Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
773644 Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology 1876-1631
773654 Seminars in Immunopathology 1863-2300
773670 Meteoritics & Planetary Science
773706 RSC Applied Polymers 2755-371X
773781 Doce Calles
774593 Revista Lengua y Literatura 2707-0107
774678 Fabrizio Serra editore
774614 Les Tisons 2756-7532
774660 Les cahiers du cinéma n° 789
774658 Collège de France 1530
774656 Blink Blank, 2
774675 Sabzian
774946 Chroniques chalonnaises, n° 91, publication de la Société d'Histoire et d'Archélogie de Chalon-sur-Saône
774947 Portraits
774775 Lingua e Stile. Rivista di storia della lingua italiana 0024-385X Il Mulino
774870 Les éléments et produits du corps humain
774878 Lutter contre le terrorisme aujourd'hui
774907 Total Environment Advances 2950-3957
774857 RESEAUX, « Télévision : états des lieux »
774951 Le Chassis 2553-1158
775254 arts-vivants-departements
775260 Dissertations Abstracts: international abstracts of dissertation available in microfilm or as xerographic reproductions
775304 Le Média en ligne de l'Observatoire des politiques culturelles
775246 Dictionnaire encyclopédique Joly Sociétés
775248 Rev. sociétés
775235 Théâtre(s), Le magazine de la vie théâtrale
775231 Répertoire Droit International
775237 Revue des sociétés
776098 Boletim de filologia 2592-656X
776306 Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani
776381 Rev. Franç. Corps Gras
776459 Les Ateliers des rencontres philosophiques de Monaco
776473 Chinese perspectives
776780 Intel'actuel : revue de lettres et sciences humaines 1729-7117 Université de Dschang
776787 Degrés, Revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique 0376-8163 Helbo, André. Directeur de publication
776820 Iberoamericana Revista 0388-1237 Sophia University
776857 Café de las ciudades
776807 G20 insights
777596 Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
777652 Jianbo yanjiu 簡帛研究
777631 The Mekong Eye Internews
777654 Drugs
778129 Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 1934-5747
778281 Pediatric Radiology 1432-1998
778278 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 1521-0626
778286 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 1537-6532
778207 Arqueología 1853-8126 Universidad de Buenos Aires
778162 B@belonline Roma Tre Press
778202 Revista Saqsaywaman
778216 La Viste éditions du CTHS
779103 LAUTECH j=Journal of Engineering and Technology Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria
779127 The Mouth: Critical Studies on Language, Culture and Society
779114 Quaderni di Diritto delle successioni e della famiglia
779146 The Journal of Energy and Development SSRN
779132 immunology and infectious diseases Horizon Research
779133 Europe 0014-2751 Revue Europe
779277 Swiss Medical Weekly 1424-3997
779693 Les Dossiers de l'Institut régional d'éducation ouvrière 2678-3428
779684 Annali. Sezione germanica 1124-3724 UniorPress
779748 Deleuze and Guattari Studies 2398-9777 Edinburgh University Press
779700 Rock Mechanics Bulletin 2773-2304
779742 Лаканалия 2312-5071
780073 Curso de Derecho Internacional (Organisation des Etats Américains, OEA)
780177 Pázmány Papers, Journal of Languages and Cultures 3004-1279 Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest)
780078 The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
777768 ACS Sustainable Resource Management 2837-1445
777002 Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research 0971-4456
780792 Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching 1732-1220 University of Gdańsk
780839 Menoufia Journal of Electronic Engineering Research 2682-3535 Faculty of Electronic Engineering – Menoufia University
780889 Hydrobiologia 1573-5117
780781 jus civile 2421-2563 Giappichelli
780854 J Clin Endocrinol Metab 0021-972x
780860 Med Teach 0142-159x
781863 Environmental Sustainability 2523-8922 Springer
781602 International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
781609 Meória ABRACE
782688 The geographical Bulletin 2163-5900 Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
782640 Telemática 1729-3804 Havana University of Technology "José Antonio Echeverría", CUJAE
783449 From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations 2194-1009 Springer Cham
783369 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering IEEE
783361 International Journal Caderno Virtual de Turismo 1677-6976 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
783194 Medical & biological engineering & computing 1741-0444
783417 Studies in Victorian Architecture & Design
783427 Territoires du social
783219 Novecento 2283-6837
783192 IRBM News 1959-7568
784010 litikum, Journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable 2064-3640 University of Budapest
784000 MEI "Médiation et information 1252-0993 L'Harmattan
783965 Journal of Contemporary Management Issues,
784180 Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology 1748-3115
783960 Journal of Contemporary Management Issues
784013 Etudes créoles. Le créole dans l’école : paroles nomades L'Harmattan
784042 communication CNRS INC
784444 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 1365-2036
784751 polisMOBILITY Magazin
784703 Monuments vaudois
785305 International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence 2653-6226 Scilight Press