Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
24014 Babel
38400 Babel 0521-9744 John Benjamins Publishing
118337 Babel : Civilisations et sociétés La Garde : Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines - Université de Toulon et du Var
109208 Babel : Littératures plurielles 2263-4746 La Garde : Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines - Université de Toulon et du Var
97978 Babel und Bibel: Annual of Ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic Studies 1938-5668 Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies - Russian State University for the Humanities
102788 Babelao - Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies 2034-9491 Université catholique de Louvain
3333 Baby Talk 1092-1869 Time Inc
112040 Babylonia : revue pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues 1420-0007 Fondazione Lingue e Culture (Comano)
169120 Bachelard Studies - Études bachelardiennes - Studi bachelardiani 2724-5470 Mimesis Journals
69673 Bachelardiana 1972-3784 Il melangolo, 2006 -
156324 Back Journal 0940-0362
160800 Back Office 2553-422X B42
11044 Background 0361-5448 JSTOR
11045 Background on World Politics 1533-6689 JSTOR
3334 Backpacker 0277-867X Rodale Inc
292603 Bacteria 2674-1334 MDPI
157254 Bacterial Wilt Newsletter 1030-8512
22636 Bacteriologia Virusologia Parazitologia Epidemiologia 1220-3696 Uniunea Societatilor de Stiinte Medicale Din Republica Socialista
110428 Bacteriophage 2159-7081 Taylor & Francis
163025 Badebec 1853-9580 Rosario : Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
156500 Badische Winzer 0172-0937
94058 Baies et rias
11053 Bailliere's clinical obstetrics and gynaecology 0950-3552 Elsevier
11054 Bailliere's clinical rheumatology 0950-3579 Elsevier
10951 Baillieres Clinical Anaesthesiology 0950-3501 Elsevier
11050 Baillieres Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 0950-351X Elsevier
11051 Baillieres Clinical Gastroenterology 0950-3528 Elsevier
11052 Baillieres Clinical Haematology 0950-3536 Elsevier
98362 Bakhtiniana - Revista de Estudos do Discurso 2176-4573 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo/LAEL-PUCSP
22633 Balance -Alexandria 1094-6195
11057 Balance Sheet 0965-7967 Emerald
3335 Balance Sheet 0005-4232 South-Western Pub. Co
106943 Balde Branco
148309 Balgarski ezik 0005-4283 Institute for Bulgarian Language
11058 Balint-Journal 1439-5142 Georg Thieme Verlag
152326 Balisages Enssib
774689 Balises : le magazine de la bibliothèque publique d'information 2680-5146 Éditions de la Bibliothèque publique d’information
261 Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications 1224-2780 Geometry Balkan Press, Bucharest
20057 Balkan Physics Letters
129766 Balkan Studies 0005-4313 Institute for Balkan Studies
26070 Balkanologie 1279-7952 Homo balkanicus
165953 Ballast 2466-7609 Hors d’atteinte
3336 Ballet News 0191-2690 Ballet News, Subscription Services
3337 Ballet review 0522-0653 Dance Research Foundation, Inc
21039 Baltic Astronomy 1392-0049 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
117511 Baltic Journal of English Language, Culture and Literature 1691-9971 Université de Lettonie
161503 Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture 1691-9971
11059 Baltic Journal of Management 1746-5265 Emerald
120780 Baltic forestry 1392-1355 Institute of Forestry Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
262 Baltica : An International Yearbook for Quaternary Geology and Palaeogeography, Coastal Morphology and Shore Processes, Marine Geology and Recent Tectonics of the Baltic Sea Area 0067-3064 Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
24740 Banach Center Publications
27844 Banach Center Publications 0137-6934 Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences
91023 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis Mashhad: Banach Mathematical Research Group
156626 Banane Antilles 1287-5112
38404 Banca Impresa Societa Societa Editrice il Mulino SPA
38405 Bandolier 1353-9906 Bandolier
140300 Bandung: Journal of the Global South 2590-0013 Brill
156044 Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology 1991-007X
22634 Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin 0377-9238 Bangladesh Medical Research Council
263 Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology d000-1022 Bangladesh Sociological Society
3338 Bank Management 1049-1775 Bank Administration Institute, Publication Office
2566 Bank Marketing 1539-7890 Bank Marketing Association
3339 Bank Marketing 0888-3149 Bank Marketing Association
38406 Bank Profitability 1608-1064 OECD Publications Centre
3340 Bank Systems and Technology 1045-9472 Miller Freeman Inc
37889 Bank- en Financiewezen - Revue bancaire et financière 2033-7825 Larcier
57361 Bankers Markets & Investors : an academic & professional review 2101-9304 Groupe Banque
3343 Bankers Monthly 0005-5476 Bankers Monthly, Inc
3344 Bankers' Magazine (New York, N.Y.: 1896) 0730-4080
3345 Banking 0005-5492 American Bankers Association
3346 Banking & finance law review 0832-8722 Carswell
3347 Banking Law Journal 0005-5506 Warren Gorham & Lamont Inc
38407 Banking Report 0891-0634 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
3348 Banking Strategies 1091-6385 Bank Administration Institute
11060 Banko janakari 1016-0582 Nepal Journals Online
3349 Bankruptcy Developments Journal 0890-7862 Emory University School of Law
38408 Bankruptcy Law Reporter 1044-7474 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
115066 Banks and Bank Systems 1816-7403 Business perspectives
11061 Banks in Insurance Report 8756-6079 John Wiley & Sons
127076 Banque & Droit 1777-5752 Revue Banque [1988-....]
20642 Banque & Marchés 1167-4946 Revue Banque
34132 Banque Stratégie 0762-4077 Retail banker international
3350 Banta's Greek Exchange 0005-5654 George Banta Company, Inc
119476 Baobab 1996-1898 Baobab
95341 Baptist Quarterly 0005-576X Baptist historical society
140422 Barcarola 0213-0947 Albacete
11062 Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 1557-1459 Mary Ann Liebert
156991 Barley Genetics Newsletter 1043-5174
3352 Barn och Kultur 0037-6477 Lund : Bibliotekstjanst
156782 Barreau de France 0404-9608
3353 Barrister (Chicago, Ill.) 0094-5277 American Bar Association
3354 Barron's (Chicopee, Mass.) 1077-8039 Dow Jones & Co., Inc
3355 Barron's national business and financial weekly 0005-6073 Dow Jones & Co., Inc
157199 Bas-Rhone Languedoc 0408-6058
38409 Base Ball : A Journal of the Early Game 1934-2802 McFarland & Company, Inc
3356 Baseline 1541-3004 Ziff Davis Media Inc
3357 Basic Education 0196-4984 Washington, Council for Basic Education
38410 Basic Income Studies 1932-0183 De Gruyter
11040 Basic Research in Cardiology 0300-8428 Springer Verlag
11064 Basic and Applied Ecology 1439-1791 Elsevier