Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
156523 Avances en Alimentacion y Mejora Animal 0005-1896
255 Avances en Odontoestomatología 0213-1285 Ediciones Avances Médico Dentales, S.L
155885 Avances en Tecnologia Porcina 1697-2015
22639 Avances en periodoncia 1130-1457
155229 Avanguardia 1128-2452 Casa editrice Pagine
38397 Avant Garde Critical Studies 0921-2515 Rodopi
38398 Avante -Ontario 1201-6144 Cahperd Acsepld
157398 Avenir Agricole de l'Ardèche 0998-0210
155805 Avenir Agricole et Viticole Aquitain 0300-2942
176134 Avenirs professionnels 2727-1676 Association française pour le développement de l’enseignement technique
22638 Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine 0233-528X
102172 Avian Biology Research 1758-1559 SAGE Publications
256 Avian Conservation and Ecology 1712-6568 Resilience Alliance
10948 Avian Pathology 0307-9457 Taylor & Francis
156360 Avian Poultry and Biology Reviews 1470-2061
129415 Avian Research 2053-7166 BMC
10947 Avian diseases 0005-2086 American Association of Avian Pathologists
3326 Aviation 0097-7028
135533 Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors 2192-0923 Göttingen: Hogrefe
3327 Aviation Week 0097-7128
3329 Aviation Week Including Space Technology 1042-1688
3328 Aviation week and space technology 0005-2175 McGraw-Hill
176669 Aviation, Space and Environmental Medecine Aerospace Medical Association
22637 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 0095-6562 Aerospace Medical Association
156828 Aviculteur 0150-939X
153895 Avis de recherche forestière (Québec) 1715-0795
829420 Avotech Association Avotech
176030 Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya | Automatic Welding 0005-111X International Association «Welding»
97152 Awal (Cahiers d'études berbères) 0764-7573 Éd. de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
10949 Awhonn Lifelines 1091-5923 Wiley-Blackwell
158355 Awraq : revista de análisis y pensamiento sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo 0214-834X Casa Árabe (Instituto de cooperación con el mundo árabe)
182881 Awrāq ṯaqāfiyyaẗ 2663-9408 Université libanaise
10950 Axiomathes 1122-1151 Springer Verlag
90777 Axioms 2075-1680 MDPI
22635 Axone -Dartmouth then Halifax Nova Scotia 0834-7824 Printer Halifax, Nova Scotia
123224 Ayer 1134-2277 Madrid: Marcial Pons; Valencia: AHC
133970 Azafea: Revista de Filosofía 0213-3563 Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
55293 Azania : The journal of the British Institute of History and Archaeology in East Africa 0067-270X Routledge (imprimé) / Taylor & Francis Online (en ligne)
108350 Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age 2282-4863 Inschibboleth Edizioni
119420 Azimuts 1160-9958 Ecole régionale des Beaux-arts de Saint-Etienne
3330 Aztl¿¿¿¿n 0005-2604 Chicano Studies Research Centre
38399 Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
257 Azure. Ideas for the Jewish nation 0793-6664 The Shalem center
109641 Ação Midiática 2238-0701 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Paraná
259 B C Asian Review 0835-6432 University of British Columbia, Department of Asian Studies
260 B Quest 1084-3981 Richards College of Business, University of West Georgia
3331 B to B 1530-2369 Crain Communications Inc
3332 B'nai B'rith 1549-4799 Washington, DC : B'nai B'rith International
59093 B.E. Journal in Theoretical Economics, Topics in Theoretical Economics De Gruyter
70632 B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 1935-1690 De Gruyter
26018 BAAL - Bulletin d'Archéologie et d'Architecture Libanaises 1683-0083 Ministère de la Culture - Direction Générale des Antiquités
38401 BABesch 0165-0937 Peeters Publishers
115218 BAR. Brazilian Administration Review 1807-7692 ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração ; The Brazilian Academy of Management (Brésil) [2004-....]
171419 BAU Journal - Science and Technology 2706-784X Beirut Arab University Press
11108 BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 0006-3002 Elsevier
11114 BBA - Gene Structure and Expression 0167-4781 Elsevier
412764 BBA Advances 2667-1603 Elsevier
136036 BBB, une année 1966-673X Toulouse: Le bbb centre régional d'initiatives pour l'art contemporain
150513 BBC history revealed 2632-6930 Immediate Media
3362 BC studies 0005-2949 BC Studies
38415 BCA Source Breast Cancer Action
3363 BCLA Reporter 0005-2876 Vancouver, British Columbia Library Association
132185 BCSP. Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici 1594-7084 Edizioni del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
155234 BDEI. Bulletin du droit de l'environnement industriel 1262-0955 EFE [1995-1999] - Éditions Lamy [2000-2022] - Lamy Liaisons [2023-....]
638712 BDJ Open 2056-807X
38416 BDVI Forum Bund Oeffentl Bestell Vermess
3364 BE Radio 1081-3357 Prism Business Media
22623 BETA : bulletin of experimental treatments for AIDS : a publication of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation 1058-708X
124089 BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 0005-8912 Springer
3418 BIBLIOTHEK Forschung und Praxis 1865-7648 De Gruyter
26426 BIBLIOthèque(s) 1632-9201 ABF- Association des Bibliothécaires de France
281 BILTOKI 1134-8984 Universidad del País Vasco
70781 BIO Web of Conferences 2273-1709 EDP Sciences
162423 BIOM - Revue scientifique pour la biodiversité du Massif central 2727-8131 Université Clermont Auvergne
88544 BIOMATH 1314-684X Biomath Forum
11223 BIOSILICO 1478-5382 Elsevier
58498 BIPPA - Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 1835-1794 The Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
11244 BIT Numerical Mathematics 0006-3835 Springer Verlag
745425 BJGP Open 2398-3795 Royal College of General Practitioners
162523 BJHS Themes 2058-850X
11246 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1470-0328 Wiley
159279 BJPsych Open Cambridge University press
22604 BJR supplement / BIR 0961-2653
181678 BJS Open 2474-9842 Oxford University Press
11247 BJU International 1464-4096 Wiley
310 BMC Anesthesiology 1471-2253 BioMed Central
311 BMC Biochemistry 1471-2091 BioMed Central
312 BMC Bioinformatics 1471-2105 BioMed Central
313 BMC Biology 1741-7007 BioMed Central
68949 BMC Biophysics 2046-1682 BioMed Central
314 BMC Biotechnology 1472-6750 BioMed Central
315 BMC Blood Disorders 1471-2326 BioMed Central
316 BMC Cancer 1471-2407 BioMed Central
317 BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 1471-2261 BioMed Central
318 BMC Cell Biology 1471-2121 BioMed Central
319 BMC Chemical Biology 1472-6769 BioMed Central
142557 BMC Chemistry BMC