Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2341 Social Geography 1729-4274 Copernicus Publications
2342 Social Work and Society 1613-8953 Social Work & Society
2343 Sociation Today 1542-6300 North Carolina Sociological Association
2344 Sociedade e Estado 0102-6992 Universidade de Brasília
2345 Socio-logos 1950-6724 Association Française de Sociologie
2346 Sociologias 1517-4522 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
2347 Solaris Information Communication 1265-4876 Recherches en Sciences de l'Information et de la Documentation, Groupe Interuniversitaire
2348 Solstice : Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics 1059-5325 Institute of Mathematical Geography
2349 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 0125-3395 Songkla University
2350 Sorites 1135-1349 Sorites Team (CSIC - Spanish Institute for Advanced Study)
2351 SOSOL Sociology of Sport Online 1461-8192 School of Physical Education, University of Otago, NZ
2352 South African Journal of Animal Science 0375-1589 South African Society for Animal Science
2353 South African Journal of Information Management 1560-683X AOSIS OpenJournals
2354 South Central Music Bulletin 1545-2271 College Music Society - South Central Chapter
2355 Southeast European Politics 1586-9733 Central European University, Budapest
2356 Southern Spaces 1551-2754 Emory University, Library and Information Technology Services
2357 Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1083-0464 Cameron University
2358 soz:mag : Das Soziologie Magazin 1660-3346 Verein virtuelle Soziologinnen
2359 Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 1695-971X Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria
2360 Speculum : Zeitschrift für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe 1011-8772 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
2361 Speleogenesis and Evolution of Karst Aquifers 1814-294X International Union of Speleology
2362 The Sport Journal 1543-9518 United States Sports Academy
2363 Sportscience 1174-9210 University of Otago
2364 Spreadsheets in Education 1448-6156 Bond University
2365 Sprouts : Working Papers on Information Systems 1535-6078 Sprouts Alliance
2366 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1095-5054 Stanford University
2367 Stanford journal of archaeology d000-0987 University of Stanford, Archaeology Center
2368 Stanford Technology Law Review 1098-4267 Stanford Law School
2369 Statistics Education Research Journal 1570-1824 International Association for Statistics Education
2370 STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation) 1764-7223 ATIEF
2371 STM-Online 1403-5715 Swedish Musicological Society
2372 Storia delle Donne 1826-7513 Firenze University Press
2373 Storia e Futuro 1720-190X Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche di Bologna
2374 Storicamente 1825-411X University of Bologna
2375 Structural Engineering Earthquake Engineering 0289-8063 Japan Society of Civil Engineers
2376 Structure and Dynamics : e-Journal of Anthropological and Related Sciences 1554-3374 University of California
2377 Studi Linguistici e Filologici Online 1724-5230 Università di Pisa
2378 Studi Slavistici 1824-761X Firenze University Press
2379 Studia Humaniora Tartuensia 1406-6203 University of Tartu
2380 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Geologia 1221-0803 Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Department of Geology
2381 Studies in Informatics and Control 1220-1766 Informatics and Control Publications
2382 Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development 1832-2050 Central Queensland University
2383 Studies of Tribes and Tribals 0972-639X Kamla-Raj Enterprises
2384 Studies on Asia 1554-3749 Illinois State University
2385 Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 1747-597X BioMed Central
2386 Sul Ponticello 1697-6886 Conservatorio virtual
2387 Summa Phytopathologica 0100-5405 Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia
2388 Sur : International Journal on Human Rights 1806-6445 Sur - Human Rights University Network
2389 Journal- Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 0035-8835 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
2390 Surveillance and Society Surveillance Studies Network