Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
181002 Foundations of Physics
181004 Experimental Biology 1563-0218 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
181005 Atlas historique d'Alsace
181006 L’Histoire
181007 Annales d’Ars
181008 Journal of Research in Open, Distance and eLearning 2522-6134
181013 New School Economic Review 2377-2832
181014 Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Journal of Research Institute
181015 Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology 2515-2084
181016 Družboslovne razprave 0352-3608
181017 Etudes Balkaniques 2102-5525
181022 Asian Journal of Advances in Research MB International Media and Publishing House
181023 Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular 2253-654X
181026 Seismic Instruments 0747-9239
181030 Machine Learning Technical Reports Machine Learning Lab. at Koya University, Iraq
181034 Cahiers de Mariemont 0776-1317 Musée royal de Mariemont
181036 Revue de l’Histoire de l’Eglise de France
181037 Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 1569-2124 Brill
181038 Prédication et prédicateurs, XIXe – XXe siècles, Revue des sciences religieuses
181053 History and Technology
181057 مجلة المحكمة العليا [Revue de la Cour suprême] Cour suprême (Algérie)
181058 Warsa
181059 2017 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC)
181061 I-TEC (Innovation, Technologies, Education et Communication)
181062 ԳԼՈԲՈՒՍ,12 (45),19-25
181065 South African Journal of Education 0256-0100
181066 Revista Chilena de Relaciones Internacionales 0719-8256
181067 Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas 0717-036X
181068 Revista Estudios Hemisféricos y Polares 0718-9230
181069 Historia y Política: Ideas, Procesos y Movimientos Sociales 1989-063X
181074 ABside. Rivista di Storia dell’Arte 2704-8837
181076 Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation 2283-7949 globus et locus
181077 Revue Perspectives
181078 Strategica
181080 Oxidation Communications 0209-4541 Scientific Bulgarian Communications
181081 International Journal of Competitive Intelligence, Strategic, Scientific and Technology Watch ( SCI&WATCH ) 2013-0880 Catalan Society for Research in Competitive Intelligence (SCRIC)
181082 Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature
181084 Education et socialisation
181085 Tête-à-tête
181086 Hernia 1248-9204
181087 Les Cahiers de l'IFIP
181092 Third World Quarterly
181093 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
181100 Economia, Aziende e Sviluppo 1971-1964 Cacussi Editore
181113 J. of Korea Society of Waste Management
181114 LIMITS Workshop on Computing within Limits
181116 Korean Journal of Hazardous Materials