Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
62811 Transformative Works and Cultures Organization for Transformative Works
19705 Transforming Anthropology 1051-0559 American Anthropological Association
40767 Transforming Cultures eJournal UTS ePress
33213 Transforming Political Leadership in Local Government
40768 Transforming government : people, process and policy 1750-6166 Emerald Publishing Limited
73596 Transfuge 1765-3827 Transfuge
133544 Transfuge. Hors-série 1779-2223 Transfuge
27404 Transfus Med Rev
19706 Transfusion 0041-1132 Wiley
19707 Transfusion Alternatives in Transfusion Medicine 1295-9022 Wiley
19709 Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 1246-7820 Elsevier
19710 Transfusion Medicine 0958-7578 Wiley
19712 Transfusion Medicine Reviews 0887-7963 WB Saunders
19711 Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 1660-3796 Karger
19713 Transfusion Science 0955-3886 Elsevier
19708 Transfusion and Apheresis Science 1473-0502 Elsevier
245579 Transfusion and Apheresis Science
150470 Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis
621785 Transfusion medicine reviews 1532-9496
178832 Transgender Health 2688-4887
155897 Transgenic Plant Journal 1749-0413
114185 Transgenic Res
19714 Transgenic Research 0962-8819 Springer Verlag
159826 Transgenic Research 0962-8819
105048 Transgenic research 1573-9368
40769 Transgenics 1023-6171 Old City Publishing
165793 Transhumances
384036 Transient Name Server AstroNote 2022-135
811358 Transient Name Server AstroNote 2024-46
132915 Transilvania 0935-9052 Hilke
130826 Transinformacao
2449 Transit 1551-9627 University of California
175863 Transit 0938-2062
34648 Transit, Europaïsche Revue (Frankfurt) Neue Kritik
19715 Transition 0041-1191 Indiana University Press
8976 Transition (Melbourne, Aust.) 0157-7344 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
176644 Transition La Flamme 1162-2768 Fédération française de crémation
19716 Transition Metal Chemistry 0340-4285 Springer Verlag
19717 Transition Studies Review 1614-4007 Springer Verlag
127408 Transition digitale & médiations numériques dans les institutions sociales et médico-sociales CREAI Paca & Corse
49307 Transition et Société
506180 Transition et perspectives 1111-4800 INESG
65347 Transitional Waters Bulletin Coordinamento SIBA
129440 Transitions 0779-3812 CEVIPOL Université libre de Bruxelles
118831 Transitions 0779-3812
178260 Transitions
41787 Transitions (Bruxelles-Genève)
41039 Transitions ( Transitions
66050 Transitions Studies Review
32849 Transitions et rapports à l'espace
42024 Transitions et sociétés
47786 Transitions, Revue des pays de l'Est
171274 Transitions. Les nouvelles Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 2801-359X École des Ponts ParisTech et Presses des Ponts
126995 Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies Colorado College
979863 Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration 2397-7140 Intellect
147196 Transl Lung Cancer Res
158903 Transl Res
150460 Transl. Cancer Res
773697 Translat Library 2604-7438 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades
80849 Translated World Seismology
176880 Translating constrained literature / Traduire la littérature à contrainte
131386 Translation (Austin, Tex.)
2450 Translation Journal 1536-7207 Accurapid, NY
176102 Translation Quarterly 1027-8559 The Hong Kong Translation Society
88856 Translation Spaces 2211-3711 John Benjamins
88093 Translation Studies
40771 Translation Studies Bibliography John Benjamins BV
113991 Translation Studies in the new Millennium 1304-2688 Bilkent University
531328 Translation Studies: Theory and Practice YSU
729706 Translation Studies: Theory and Practice 2738-2699 Presses universitaire de l'Université d'Etat d'Erevan
142762 Translation a transdisciplinary revue 9788897931959 Eurilink University Press
106842 Translation and Interpreting Studies 1876-2700
40770 Translation and Literature 0968-1361 Edinburgh University Press
171623 Translation and Literature 0968-1361
83964 Translation of the american mathematical society
835940 Translation studies : Theory and practice 2738-2826
765364 Translation studies, theory and practice 2738-2699 Presses universitaire de l'Université d'Etat d'Erevan
112541 Translational Andrology and Urology 2223-4683 AME Publishing Company
139835 Translational Animal Science
797354 Translational Animal Science 2573-2102 Oxford Academic
158191 Translational Biophotonics Wiley
950627 Translational Breast Cancer Research 2218-6778
111986 Translational Cancer Research 2218-676X AME Group
125070 Translational Cancer Research
47565 Translational Control in Prokaryotes (ouvrage)
127880 Translational Gastroenterology and Hepatology AME Publishing Company
138992 Translational Lung Cancer Research 2218-6751 AME Publishing Company
112579 Translational Medicine 2161-1025 Omics Publishing Group
125555 Translational Neurodegeneration 2047-9158 [London] : BioMed Central, 2012
174782 Translational Neuroscience 2081-3856 De Gruyter
117870 Translational Oncology 1944-7124 Elsevier
109805 Translational Psychiatry 2158-3188 Nature Pub. Group
100014 Translational Research
109867 Translational Research in Biomedicine 1662-405X Karger
630208 Translational Research in Veterinary Science 2657-4489
19718 Translational Research, The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 1931-5244 Elsevier
411185 Translational Sports Medicine 2573-8488
236330 Translational Vision Science and Technology 2164-2591
130737 Translational medicine @ UniSa 2239-9747 University of Salerno
149936 Translational stroke research 1868-601X
159120 Translational stroke research./Transl Stroke Res 1868-4483 New York : Springer
89586 Translational vision science & technology Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
139172 Translationes 2067-2705 Editura Universităţii de Vest Timişoara
170704 Transletters International Journal of Translation an Interpreting 2605-2954 Universidad de Cordoba
164318 Translingual Discourse in Ethnomusicology 2312-2528 Universität Wien
355114 Translittérature 1148-1048 ATLF
490459 Translocal Chinese: East Asian perspectives Brill
137896 Translocations. Ikonographie: A collection of commented image sources on cultural heritage relocations since antiquity
116143 Translocations: Migration and Social Change
148291 Transmathematica 2632-9212 OJS/PKP
508886 Transmedia Experience and Narrative Transportation
8977 Transmission and Distribution World 1087-0849 Prism Business Media
80506 Transmission/Héritage dans l'écriture de soi
104051 Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World
695178 Transmotion
95475 Transnational Corporation Review
20815 Transnational Corporations
130591 Transnational Corporations Review 1918-6444
40772 Transnational Dispute Management Maris Bv
293799 Transnational Environmental Law 2047-1025 Cambridge University press
8978 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 1058-1006 University of Iowa College of Law
8979 Transnational Lawyer 1045-8905 Mcgeorge School of Law
91865 Transnational Legal Theory 2041-4005 Taylor & Francis
130624 Transnational Literature
97173 Transnational Literature [revue en ligne]
2451 Transoxiana - Journal de Estudios Orientales d000-0910 Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Escuela de Estudios Orientales
19719 Transplant Immunology 0966-3274 Elsevier
19720 Transplant Infectious Disease 1398-2273 Wiley
19721 Transplant International 0934-0874 Frontiers Media
100477 Transplant Proceeding
80828 Transplant Res
88590 Transplant Rev (Orlando)
159550 Transplant immunology
131661 Transplant. Proc
19722 Transplantation 0041-1337 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
240398 Transplantation
130409 Transplantation Direct 2373-8731 Wolters Kluwer
167901 Transplantation Direct
19723 Transplantation Proceedings 0041-1345 Elsevier
160020 Transplantation Proceedings 0041-1345
69067 Transplantation Research 2047-1440 BioMed Central
561237 Transplantation Research Journal 2473-1730
19724 Transplantation Reviews 0955-470X WB Saunders
176857 Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 2666-6367 Elsevier
137996 Transplantation proceedings
103081 Transplantation reviews (Orlando, Fla.) 1557-9816
40773 Transplantationsmedizin 0946-9648 Pabst Science Publishers
167511 Transplantology 2673-3943 MDPI
400942 Transpontica: Revue et collection d'études littéraires et culturelles sur la Mer noire Association Transpontica
106428 Transport 1648-4142 Taylor & Francis
881940 Transport & Logistics: the International Journal 2406-1069 Technical University of Košice, University of Belgrade
143498 Transport Findings
105157 Transport ICE
19726 Transport Logistics 0929-9645 Brill Academic Publishers
19727 Transport Policy 0967-070X Elsevier
139647 Transport Problems = Problemy Transportu 1896-0596 The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport
55638 Transport Properties, Journal of Materials Science
176567 Transport Research Part D: Transport and Environment
20816 Transport Review
19728 Transport Reviews 0144-1647 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
116404 Transport Reviews
19729 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 0041-1450 Taylor & Francis
33550 Transport amphoræ and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean : acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002
91085 Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific
545898 Transport and Mixing in Geophysical Flows, Lecture Notes in Physics
455541 Transport and Telecommunication Journal 1407-6179
34972 Transport en Afrique - Mobilité urbaine. Note Technique du SSATP Worldbank
19725 Transport in Porous Media 0169-3913 Springer Verlag
173706 Transport in Porous Media 1573-1634
35264 Transport survey quality and innovation. - (Selected Proceedings)
8980 Transportation 0049-4488 Springer Verlag
330445 Transportation
234974 Transportation Engineering 2666-691X Elsevier
101600 Transportation Geotechnics 2214-3912 Elsevier
19730 Transportation Human Factors 1093-9741 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
734804 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology 2196-7202
8982 Transportation Journal 0041-1612 Penn State University Press
8983 Transportation Law Journal 0049-450X University of Denver
150650 Transportation Letters
180281 Transportation Letters: The international journal of transportation research 1942-7867
19731 Transportation Planning and Technology 0308-1060 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
115987 Transportation Planning and Technology
8984 Transportation Practitioners Journal 8756-9302 Transportation Practitioners Journal
8985 Transportation Quarterly 0278-9434 Eno Foundation Transportation, Inc
19732 Transportation Research 0041-1647 Elsevier
970345 Transportation Research - Part A: Policy and Practice 1879-2375
126340 Transportation Research : Part A, Policy and Practice
123412 Transportation Research : Part D, Transport and Environment
40774 Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board
148060 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2590-1982 Elsevier
150522 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
900225 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
133942 Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice
8987 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 0965-8564 Elsevier
8988 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 0191-2615 Elsevier
176356 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
150546 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
693477 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 1879-2367
170888 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies