Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
431200 Review of Computer Engineering Studies 2369-0755
488416 Review of Croatian History 1845-4380 Hrvatski institut za povijest
162249 Review of Current Business Issues 1882-7357 Yamanashi gakuin
116339 Review of Development Economics
82041 Review of Development Finance
116222 Review of Economic Design
164944 Review of Economic Perspectives
144760 Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527
53437 Review of Economic and Business Studies
176466 Review of Economics and Finance REFPRESS
91985 Review of Economics and Institutions
120147 Review of Economics of the Household
87913 Review of Environment, Energy and Economics
313559 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816
649031 Review of European Administrative Law - REALaw
365350 Review of European New Markets
95272 Review of European Studies
132506 Review of European Studies 1918-7181 Canadian Center of Science and Education
937603 Review of Finance
132385 Review of Financial Economics
176366 Review of Financial Economics
100745 Review of Financial Studies / The Review of Financial Studies
103619 Review of Financial Studies, The
111165 Review of Income and Wealth
45950 Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs
143075 Review of Industrial Organization
87278 Review of Institution and Economics
130480 Review of International Economics
103806 Review of International Economics 1467-9396
577717 Review of International Political Economy 1466-4526
109851 Review of Keynesian Economics
848003 Review of Law & Economics 2194-6000
560824 Review of Law &mathsemicolon Economics
102353 Review of Management Innovation & Creativity 1934-6743 Intellectbase International Consortium
59665 Review of Marketing Research
52719 Review of Mathematical Physics
58798 Review of Middle East Studies
282617 Review of Military History Université de Bucarest
143083 Review of Network Economics
380952 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
172833 Review of Paleobotany and Palynology
152594 Review of Political Economy
618976 Review of Public Economics
169180 Review of Radical Political Economics
919540 Review of Religion and Chinese Society
753917 Review of Science, Mathematics & ICT Education 1792-3999 Laboratory of Didactics of Sciences, Mathematics and ICT, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
168956 Review of Scientific Instrument
178903 Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies
107419 Review of World Economics
120151 Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
144716 Review of business 0034-6454
84250 Review of business and economic literature
687268 Review of disability studies 1552-9215 University of Hawaii, Manoa
89617 Review of economics studies
69694 Review of futures markets
81299 Review of international comparative management
147874 Review of modern and contemporary France
126370 Review of psychology 1330-6812 Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap
148107 Review of the Air Force Academy 1842-9238
75748 Review of the Center for Applied Ethics (Ouyou Ronri) Hokkaido University Press
82625 Review of the Guernsey Society
73946 Review of the Research institute on religious cultures, Peking University
64370 Review on Advanced Materials Science (RAMS)
93142 Reviews & Critical Commentary
95570 Reviews and Critical Commentary
55503 Reviews in Antrhopology
412682 Reviews in Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
167102 Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 1469-9036
649810 Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
28960 Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry
119128 Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology
574059 Reviews in Science, Religion and Theology 1385-3473 Published by European Society for the Study of Science and Theology; International Society for Science and Religion
80048 Reviews in conservation
422784 Reviews of Infectious Diseases
363929 Reviews of the Enoch Seminar
107360 Reviews on environmental health
85159 Revija za Sociologiju
29634 Revirescunt chartae, codices, documenta, textus. Miscelleana investigationum medioevalium in honorem Caesaris Cenci OFM collecta
519762 Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada 1699-6569 Nebrija Universidad
51120 Revista (Con)textos Lingüísticos
159613 Revista 180 0718-2309
653056 Revista 2i 2184-7010 Uminho
50634 Revista A.T.M
128642 Revista ALCONPAT
72562 Revista ALFA, UNESP, Brésil
185768 Revista ARS Historica (Rio)
79161 Revista ATM
923268 Revista AUS 0718-7262
88906 Revista Abaco
112539 Revista Abril 1984-2090
444425 Revista Abril 1984-2090 Núcleo de Estudos de Literatura Portuguesa e Africana da Universidade Federal Fluminense
94222 Revista AdVerbum
586140 Revista Administração em Diálogo - RAD 2178-0080
148242 Revista Afro-Ásia 0002-0591 Universidade Federal da Bahia
105490 Revista Agora 1989-7200 Universidad de Valladolid
510691 Revista Agroecología 1989-4686
143540 Revista Agua y Territorio 2340-8472 Universidad de Jaén
158162 Revista Agustiniana 0211-612X Padres Agustinos, Madrid
126406 Revista Al Margen 1657-7310 Bernardo Correa
111995 Revista Aleph, Publicación literaria y de pensamiento, Manizales (Colombia) 0120-0216 Carlos-Enrique Ruiz