Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
118276 IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science 2279-0845 International Organization of Scientific Research
119789 IOSR Journal of Business and Management 2319-7668 International Organization of Scientific Research
117552 IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance 2321-5933 International Organization of Scientific Research
106721 IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2320-3331 International Organization of Scientific Research
121460 Palms 1523-4495 International Palm Society
35877 Phycologia 2330-2968 International Phycological Society
113618 Plato Journal 2079-7567 International Plato Society
164915 Ploutarchos 0258-655X International Plutarch Society
71 Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1095-0761 International Press
233655 Algebraic Geometry and Physics International Press
225 Asian Journal of Mathematics 1093-6106 International Press
38631 Communications in Analysis and Geometry 1019-8385 International Press
38634 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 1539-6746 International Press
38635 Communications in Number Theory and Physics 1931-4523 International Press
38715 Current Developments in Mathematics (Project Euclid) 1089-6384 International Press
668 Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 1548-159X International Press
39220 Homology, Homotopy and Applications 1532-0073 International Press
69657 Journal of Combinatorics 2156-3527 International Press
39605 Journal of Differential Geometry 0022-040X International Press
39731 Journal of Symplectic Geometry 1527-5256 International Press
23934 Mathematical Research Letters 1073-2780 International Press
181344 Morningside Lectures in Mathematics International Press
40316 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 1558-8599 International Press
120944 Statistics and Its Interface 1938-7989 International Press
123562 Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications 2380-288X International Press of Boston
184377 Analysis of PDE-Morningside Lecture notes International Press of Boston, Inc
544 Communications in Information and Systems (CIS) 1525-7555 International Press of Boston, Inc
1000 Homology, Homotopy and Applications(HHA) 1512-0139 International Press of Boston, Inc
39462 International Public Management Review International Public Management Network
120009 International Journal of Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process 2356-5608 International Publisher & CO
4112 Computers and the History of Art 1048-6798 International Publishers Distributor
3910 Chilton's Electronic News 1054-6847 International Publishing Corp
4578 Electronic News 0013-4937 International Publishing Corp
38794 Dissertationes Mathematicae 0012-3862 International Publishing Service/IPS
142963 The Raymond Carver Review 1940-6126 International Raymond Carver Society
5801 Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 1081-3004 International Reading Association
8126 Reading Research Quarterly 0034-0553 International Reading Association
8127 Reading Teacher 0034-0561 International Reading Association
6396 Journal of Reading 0022-4103 International Reading Association, Inc
2049 Reading Online: an electronic journal 1096-1232 International Reading Association, Inc
20730 Journal of Energy and Development 0361-4476 International Research Center for Energy and Economic Development
51369 International Research Symposium Proceedings 0915-2822 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
636130 Japan review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies 0915-0986 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
848539 Japanese Studies around the World 2436-1771 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
301382 NIHON KENKYŪ 0915-0900 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
79069 Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 2326-7186 International Research Center for Mathematics & Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&MoCS),University of L’Aquila in Italy
158640 International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters International Research Committee on Sociology of Disasters
113183 African Journal of Food Science and Technology 2141-5455 International Research Journals
177442 Agricultural Science Research Journal 2026-6073 International Research Journals
109643 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 2278-0181 International Research Publication House