Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
705728 Testnevelés, Sport, Tudomány 2498-7646
119871 Testo 1123-4660 LibraWeb
148667 Testo a fronte 9788871687100
179440 Testo a fronte : rivista semestrale di teoria e pratica della traduzione 1128-238X Marcos y marcos
124892 Testo e Senso 2036-2293 Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata
589021 Tests and Proofs
148440 Tetrade 2275-3958 Centre de recherche en arts et esthétique / Université de Picardie Jules Verne
28033 Tetrahedon Letters
19385 Tetrahedron 0040-4020 Elsevier
87965 Tetrahedron / Tetrahedron [London]; Tetrahedron Suppl; Tetrahedron (London)
99626 Tetrahedron Assym
541121 Tetrahedron Chem 2666-951X Elsevier
19387 Tetrahedron Computer Methodology 0898-5529 Elsevier
638058 Tetrahedron Green Chem 2773-2231 Elsevier
19388 Tetrahedron Letters 0040-4039 Elsevier
57644 Tetrahedron Letters 2007
19386 Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 0957-4166 Elsevier
162341 Tetsu-to-Hagane 0021-1575
144952 Tetsugaku: International Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan
758095 Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Organizaciones, Ambiente y Sociedad 2215-8405
413303 TexTconTexT 0179-6844 Julius Groos Verlag, Heidelberg
157380 Texas A and M University NMR Newsletter
8863 Texas Bar Journal 0040-4187 The State Bar of Texas
21194 Texas Dental Journal 0040-4284 Texas Dental Association
2420 Texas Heart Institute Journal 0730-2347 Texas Heart Institute
8864 Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal 1068-1000 University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications, Inc
8865 Texas International Law Journal 0163-7479 The University of Texas School of Law
8866 Texas Law Review 0040-4411 The University of Texas
8867 Texas Libraries 0040-4438 Texas State Library
21193 Texas Medicine 0040-4470 Texas Medical Association
8870 Texas Outlook 0040-4551 Texas State Teachers Association
8871 Texas Quarterly 0040-4659
8873 Texas Southern Intramural Law Review 0737-4623 Texas Southern University School of Law
8874 Texas Southern University Law Review 0092-3559 Texas Southern University Law Review
8875 Texas Studies in Literature and Language 0040-4691 University of Texas Press
8876 Texas Tech law review 0564-6197 Texas Tech University, School of Law
8877 Texas Wesleyan Law Review 1081-5449 Texas Wesleyan University School of Law
8868 Texas library journal 0040-4446 The Texas Library Association
8869 Texas monthly (Austin, Tex.) 0148-7736 Texas Monthly, Inc
21192 Texas nursing 0095-036X
8872 Texas reports on biology and medicine 0040-4675 Galveston, University of Texas, Medical Branch
902289 Texila International Journal of Clinical Research 2520-3096
158353 Texila International Journal of Management
142220 Text & Talk
19390 Text -the Hague then Amsterdam then Berlin 0165-4888 Walter de Gruyter
59818 Text Technology 1496-0958 Humanities Communications Centre
8878 Text and Performance Quarterly 1046-2937 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
19389 Text and Talk 1860-7330 Walter de Gruyter
61650 Text&Kontext. Jahrbuch für germanistische und Literaturforschung in Skandinavien
109227 Text&Presentation
161499 Text+Kritik 0040-5329 edition text + kritik
108390 Text, Speech and Language Technology 1386-291X Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, 2005
99644 Text. Res. J
41333 Texte
754692 Texte & image (Collection) Université de Bourgogne, Centre Interlangues "Texte, Image, Langage" (TIL, EA 4182)
125887 Texte : revue de critique et de théorie littéraire 0715-8920 Trinity College ; Editions Trintexte
51196 Texte et corpus 1958-5306 LiCoRN - Groupe de recherche en lexiographie, corpus et ressources numériques
43915 Texte tiré de l'ouvrage collectif "L'Europe qui se construit" (DIR E. Dacheux), Presses Universitaires de st etienne, 2003
126160 Texte zur Kunst 0940-9459 Texte-zur-Kunst-GmbH
276230 Texte, revue de critique et de théorie littéraire
50640 Textes & Contextes Université de Bourgogne, Centre Interlangues TIL
153323 Textes & Gender
688302 Textes et Contextes 1961-991X Maison des sciences de l'homme de Dijon
67428 Textes et Genres
41928 Textes et documents pour la classe 0395-6601 SCEREN-CNDP (2002-2013), CANOPE (2014- ), INRDP (1967- )
760267 Textes et documents pour la classe
192331 Textes et documents pour la classe : la revue des enseignants
126002 Textes et documents pour la classe, La Chine des Han
67323 Textes, Images, Musique", Cahiers de "Littératures
8879 Textile 1475-9756 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8880 Textile Chemist and Colorist and American Dyestuff Reporter 1526-2847 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
8881 Textile Fibre Forum 0818-6308 Australian Forum for Textile Arts, Ltd
8882 Textile History 0040-4969 Maney Publishing
8883 Textile Industries 0040-4985 WRC Smith Publishing Co
8884 Textile Industries (Atlanta, Ga. : 2001) 1542-054X Billian Publishing Inc
8885 Textile Museum Journal 0083-7407 Textile Museum
19391 Textile Progress 0040-5167 Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
8886 Textile Research Journal 0040-5175 SAGE Publications
770481 Textile Research Journal 1746-7748
791842 Textile Research Journal
91920 Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings
8887 Textile World 0040-5213 Maclean Hunter Publishing Co
179429 Textile. Cloth and Culture
175140 Textiles 2673-7248 MDPI
171159 Textimage
412953 Textimage : revue d'étude du dialogue text-image 1954-3840
132904 Textimage : revue d'étude du dialogue texte-image 1954-3840 Lyon : Textimage
30846 Textkonnektoren/CAMBOURIAN A
973252 Texto ! Textes & Cultures 1773-0120 François Rastier
2421 Texto ! Textes et Cultures 1773-0120 Institut Ferdinand de Saussure
121989 Texto Digital 1807-9288 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
430786 Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia 1983-3652 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
182870 Texto poetico
433550 Texto! 1773-0120 l'Institut Ferdinand de Saussure . Programme Sémantique des textes
129353 Textos Antropológicos 1025-3181 Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz
28804 Textos de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura 1133-9829 Grao
37180 Textos de historia
685453 Textos e pretextos
169465 Textos en Proceso
91403 Textos escolhidos de cultura e artes populares
626459 Textos y contextos desde el sur
161856 Textos, documentos de historia y teoria Universidad Nacional de Colombia
52227 Texts in Logic and Games
32784 Texts, Documents and Artefacts : Islamic Studies in Honour of Donald S. Richards
32357 Texts, Documents and Artefacts. Islamic Studies in Honour of D. S. Richards
750998 Textual & Visual Media 1889-2515 Sociedad Española de Periodística (SEP)
127676 Textual & visual media 1889-2515 Sociedad Española de Periodística (SEP)
8888 Textual Cultures 1559-2936 Indiana University Press
8889 Textual Practice 0950-236X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
89907 Textual and Visual Media
127149 Textuel 0766-4451 Hermann
155189 Textuel
121415 Textuel, nouvelle série
86572 Textuel. Lectures de l'art contemporain
301322 Textuel. Revue de l'U.F.R. « Science des textes et documents », Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot,
125157 Textura 2358-0801 Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA)
124842 Textura - Canoas
180342 Textura. Revista de Educação e Letras
180133 Textures Laboratoire LCE
388676 Textures 1253-5044 Université de Lyon
34494 Textures : cahiers du CEMIA 1253-5044 Université Lumière-Lyon 2
19392 Textures and Microstructures 0730-3300 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
171471 Textus
162322 Textus & Musica 2740-6563 Université de Poitiers
40715 Textus (Studies in Italy) 1824-3967 Tilgher Genova
48486 Textyles 0776-0116 Bruxelles: Le Cri édition
87334 Th. Prob. Appl
137172 Thai Journal of Mathematics 1686-0209 Mathematical Association of Thailand
19393 Thalamus and Related Systems 1472-9288 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
137282 Thalassas 0212-5919 Universidade de Vigo
51626 Thalassas
763801 Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences 2366-1674
158564 Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
176124 Thalassia Jugoslavica
180820 Thalassia Salentina 0563-3745 Università del Salento
40716 Thamyris /Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race 1381-1312 Rodopi
126806 Thanat'Os MSHA Ausonius Éditions
158442 Thanatologie
31438 Thasos, actes du colloque international, 26-29.09.1995
885792 Thauma
855509 Thaumàzein | Rivista di Filosofia 2284-2918
133325 Thaêtre 2678-8373 Association thaêtre
440488 Thaêtre 2678-8373 Thaêtre
103500 The Electronic Bulletin of The European Court of Arbitration European Court of Arbitrage
52434 The 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2008)
75494 The 11th International Conference on Telecommunications
75496 The 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery
89288 The 13th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng)
82963 The 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2012)
77161 The 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC)
160207 The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2020) Springer
88342 The 21st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'09)
177735 The 24th International Symposium On Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications -WPMC2021
29317 The 25th Conference of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (IWPLMS), Brisbane (Australie), 21-24 july
159577 The 27th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 1522-4880 IEEE
68786 The 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT)
76887 The 34th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - "Engineering Innovation in Global Health
544569 The 5th 4th International Conference Rural space and local development, The Regeneration of the Rural Space
36563 The 5th IEEE International conference on advanced learning Technologies, Kaohsiung. Taiwan
29599 The 6th ESA (European Sociological Association) : "Ageing Societies, New Sociology", Murcia (Spain), 23-26 september 2003
69140 The 7th IEEE 2011 World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2011), Washington DC,USA, July 2011
80526 The 8th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet based systems
26595 The 8th Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture Caituan faren zhongguo yinshi wenhua jijinhui
69142 The 9th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2011), Washington DC,USA, July 2011
2556 The AA Journal Architectural Association School of Architecture
130844 The AAG Review of Books
2592 The ACLS Newsletter 0001-074X Richmond, American Council of Learned Societies
620764 The ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 2375-4699 Imed Zitouni
145173 The ANZIAM Journal 1446-1811 Cambridge University Press
47324 The ASHA Leader (American Speech and Hearing Association)
148085 The Academic Research Community Publication 2537-0162 IEREK Press
65715 The Academy of Management Annals
96482 The Academy of Management Learning and Education
122633 The Accounting Historians Joumal
100814 The Accounting Review
110898 The Adam Smith Review 1743-5285 Routledge
2610 The Adelphia Law Journal 8756-3630 Delta Theta Pi Law Fraternity
2658 The Advocate (Vancouver, B.C.) 0044-6416 Vancouver Bar Association
153541 The Adyar Library Bulletin 0001-902X The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Chennai
38043 The Aeronautical Journal
94636 The Aesthetics of the Total Artwork
88846 The African Review of Physics
36699 The Age of Alternative Logics
2728 The Air Force law review 0094-8381 Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
22767 The Alabama nurse 0002-4317
625029 The Alasdair Gray Archive
38219 The Alchemist 0384-8523 ChemWeb Inc
19396 The Alkaloids Chemistry and Biology 1099-4831 Elsevier
82743 The Amazigh Voice
179980 The American Academy of Osteopathy Journal
71745 The American Economic Review
2811 The American Federationist 0002-8428
19398 The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 1540-5079 JSTOR
131405 The American Journal of Case Reports
2846 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 0002-9165 Oxford University Press
68556 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
151255 The American Journal of Comparative Law
19400 The American Journal of Gastroenterology 0002-9270 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
145596 The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry