelligence
72801 Current Politics and Economics of Russia, Eastern and Central Europe
72802 Global business and finance Review
72803 Les Cahiers de la Maison Jean Vilar/ numéro spécial Tchekhov
72804 Palaogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
72805 Educação em Revista
72808 Cahiers linguisitques de l'INALCO
72809 Anal. Math. Phys. 1 (2011), no. 2-3, 213-240,
72810 Nanos cale
72812 International journal of ubicomp
72817 Business Digest
72818 Revue internationale des cas en sciences de gestion
72819 Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. Numer. Simulat
72822 Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry
72826 Bolletin of the Brazilian Society of Geophysics
72831 Bull. Inf.Géol.Bass., paris
72836 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte, Revue suisse d'histoire religieuse et culturelle
72839 Optics & Laser Technolog
72842 Grande revue de la Documentation française
72843 Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti - Stiinte Politice
72845 Proc. SPIE 7893
72848 Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC), 2011 Conference on and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference
72851 Voprosy Filosofii
72853 Métabolismes Hormones Diabètes Nutrition
72860 The CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems and Technology
72868 Phys. Chem
72871 Cahiers Fenosa
72872 Revue Analyse Financière - La revue de la société française des Analystes Financiers
72875 Bulletin of Tibetology
75760 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte
75768 Publications de l'Université de Provence
75781 Zagreb international review of economics and business
75785 ICTAI
75787 Fluorine Notes Journal
75788 WISG '11 : Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale
75794 CCNC '10 : 7th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference
75795 MMSP '11 : IEEE 13th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
75796 MUE '11 : The 5th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
75797 ISM '11 : The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia
75798 ICSIPA '11 : International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications
75800 StreamComm '11 : IEEE Workshop on Streaming and Media Communications
75801 MTDL '11 : International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for Distance Learning
75802 Ethnogramme 2
75803 Web3D '11 : 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
75811 Albrecht von Graefe s Archiv für Ophthalmologie
75813 Med. Chem
75815 Polym. Sci. Ser. C
75818 International Journal for Sustainable Development
75820 ICC '10 : IEEE International Conference on Communications
75824 Actes Société française d'histoire de l'art dentaire
75833 AgroMag
75834 Makivik Magazine
75835 Revista Brasileira de Horticultura Ornamental
75837 Bulletin Technique de l'Insémination Artificielle
75840 Redia
75842 Transrural Initiatives
75844 Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt
75847 Landscape Architecture Chinese review
75851 Espace Temps
75854 International Review of Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS)
75860 La Lettre du Management Responsable
75861 ITiCSE '12 : 17th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
75862 CeDEM '12 : International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government
75875 NTWE. New Technology, Work and Employment
75877 Actes SFHAD
75879 ICGS3 '11 : 7th International Conference in Global Security, Safety and Sustainability
75880 Development durable et territoires
75881 Nationalities Papers : The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity
75882 Revista de Investigación Educativa
75885 Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 2011 IEEE
75887 J. Environ. Eng. Manage
75888 Port. Electrochim. Acta
75890 Revue d'études sur l'agriculture et l'environnement
75893 SPAWC '12 : The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications
75897 J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A
75899 Inter. J. Environ. Anal. Chem
75904 L'Afrique Australe face à Pretoria
75911 Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2012 IEEE 55th International Midwest Symposium on
75912 AFDB Economic Brief
75913 Note Economique de la BAD
75914 International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST)
75919 Atlas du Monde diplomatique 2012
75924 Chroniques égyptiennes
75932 World Review of Nutrition & Dietetics
75933 Canadian review of sociology
75934 Compost Science & Utilization
75943 Encyclopédie du Patrimoine Culturel de l'Amérique Française
75949 Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Developments
75953 Journal of agricultural economics 
75960 Australian journal of dairy technology
75961 Milk Science International
75966 Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
75967 BAR International Series 2400
75973 Economie et Société Oeconomia