Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
62948 Iran : journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies 0578-6967 British Institute of Persian Studies
11337 British Journal of Radiology 0007-1285 British Institute of Radiology
12501 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 0250-832X British Institute of Radiology
14105 Imaging 0965-6812 British Institute of Radiology
8648 Spaceflight 0038-6340 British Interplanetary Society
38468 British Journal of Infection Control British Journal of Infection Control
3549 British medical journal 0007-1447 British Medical Association
733166 BMJ Public Health 2753-4294 British Medical Journal
19525 The journal of the British Menopause Society 1362-1807 British Menopause Society
415 British Postgraduate Musicology 1460-9231 British Postgraduate Musicology
11326 British Journal of Medical Psychology 0007-1129 British Psychological Society
536 Coaching Psychologist 1748-1104 British Psychological Society
111699 Educational and Child Psychology 0267-1611 British Psychological Society
3547 British Journal of Psychology 0007-1269 British Psychological Society ; Wiley
3108 Archives -London- British Records Association 0003-9535 British Records Association
40412 Rheology Abstracts British Society Of Rheology
107944 Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 1754-0194 British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS)
1812 New Disease Reports 2044-0588 British Society for Plant Pathology
414821 Rheumatology Advances in Practice British Society for Rheumatology; Oxford University Press
4422 Drama 0012-5946 British Theatre Association
165055 Puppet Notebook 1745-1086 British UNIMA
150075 Veterinary Record Case Reports 2052-6121 British Veterinary Association
345992 The British-Yemeni Society Journal 1356-0229 British-Yemeni Society
3176 Art Monthly -London 0142-6702 Brittania Art Publications Ltd
5892 Journal of Broadcasting 0021-938X Broadcast Education Association
3553 Broadcasting 0007-2028 Broadcasting Publications, Inc
106116 Parcours Anthropologiques 1634-7706 Bron: Centre de recherches et d'études anthropologiques
97200 Les cahiers du GRIMH 1296-5278 Bron: GRIMH-GRIMIA
7451 New Zealand Business Law Quarterly 1173-311X Brooker's Ltd
7454 New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy 1322-4417 Brookers Ltd
38479 Brookings Trade Forum 1520-5479 Brookings Institution
38480 Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services 1098-3651 Brookings Institution
3555 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 0007-2303 Brookings Institution Press
38478 Brookings Papers on Education Policy 1096-2719 Brookings Institution Press
3556 Brookings Review 0745-1253 Brookings Institution Press
38481 Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 1528-7084 Brookings Institution Press
38821 Economia 1529-7470 Brookings Institution Press
912 Future of Children 1054-8289 Brookings Institution Press
3557 Brooklyn Barrister 0007-232X Brooklyn Bar Association
2552 21st Century Gardening Series 1081-7751 Brooklyn Botanic Garden
3558 Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, Plants & Gardens 0362-5850 Brooklyn Botanic Garden
3560 Brooklyn Law Review 0007-2362 Brooklyn Law School
6239 Journal of law and policy 1074-0635 Brooklyn Law School
3559 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 0740-4824 Brooklyn Law School; 1999
3561 Brooklyn Museum Annual 0068-2837 Brooklyn Museum
3562 Brown Alumni Monthly 0007-2478 Brown University
1432 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 1526-1719 Brown University
675 e.Journal of Portuguese History 1645-6432 Brown University, Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
7928 Print -New York then Cincinnati 0032-8510 Bruil & van de Staaij
371 Body, Space and Technology 1470-9120 Brunel University
40231 Playback Brunico Communications Inc
40647 STRATEGY 1187-4309 Brunico Communications Inc
6558 The Journal of the Maine Medical Association 0025-0694 Brunswick, Me.: The Association
61174 European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering 1371-6980 Brussel : Begische Vereniging van Werktuigkundigen,
108081 De Signis 1726-0426 Brussels : World Catholic Association for Communication
112251 Brussels Studies 2031-0293 Brussels Studies Institute
48265 Bulletin des Séances de l'Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer 0001-4176 Bruxelles : Académie royale des sciences d'outre-mer, 1959
114548 The Journal of Archæological Numismatics 2294-1118 Bruxelles : Centre Européen d’Études Numismatiques
73554 La part de l'œil - Revue de pensée des arts plastiques 0773-9532 Bruxelles : La part de l'œil
87344 Journal de Droit Européen 2030-3920 Bruxelles : Larcier
69589 Anthropologica et Praehistorica 1377-5723 Bruxelles : Société royale belge d'anthropologie et de préhistoire
162127 Humanités numériques 2736-2337 Bruxelles: Humanistica
48486 Textyles 0776-0116 Bruxelles: Le Cri édition
140108 Europe(s) 2030-9775 Bruxelles : Larcier
80342 Cahiers du Centre de recherches informatique et droit (CRID) 0778-6948 Bruylant
26811 Revue de droit international et de droit comparé 0775-4663 Bruylant (Belgique) [1939-....]
35843 Revue belge de droit constitutionnel 1374-2558 Bruylant (Bruxelles, Belgique) [1994-....]
109343 Revue européenne et internationale de droit fiscal 2295-9416 Bruylant (Bruxelles, Belgique) [2005-....]
107761 Revue des Affaires européennes/Law European & Affairs 1152-9172 Bruylant / Larcier (en ligne)
416 Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1055-7660 Bryn Mawr Commentaries
417 Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature 1523-5734 Bryn Mawr Commentaries
38549 Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Bryn Mawr Communications II LLC
38764 Diabetic Microvascular Complications Today Bryn Mawr Communications II LLC
38881 Endovascular Today Bryn Mawr Communications II LLC
39140 Glaucoma Today Bryn Mawr Communications II LLC
133907 Materiale şi cercetări Arheologice 0076-5147 Bucarest : Ed. Academiei Române
162573 Cahiers Tristan Tzara 1584-8825 Bucarest : Editura Vinea
112687 Administratie si Management Public 1583-9583 Bucharest University of Economic Studies; International Centre for Public Management
80261 Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits 1220-5648 Bucharest: Geological Institute of Romania
3565 Bucknell Review 0007-2869 Bucknell University Press
62847 Muzica : revista editata de Uniunea Compozitorilor ¸si Muzicologilor din România Bucure¸sti : Uniunea Compozitorilor ¸si Muzicologilor din România
47120 Revue roumaine de linguistique 0035-3957 Bucureşti : Ed. Academiei Române, 1990
68000 Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie 0570-2259 Bucureşti : Editura Academiei Române
60562 Scientific Bulletin - "Politehnica" University of Bucharest Electrical engineering and Computer science 2286-3540 Bucureşti Politehnica Press
129926 Europe's Journal of Psychology 1841-0413 Bucureşti: ASUB
51002 The Romanian Economic Journal = Jurnalul Economic 1454-4296 Bucureşti: Editura ASE
92099 Studii și Materiale de Istorie Contemporană 0515-1678 Bucureşti: Institutul de Istorie "Nicolae Iorga
102100 Annals of the University of Bucharest. Mathematical series 2067-9009 București : Editura Universității din București
6791 Leveltari kozlemenyek 0024-1512 Budapest : Akademiai Kiado
122865 Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 0324-5853 Budapest : BUTE
38484 Budapesti K¸nyvszemle - BUKSZ 0865-4247 Budapest Review Of Books
105384 Periodica Polytechnica. Transportation Engineering 0303-7800 Budapest University of Technology and Economics - BUTE
119626 Hungarian Historical Review 2063-8647 Budapest: Inst. Hist. Res. Cent. Humanit. HAS
7109 Middle Way 0026-3214 Buddhist Society
116685 INSEP - Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics 2196-6931 Budrich UniPress
124377 Boca de Sopa. Revista de arte, literatura y pensamiento 1852-9909 Buenes Aires : Jimena Néspolo
148353 H-industri@ 1851-703X Buenos Aires
163652 El Matadero 0329-9546 Buenos Aires : Instituto de Literatura Argentina Ricardo Rojas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
115619 Espacios de crítica y producción 0326-7946 Buenos Aires : Instituto del Teatro, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
733 Electroneurobiología 0328-0446 Buenos Aires City Government