Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
81313 International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing 2155-6997 IGI Global Publisher
84990 International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (IJCVIP)
103636 International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering
170726 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE)
181366 International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
163951 International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering WASET
170834 International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 2010-3921
56715 International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
88613 International Journal of Computer and Information Technology
166101 International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT) 2279-0764
63679 International Journal of Computer and Network Security (IJCNS)
45126 International Journal of Computer in Manufacturing
110577 International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering 2010-3778 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
101558 International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering Waset
57756 International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering
75633 International Journal of Computer-Aided Design
117510 International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 2155-7098 IGI Pub
39388 International Journal of Computer-Integrated Design and Construction 1092-5902 Chapman and Hall
14381 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 1556-1607 Springer Verlag
73815 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
66502 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL)
22061 International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 1463-4201 Quintessence Publishing
72990 International Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering
14382 International Journal of Computers and Applications 1206-212X ACTA Press
109268 International Journal of Computers and Communications 2074-1294 NAUN
95685 International Journal of Computers and Distributed Systems
110113 International Journal of Computers and Their Applications 1076-5204 International Society for Computers and Their Applications
90545 International Journal of Computers and their Applications (IJCA), Special Issue on the Application of Computer Technology to Public Safety and Law Enforcement ISCA
14383 International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 1382-3892 Springer Verlag
163394 International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control 1841-9836
1149 International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control 1841-9836 Agora University of Oradea
110035 International Journal of Computing 2312-5381
146788 International Journal of Computing Academic Research
23674 International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems
148329 International Journal of Computing Science and Communication IJCSC
69327 International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics
109575 International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 2210-142X University of Bahrain
109713 International Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering - ASME
53627 International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences
52940 International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences (IJCIS) 1708-0460 APCEP - Canada
58674 International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences (IJCIS)
111054 International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications 2166-7292 IGI Global
162809 International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
102432 International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 1976-0485 springer
66003 International Journal of Conflict Management
141079 International Journal of Conflict and Violence 1864-1385
75368 International Journal of Conflict and Violence
122724 International Journal of Conservation Science 2067-533X Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Publishing House
178905 International Journal of Conservation Science
14384 International Journal of Constitutional Law 1474-2640 Oxford University Press (OUP)
151261 International Journal of Constitutional Law
1150 International Journal of Construction Education and Research 1550-3984 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles - no Open Select
160911 International Journal of Construction Management 1562-3599
74196 International Journal of Construction and Building Materials
14385 International Journal of Consumer Studies 1470-6423 Wiley
144834 International Journal of Consumer Studies 1470-6423
117224 International Journal of Consumer Studies 1470-6431
176475 International Journal of Contemporary Applied Research 2308-1365
160391 International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences 1925-4423 International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences
415048 International Journal of Contemporary Education Research 2891-5226 Published by Cambridge Research and Publications
14386 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 0959-6119 Emerald
756499 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
71008 International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies
176469 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 1312-7586
522099 International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review 0976-4852
30125 International Journal of Contemporary Sociology
164299 International Journal of Continuing Education and Development Studies (IJCEDS)
14387 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 1560-4624 Inderscience
82866 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL)
91145 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning
79857 International Journal of Continuous Engineering and Life-Long Learning
14388 International Journal of Control 0020-7179 Taylor & Francis
115288 International Journal of Control (IJC)
591550 International Journal of Control Automation and Systems
135098 International Journal of Control Science and Engineering 2168-4952 Scientific & Academic Publishing
147070 International Journal of Control Systems and Robotics 2367-8917 International Association of Research and Science
120680 International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 0974-5572
116128 International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 0974-5572 International Science Press
119085 International Journal of Control Theory and Computer Modeling 2319-4138
79199 International Journal of Control and Automation SERSC
37743 International Journal of Control and Computers
107460 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 1598-6446 Springer
74359 International Journal of Control, Automatisation and Systems
95367 International Journal of Control, Energy and Electrical Engineering (CEEE)
95700 International Journal of Control, special issue in Honor of Michel Fliess 60 th-birthday
14389 International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 0218-8430 World Scientific Publishing
110170 International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
138372 International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS)
151443 International Journal of Cooperative Law
178286 International Journal of Coronaviruses 2692-1537 OPEN ACCESS PUB
71911 International Journal of Corporate Governance
39389 International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 1384-6655 John Benjamins Publishing
132434 International Journal of Corrosion 1687-9325
138585 International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition 2305-6894 European Federation of Corrosion Working Party 1: Corrosion and Scale Inhibition
14391 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 0142-5463 Wiley
14392 International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 1530-8200 Mary Ann Liebert
12392 International Journal of Crashworthiness 1358-8265 Taylor & Francis
124006 International Journal of Crashworthiness
107856 International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving
1151 International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 0973-5089 South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology