Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2448 Transformations: Liberal Arts in the Digital Age 1545-9284 Associated Colleges of the South
169148 Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal
62811 Transformative Works and Cultures Organization for Transformative Works
19705 Transforming Anthropology 1051-0559 American Anthropological Association
40767 Transforming Cultures eJournal UTS ePress
33213 Transforming Political Leadership in Local Government
40768 Transforming government : people, process and policy 1750-6166 Emerald Publishing Limited
73596 Transfuge 1765-3827 Transfuge
133544 Transfuge. Hors-série 1779-2223 Transfuge
27404 Transfus Med Rev
19706 Transfusion 0041-1132 Wiley
19707 Transfusion Alternatives in Transfusion Medicine 1295-9022 Wiley
19709 Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 1246-7820 Elsevier
19710 Transfusion Medicine 0958-7578 Wiley
19712 Transfusion Medicine Reviews 0887-7963 WB Saunders
19711 Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 1660-3796 Karger
19713 Transfusion Science 0955-3886 Elsevier
19708 Transfusion and Apheresis Science 1473-0502 Elsevier
245579 Transfusion and Apheresis Science
150470 Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis
621785 Transfusion medicine reviews 1532-9496
178832 Transgender Health 2688-4887
155897 Transgenic Plant Journal 1749-0413
114185 Transgenic Res
19714 Transgenic Research 0962-8819 Springer Verlag
159826 Transgenic Research 0962-8819
105048 Transgenic research 1573-9368
40769 Transgenics 1023-6171 Old City Publishing
165793 Transhumances
384036 Transient Name Server AstroNote 2022-135
811358 Transient Name Server AstroNote 2024-46
132915 Transilvania 0935-9052 Hilke
130826 Transinformacao
2449 Transit 1551-9627 University of California
175863 Transit 0938-2062
34648 Transit, Europaïsche Revue (Frankfurt) Neue Kritik
19715 Transition 0041-1191 Indiana University Press
8976 Transition (Melbourne, Aust.) 0157-7344 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
176644 Transition La Flamme 1162-2768 Fédération française de crémation
19716 Transition Metal Chemistry 0340-4285 Springer Verlag
19717 Transition Studies Review 1614-4007 Springer Verlag
127408 Transition digitale & médiations numériques dans les institutions sociales et médico-sociales CREAI Paca & Corse
49307 Transition et Société
506180 Transition et perspectives 1111-4800 INESG
65347 Transitional Waters Bulletin Coordinamento SIBA
129440 Transitions 0779-3812 CEVIPOL Université libre de Bruxelles
118831 Transitions 0779-3812
178260 Transitions
41787 Transitions (Bruxelles-Genève)
41039 Transitions ( Transitions
66050 Transitions Studies Review
32849 Transitions et rapports à l'espace
42024 Transitions et sociétés
47786 Transitions, Revue des pays de l'Est
171274 Transitions. Les nouvelles Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 2801-359X École des Ponts ParisTech et Presses des Ponts
126995 Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies Colorado College
979863 Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration 2397-7140 Intellect
147196 Transl Lung Cancer Res
158903 Transl Res
150460 Transl. Cancer Res
773697 Translat Library 2604-7438 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades
80849 Translated World Seismology
176880 Translating constrained literature / Traduire la littérature à contrainte
131386 Translation (Austin, Tex.)
2450 Translation Journal 1536-7207 Accurapid, NY
176102 Translation Quarterly 1027-8559 The Hong Kong Translation Society
88856 Translation Spaces 2211-3711 John Benjamins
88093 Translation Studies
40771 Translation Studies Bibliography John Benjamins BV
113991 Translation Studies in the new Millennium 1304-2688 Bilkent University
531328 Translation Studies: Theory and Practice YSU
729706 Translation Studies: Theory and Practice 2738-2699 Presses universitaire de l'Université d'Etat d'Erevan
142762 Translation a transdisciplinary revue 9788897931959 Eurilink University Press
106842 Translation and Interpreting Studies 1876-2700
40770 Translation and Literature 0968-1361 Edinburgh University Press
171623 Translation and Literature 0968-1361
83964 Translation of the american mathematical society
835940 Translation studies : Theory and practice 2738-2826
765364 Translation studies, theory and practice 2738-2699 Presses universitaire de l'Université d'Etat d'Erevan
112541 Translational Andrology and Urology 2223-4683 AME Publishing Company
139835 Translational Animal Science
797354 Translational Animal Science 2573-2102 Oxford Academic
158191 Translational Biophotonics Wiley
950627 Translational Breast Cancer Research 2218-6778
111986 Translational Cancer Research 2218-676X AME Group
125070 Translational Cancer Research
47565 Translational Control in Prokaryotes (ouvrage)
127880 Translational Gastroenterology and Hepatology AME Publishing Company
138992 Translational Lung Cancer Research 2218-6751 AME Publishing Company
112579 Translational Medicine 2161-1025 Omics Publishing Group
125555 Translational Neurodegeneration 2047-9158 [London] : BioMed Central, 2012
174782 Translational Neuroscience 2081-3856 De Gruyter
117870 Translational Oncology 1944-7124 Elsevier
109805 Translational Psychiatry 2158-3188 Nature Pub. Group
100014 Translational Research
109867 Translational Research in Biomedicine 1662-405X Karger
630208 Translational Research in Veterinary Science 2657-4489
19718 Translational Research, The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 1931-5244 Elsevier
411185 Translational Sports Medicine 2573-8488
236330 Translational Vision Science and Technology 2164-2591
130737 Translational medicine @ UniSa 2239-9747 University of Salerno
149936 Translational stroke research 1868-601X
159120 Translational stroke research./Transl Stroke Res 1868-4483 New York : Springer
89586 Translational vision science & technology Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
139172 Translationes 2067-2705 Editura Universităţii de Vest Timişoara
170704 Transletters International Journal of Translation an Interpreting 2605-2954 Universidad de Cordoba
164318 Translingual Discourse in Ethnomusicology 2312-2528 Universität Wien
355114 Translittérature 1148-1048 ATLF
490459 Translocal Chinese: East Asian perspectives Brill
137896 Translocations. Ikonographie: A collection of commented image sources on cultural heritage relocations since antiquity
116143 Translocations: Migration and Social Change
148291 Transmathematica 2632-9212 OJS/PKP
508886 Transmedia Experience and Narrative Transportation
8977 Transmission and Distribution World 1087-0849 Prism Business Media
80506 Transmission/Héritage dans l'écriture de soi
104051 Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World
695178 Transmotion
95475 Transnational Corporation Review
20815 Transnational Corporations
130591 Transnational Corporations Review 1918-6444
40772 Transnational Dispute Management Maris Bv
293799 Transnational Environmental Law 2047-1025 Cambridge University press
8978 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 1058-1006 University of Iowa College of Law
8979 Transnational Lawyer 1045-8905 Mcgeorge School of Law
91865 Transnational Legal Theory 2041-4005 Taylor & Francis
130624 Transnational Literature
97173 Transnational Literature [revue en ligne]
2451 Transoxiana - Journal de Estudios Orientales d000-0910 Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Escuela de Estudios Orientales
19719 Transplant Immunology 0966-3274 Elsevier
19720 Transplant Infectious Disease 1398-2273 Wiley
19721 Transplant International 0934-0874 Frontiers Media
100477 Transplant Proceeding
80828 Transplant Res
88590 Transplant Rev (Orlando)
159550 Transplant immunology
131661 Transplant. Proc
19722 Transplantation 0041-1337 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
240398 Transplantation
130409 Transplantation Direct 2373-8731 Wolters Kluwer
167901 Transplantation Direct
19723 Transplantation Proceedings 0041-1345 Elsevier
160020 Transplantation Proceedings 0041-1345
69067 Transplantation Research 2047-1440 BioMed Central
561237 Transplantation Research Journal 2473-1730
19724 Transplantation Reviews 0955-470X WB Saunders
176857 Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 2666-6367 Elsevier
137996 Transplantation proceedings
103081 Transplantation reviews (Orlando, Fla.) 1557-9816
40773 Transplantationsmedizin 0946-9648 Pabst Science Publishers
167511 Transplantology 2673-3943 MDPI
400942 Transpontica: Revue et collection d'études littéraires et culturelles sur la Mer noire Association Transpontica
106428 Transport 1648-4142 Taylor & Francis
881940 Transport & Logistics: the International Journal 2406-1069 Technical University of Košice, University of Belgrade
143498 Transport Findings
105157 Transport ICE
19726 Transport Logistics 0929-9645 Brill Academic Publishers
19727 Transport Policy 0967-070X Elsevier
139647 Transport Problems = Problemy Transportu 1896-0596 The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport
55638 Transport Properties, Journal of Materials Science
176567 Transport Research Part D: Transport and Environment
20816 Transport Review
19728 Transport Reviews 0144-1647 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
116404 Transport Reviews
19729 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 0041-1450 Taylor & Francis
33550 Transport amphoræ and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean : acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002
91085 Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific
545898 Transport and Mixing in Geophysical Flows, Lecture Notes in Physics
455541 Transport and Telecommunication Journal 1407-6179
34972 Transport en Afrique - Mobilité urbaine. Note Technique du SSATP Worldbank
19725 Transport in Porous Media 0169-3913 Springer Verlag
173706 Transport in Porous Media 1573-1634
35264 Transport survey quality and innovation. - (Selected Proceedings)
8980 Transportation 0049-4488 Springer Verlag
330445 Transportation
234974 Transportation Engineering 2666-691X Elsevier
101600 Transportation Geotechnics 2214-3912 Elsevier
19730 Transportation Human Factors 1093-9741 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
734804 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology 2196-7202
8982 Transportation Journal 0041-1612 Penn State University Press
8983 Transportation Law Journal 0049-450X University of Denver
150650 Transportation Letters
180281 Transportation Letters: The international journal of transportation research 1942-7867
19731 Transportation Planning and Technology 0308-1060 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
115987 Transportation Planning and Technology
8984 Transportation Practitioners Journal 8756-9302 Transportation Practitioners Journal
8985 Transportation Quarterly 0278-9434 Eno Foundation Transportation, Inc
19732 Transportation Research 0041-1647 Elsevier
970345 Transportation Research - Part A: Policy and Practice 1879-2375
126340 Transportation Research : Part A, Policy and Practice
123412 Transportation Research : Part D, Transport and Environment
40774 Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board
148060 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2590-1982 Elsevier
150522 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
900225 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
133942 Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice
8987 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 0965-8564 Elsevier
8988 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 0191-2615 Elsevier
176356 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
150546 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological