Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
60484 Physics and Modelling, N. Swaminathan and K.N.C. Bray (Eds) Cambridge University Press
127959 Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices Xxi
44897 Physics of Fluid
324525 Physics of Fluids
223982 Physics of Life Reviews
147019 Physics of Life Reviews 1873-1457
148925 Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures
75175 Physics of Particles and Nuclei
78390 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letter
545718 Physics of Plasmas
47029 Physics of Vibrations
340687 Physics of fluids 1089-7666
120136 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
63503 Physicsl Review B
87489 Physik Journal
56072 Physika scripta
83471 Physioacta
72097 Physiogéo
146402 Physiol Genomics
88849 Physiol Rep
42373 Physiol. Biochemical. Zool
28375 Physiol. Res
99545 Physiol. Vég
984535 Physiologia 2673-9488
144191 Physiological Entomology
527633 Physiological Genomics 1531-2267
107473 Physiological Reports
166724 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
138943 Physiological genomics
98572 Physiology (Bethesda, Md.)
100465 Physiology News
157549 Physiology and Biochemistry of Food Components
177383 Physiotherapy research international 1471-2865
25227 Physique Revue B
176473 Physique énergétique
171951 Physis
127564 Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva
98345 PhytoChem & BioSub Journal 2170-1768
714562 PhytoFrontiers
140465 Phytochem. Review
135122 Phytochemistry
153186 Phytochemistry Letters 1874-3900
47163 Phytochemistry Research Progress
83929 Phytokeys
156057 Phytomagazine
101018 Phytomedicine / Phytomedicine (Jena)
102561 Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology 1618-095X
99546 Phytomorphology
173858 Phytotherapy Research
31932 Phytotherapy research : PTR
151997 Phytothérapie
165823 Phänomenologie 1027-5657
173582 Pianiste
90809 Piccola Impresa/Small Business
172960 Picenum Seraphicum. Rivista di studi storici e francescani
99489 Pico
30463 Picouët M., Sghaier M., Genin D., Abaab A., Guillaume H., Elloumi M. (éds.), Environnement et sociétés rurales en mutation, Approches alternatives, coll. Latitude 23
121971 Picturing Meteorology
92351 Picus
42784 Picus Verlag Wien
181264 Pie VI ou l’Eglise aux défis de la modernité, Revue drômoise. Archéologie, histoire, géographie
711267 Pie de Página. Revista literaria de creación y crítica
118572 Pied-à-terre
135496 Pied-à-terre (Artistic Strategies in the United Kingdom 1945-2010), revue bilingue de One Piece at a Time
417843 Piedra de Agua 2789-004X
181889 Pierozak I. (dir.), Du « terrain » à la relation : expériences de l’internet et questionnements méthodologiques, Cahiers de sociolinguistique, E.M.E
53568 Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis , H. Hecht ed., Berlin Verlag
31491 Pierre PICHARD & François LAGIRARDE éd., The Buddhist Monastery. A cross-cultural Survey
35132 Pierre Téqui , Paris
60735 Pierre actual
60729 Pierreactual
82335 Pierres et Terres
58173 Pigment Cell Melanoma Res
93991 Pigment Cell Melanoma Research
99854 Pigment Cell Res
96956 Pigment Cell Research / Sponsored by the European Society for Pigment Cell Research and the International Pigment Cell Society
94190 Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research
137506 Pignon sur rue
25967 Pilipinas
60709 Pinturas y Acabados Industriales
72122 Pioneer Journal of Algebra Number Theory and its Applications
102555 Pioneer Journal of Mathematical Physics and its Applications
162463 Pipeline Science and Technology
70972 Piper
34953 Pirineus i veïns al 3r mil.leni AC. De la fi del Neolitic a l'edat del Bronze entre l'Ebre i la Garona. Homenatge al Prof. Dr. Domènec Campillo. XII Col.loqui Internacional d'Arqueologia de Puigcerdà, novembre 2000
79538 Pis'ma ZhTF
32438 Pisa e il Mediterraneo. Uomini, merci, idee degli Etruschi ai Medici
32458 Pise, Scuola Normale Superiore
119210 Pisma V Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki
853525 Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz
123669 Pis’mennye Pamiatniki Vosktoka (Monuments écrits de l’Orient)
182300 Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva 2306-2908
33046 Pitture paleolitiche nelle Prealpi venete : grotta di Fumane e riparo Dalmeri
115059 Pituitary
743488 Pitágoras 500 2237-387X
437105 Place
587441 Place au sens 1627-2315
579800 Place aux sens
160711 Place de la Sorbonne
383358 Place de la Sorbonne 2258-8159