Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
1305 JBC Papers in Press d000-1005 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
166509 JBI Evidence Synthesis Wolters Kluwer
43087 JBIC
786529 JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques 2160-2204
149918 JBMR Plus 2473-4039 The american society for bone and mineral research
96634 JBO
117090 JBR Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research 2376-0311 Omics Publishing Group
21800 JBR-BTR : organe de la Société royale belge de radiologie (SRBR) = orgaan van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Radiologie (KBVR) 0302-7430
39523 JCAH perspectives. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals 0277-8327 Joint Commission Resources
27179 JCAP
67582 JCAP04(2009)011
25849 JCAS Symposium series
100665 JCAT
75501 JCDL 2010 : ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
665237 JCEM Case Reports 2755-1520
143048 JCEN
884633 JCEP, Site de la Chaire Eugène Pierre
54748 JCGE 2008
121633 JCI Insight 2379-3708 American Society for Clinical Investigation
173533 JCIS Open 2666-934X
56058 JCISE
5762 JCK's High Volume Jeweler 1533-3035 Reed Business Information
352563 JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
158228 JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2473-4276 ASCO
170714 JCO Global Oncology American Society of Clinical Oncology
696678 JCO Oncology Practice 2688-1535
167324 JCO Oncology Practice 2688-1527
605427 JCO global oncology 2687-8941
879192 JCO oncology practice / JCO Oncol Pract 2688-1535 Alexandria, Va. : American Society of Clinical Oncology, [2020]
158712 JCO precision oncology 2473-4284 American Society of Clinical Oncology
39581 JCOM 1079-6533 Turner White Communications
1306 JCOM : Journal of Science Communication 1824-2049 SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
867556 JCP Lexisnexis
861528 JCP G
862663 JCP G
97409 JCPA
63254 JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 1076-1608 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
14970 JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 1076-1608 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
130587 JCSM Rapid Communications 2617-1619 Wiley
97957 JCSM/Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
5763 JCT 1057-896X Corporation for Curriculum Research
14971 JDDG 1610-0379 Wiley-Blackwell
144673 JDE, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 1084-9467
182720 JDH SHS UHA 2825-6204 Université de Haute-Alsace
178209 JDH UHA
862690 JDI (Clunet)
57708 JDI : journal des instituteurs et des professeurs des écoles
113633 JDR Clinical & Translational Research 2380-0844 International Association of Dental Research
144686 JDR, Journal of Disaster Research 1881-2473
164002 JDS Communications 2666-9102 American Dairy Science Association
139720 JDS Experts
54052 JDS Journal of Decision Systems
107405 JE-LKS:Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society 1826-6223 Roma : Società italiana di e-learning
522400 JEADV Clinical Practice 2768-6566
49839 JEC Composites Magazine 2678-7024 JEC Group
145710 JECS
104243 JEDAI - Journal électronique d'intelligence artificielle AFIA
101319 JEFKLAK
170189 JEM - Juriste d'entreprise magazine 2274-0104 Association française des juristes d'entreprise [2008-....]
61136 JEMBE
144497 JEMS, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 1058-6407
143618 JEOL 0075-2118 Dutch Ancient Near Eastern Society “Ex Oriente Lux”
42725 JEOL NEWS Magazine JEOL
57506 JEP 2006
57509 JEP 2008
766866 JEPS
81167 JEPT Letters
115398 JESA
172351 JESHO
119875 JET - International Journal of electronics and telecommunications
141439 JET - Le Bulletin d'EPITER Journal Epidemiologie Terrain / BRISE LE BULLETIN DE RISE
76120 JET 2012
156574 JET. Journal Epidémiologie Terrain 1254-8472
53067 JETP
124625 JETP Lett
14973 JETP Letters 0021-3640 Springer Verlag
124977 JETP Letters
396499 JEYNITAARE. Revue panafricaine de linguistique pour le développement
144371 JFEI, Journal of Family and Economic Issues 1058-0476
150378 JFIM
93312 JFPDA
100639 JFR
160767 JGH Open 2397-9070
144747 JGSMS, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 2163-9159
145280 JHEAp
976365 JHEP
160764 JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology Elsevier
89676 JIAS, Journal of Information Assurance and Security
100961 JICPR
176924 JID Innovations 2667-0267 Elsevier on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology
88648 JIDM SBC
177941 JIES- Communications dans les Actes
168384 JIL Journal of Legal Depth Research 2414-7931 JIL Scientific Research Center
174944 JIL Journal of Legal Depth Research
45882 JIL Report
584137 JILA'99 - Actes des Journées Internationales de Linguistique Appliquée Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
151214 JIM : Journal Intime du Massif central 1632-2312 Bleu autour
101606 JIM Journal of international Mobility, Moving for education, training and research 2296-5165 Peter Lang