Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
8081 Quarterly Review of Biology 0033-5770 University of Chicago Press
8172 Renaissance News 0277-903X University of Chicago Press
8173 Renaissance Quarterly 0034-4338 University of Chicago Press
8402 School Review 0036-6773 University of Chicago Press
112493 Signs and Society 2326-4489 University of Chicago Press
8490 Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 0097-9740 University of Chicago Press
8546 Social Service Review 0037-7961 University of Chicago Press
8733 Studies in the Decorative Arts 1069-8825 University of Chicago Press
19219 Studies in the Renaissance 0081-8658 University of Chicago Press
8755 Supreme Court Economic Review 0736-9921 University of Chicago Press
8757 Supreme Court Review 0081-9557 University of Chicago Press
17335 Tax Policy and the Economy 0892-8649 University of Chicago Press
2914 The American Naturalist 0003-0147 University of Chicago Press
19776 University Journal of Business 1525-6979 University of Chicago Press
9073 University of Chicago Law Review 0041-9494 University of Chicago Press
145370 West 86th : A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture 2153-5531 University of Chicago Press
9306 Winterthur Portfolio 0084-0416 University of Chicago Press
8185 Res: Anthropology and aesthetics 0277-1322 University of Chicago Press in association with the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
11269 Botanical Bulletin / Botanical Bulletinx 1529-4560 University of Chicago Press, The
13859 Hebraica 0160-2810 University of Chicago Press, The
2429 Theory of Computing 1557-2862 University of Chicago, Department of Computer Science
488945 Gramarye 2050-2915 University of Chichester
22056 International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 0394-6320 University of Chieti -- Medical School
21 Acta Bioethica 0717-5906 University of Chile
226356 جسور المعرفة (Djoussour El-maaréfa) 2437-086X University of Chlef
111823 Cincinnati Romance Review 2155-8817 University of Cincinnati
123092 The John Updike Review 2160-097X University of Cincinnati
9077 University of Cincinnati Law Review 0009-6881 University of Cincinnati College of Law
111286 Focus on German Studies 1076-5697 University of Cincinnati Press
86 Afrikanistik Online 1860-7462 University of Cologne
947 German Risk and Insurance Review 1860-5400 University of Cologne
2539 Zeitenblicke 1619-0459 University of Cologne
149219 historicum-eStudies University of Cologne
145493 Tang studies 0737-5034 University of Colorado
143954 Living Journal of Computational Molecular Science University of Colorado Boulder
10777 Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 1523-0430 University of Colorado at Boulder, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
539 Colorado Research in Linguistics 0884-2035 University of Colorado, Department of Linguistics
56759 Geombinatorics 1065-7371 University of Colorado, USA
4143 Connecticut Law Review 0010-6151 University of Connecticut School of Law
908491 Romanian Journal of Historical Studies 2601-3428 University of Constanta
180551 NAVEIÑ REET: Nordic Journal of Law and Social Research 2246-7807 University of Copenhagen
166100 Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies 2597-0593 University of Copenhagen
169176 Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Biologie, Horticultură, Tehnologia Prelucrării Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului 1453-1275 University of Craiova
160222 Annals of The University of Craiova, Series Psychology, Pedagogy 2668-6678 University of Craiova
141445 Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Philology- English 1454-4415 University of Craiova
714761 Annals of the University of Craiova, Series Psychology, Pedagog, Teacher Training Department University of Craiova
78286 Annals of the University of Craiova. Mathematics and Computer Science series 1223-6934 University of Craiova
108273 Social Sciences and Education Research Review 2393-1264 University of Craiova
135802 Management and marketing journal University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
158207 Ariadne. The Journal of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete University of Crete
171967 Humanities University of Damanhour, Egypt
117621 Studies in African Past 1821-7745 University of Dar Es Salaam
103069 AGD Environment & Landscape 1789-4921 University of Debrecen
153459 Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 1589-7389 University of Debrecen
624 Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 1536-1837 University of Delaware
4360 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 0196-2035 University of Denver
1009 Human Rights and Human Welfare 1533-0834 University of Denver
8983 Transportation Law Journal 0049-450X University of Denver
4363 Denver University law review 0883-9409 University of Denver College of Law
9080 University of Detroit journal of urban law 0161-7095 University of Detroit School of Law
9082 University of Detroit law review 0886-9456 University of Detroit School of Law
911928 Revue afak des sciences ISSN : 2507-7228 2507-7228 University of Djelfa - Algeria
2314 Science, Technology and Innovation Studies 1861-3675 University of Dortmund
585 Crossings: Electronic Journal of Art and Technology 1649-0460 University of Dublin
565 Constructions 1860-2010 University of Duesseldorf
490761 Journal of University of Duhok 2521-4861 University of Duhok
664 Durham Anthropological Journal 1742-2930 University of Durham
5735 Issues in Architecture Art and Design 0960-8648 University of East London, Schools of Architecture, Art and Design
107664 Central European Business Review 1805-4862 University of Economics Prague
130959 The South Asianist 2050-487X University of Edinburg
901 Forum 1749-9771 University of Edinburgh
112778 Journal of lithic studies 2055-0472 University of Edinburgh
3521 Bracton Law Journal 0308-4574 University of Exeter
183863 Ex Historia University of Exeter
606897 Ex Historia University of Exeter
277757 Pegasus. Journal of the Classics and Ancient History 0308-2431 University of Exeter Classics Department
85 African Studies Quarterly: the Online Journal for African Studies 1093-2658 University of Florida
1036 ImageTexT : Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 1549-6732 University of Florida
124152 Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology 0034-9690 University of Florida
4876 Florida International Law Journal 0882-6420 University of Florida College of Law
9084 University of Florida journal of law and public policy : JL & PP 1047-8035 University of Florida, College of Law
9085 University of Florida law review 0041-9583 University of Florida, College of Law
8621 Southern folklore quarterly 0038-4127 University of Florida, Dept. of English
132370 Studia neoplatonica 1348-3889 University of Foreign Studies, Kobe City, Japan
780792 Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching 1732-1220 University of Gdańsk
731296 Current Issues in Personality Psychology (Online) University of Gdańsk, 2013
698 Ecological and Environmental Anthropology 1554-2408 University of Georgia
5010 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 0046-578X University of Georgia
5011 Georgia Law Review 0016-8300 University of Georgia
1725 Mathematics Educator 1062-9017 University of Georgia
5013 Georgia review 0016-8386 University of Georgia in Athens
135258 Revue "ELWAHAT" pour les Recherches et les Etudes 1112-7163 University of Ghardaïa
816 E-Sharp 1742-4542 University of Glasgow
1412 Journal of eLiteracy 1745-4360 University of Glasgow
119932 Bulletin of Spanish Studies. Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America, 1475-3820 University of Glasgow (
158645 Nouveau Moliériste 1356-062X University of Glasgow / University of Ulster
128276 Volupté - Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies 2515-0073 University of Goldsmiths
170966 MAI : Feminism and Visual Culture 2003-167X University of Gothenburg
130460 Mobile Culture Studies - The Journal 2413-9181 University of Graz, Austria
152580 Journal of Virtual Exchange 2647-4832 University of Groningen Press